AA School of Architecture

Post Part 2 Supervision and Initial Assessment for the

Part 3 Examination in Architectural Practice

(Please complete form in block letters)

Attach Passport Photo Here
: / Name in Full:
Nationality: / Date of Birth:
Visa: / Are you subject to UK Border Agency visa requirements? / Yes / No / If yes - Expiry date of current visa
Awarded Part I on: / At (School):
OR ARB Part 1 exemption on:
Awarded Part 2 on: / At (School):
OR ARB Part 2exemption on:

I wish to register for Post Part 2 Supervision and, if appropriate, apply for Initial Assessment for the Part 3 Examination in Architectural Practice.

  1. Registration entitles students to supervision of their post part 2 work experience and practical training by Alastair Robertson, the AA School’s Professional Studies Advisor (PSA), for a period of two years (from date of registration). Also advice on and assessment in the AA’s Part 3 Initial Assessment examination.
  1. The supervision of post Part 2 work experience is a continuing process and typically will include quarterly tutorial reviews in the AA, arranged by appointment through Rob Sparrow the AA’s Professional practice Co-ordinator. Office visits, at the request of candidates, are also undertaken where this might be helpful. Advice and sign-off of PEDR records on a regular basis is included in the fee.
  1. All candidates wishing to register for the second part of the Part 3 Examination in Professional Practice must first fully satisfy the Part 3 Initial Assessment requirements. This assessment is carried out by the AA’s Professional Studies Advisor (PSA), Alastair Robertson under the supervision of the Chairman of the AA’s Part 3 Board of Examiners. The Chairman reviews all reports on those who are not considered by the PSA to be ready to sit the exam.
  1. Registration for Part 3 supervision and the Part 3 Examination does not infer any responsibility by the AA for student visa or work permit arrangements with the UKBA. Please talk with the Professional Practice Coordinator or the AA Registrar’s Office if you have questions on this.

I enclose payment of £250.00 for Post Part 2 Supervision, including Initial Assessment (if appropriate) and understand that this is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Tel Home: / Tel Work:
Mobile: / Email:
Signed: / Date:

Your email work and mobile number will be made available to other candidates on the course for the purpose of organising study groups) please tick here if you do not wish your details to be disclosed

You can make card payments by phone or by completing details below / Date Payment Taken (office use)
Cheques should be made payable to ‘AA School of Architecture’ and sent to: Professional Practice, AA School of Architecture, 36 Bedford Square, London W1B 3ES / Cheque
Visa / Mastercard / Credit/ debit card
Card Number / Issue Date / Expiry Date / Issue No. / Security Code
(last 3 digits)
M / M / Y / Y / M / M / Y / Y

Architectural Association School of Architecture, 34-36 Bedford Square, London, WC1B 3ES, Tel: 020 7887 4000