Behavior MTSS Goals (2016-2017):

  1. All students who are identified as at high-risk in behavior will receive evidence-based tier 2 interventions. (Tier 2 Interventions)
  2. All staff will receive professional development at the end of this school year on how to implement tier 1 supports in the classroom and on the playground. (Professional Development and Classroom Procedures)
  3. Fidelity checklists will be created to monitor fidelity of tier 1,2, and 3 behavioral supports.


✓SRSS will be distributed to all teachers by Josh (10/3-10/7).

✓Behavior team will review SRSS and identify students for interventions in behavior by 10/12/16.

႐Mentors will be identified and paired with an identified high risk student. (Josh, 10/31/16)

✓All checkin/checkout daily tracking sheets and goals will be developed with teachers (Gina, 10/31/16)

✓Social skills group intervention times will be planned and discussed with teachers (Holly, 10/31/16)


႐All students identified as high risk will be participating in a tier 2 intervention (social skills group, checkin/checkout, mentoring) (Josh, Gina, Holly, 11/1/16)

႐Data for students participating in checkin/checkout will be reviewed with teacher and interventionist (Gina, 11/30/16)

႐ODR data will be reviewed by grade level PLC’s (Jerrod, 11/30/16)


႐Students who are not responding to a tier 2 intervention will have a functional behavior assessment conducted and an individualized behavior plan created. (Josh, Dustan, 12/15/16)

႐Reteaching of school rules and routines will be planned and scheduled for January. (Jerrod, 12/15/16)


႐SRSS will be distributed to all teachers by Josh (1/2/17-1/6/17).

႐Behavior team will review SRSS and determine interventions and adjustment to current interventions 1/12/17

႐All students will receive reteaching on school rules and routines (Jerrod, 1/2/17-1/6/17)


?ODR data will be reviewed by grade level PLC’s (Jerrod, 2/28/17)


?ODR data will be reviewed by grade level PLC’s (Jerrod, 3/31/17)


?SRSS will be distributed to all teachers by Josh (4/3/17-4/7/17).

႐Behavior team will review SRSS and determine interventions and adjustment to current interventions (4/14/17)

႐Staff professional development will include classroom management and playground management training (Jerrod, 4/21/16)