First 5 LA Oral Health Community Development ATTACHMENT C
Scope of Work/Progress Report Matrix
Contract Number: / 07359 / SOW Revision Date: / 6/02/09
Contract Period: / 3/01/09 – 2/28/10 / Project Length: / 2 Years (3/01/09 – 2/28/11)
Agency Name: / City of Torrance Municipal Water / Report Year and Quarter: / YR1-Q1
Project Name: / City of Torrance Municipal Water Fluoridation Facilities / Report Period: / 3/01/09-5/31/09
Type of Deliverables: *Deliverable to be kept on file/on site (subject to review during site visits) **Deliverable to be submitted upon completion (emailed to Program Officer)
Objectives and Activities / Staff Assignment / Timeline / Deliverables / Actual Date(s)
Deliverable Completed
A. By 2/15/09, City of Torrance Municipal Water will optimally fluoridate their Torrance Municipal Water System
1.Formal Initiation of Project Work
a.Formal award of grant and initiation of project
b.Staff kickoff meeting
c.Preliminary schedule
YR1-Q1: Initial staff meeting held to discuss options and methodology for proceeding with project. Initial contacts initiated with prospective implementation vendors and initial scooping meeting arranged with vendor.
Activities Status:
Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt / a. 3/01/09
b. 7/15/09
c. 8/15/09 / a. Executed contract*
b. Assignment** of staff responsibilities
c. Preliminary project schedule* for design and development of fluoridation facilities
2.Project Planning
a.Review options of project implementation
b.Contact prospective vendors and suppliers
c.Coordination with SCADA vendor
d.Draft plan for proceeding with project
YR1-Q1: General staff project scooping held to discuss options and coordination efforts.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt /
  1. 9/1/09
  2. 10/1/09
  3. 11/01/09
  4. 12/1/09
/ d. Planning brief**
3.Project Design and Specifications
a.Design drawings/sketches
b.Prepare plans, specifications and other documents for construction and installation of fluoridation facilities
c.Siting of facilities
YR1-Q1: Information reconnaissance initiated to prepare base drawings and site plans.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt /
  1. 1/15/10
  2. 2/15/10
c. 2/15/10 /
  1. Drawings/sketches*
  2. Project plans and specs*
  1. Site plan* for facilities

4.Advertise and Submit Project for Quotation
a.Prepare documents for quotations
b.Advertise project in accordance with City process. Project to be advertised in local newspaper and/or contractor clearinghouse
YR1-Q1: Awaiting preparation of drawings, plans and specifications.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt /
  1. 3/1/10
  2. 3/15/10-4/15/10
  1. Quotation documents*
  2. Bid advertisements

5.Public Notification and Education
a.Update website to include information regarding fluoridation project and benefits associated with fluoridation. The website will include benefits of optimally fluoridated water for children ages 0-5.
b.Utility bill insert notification regarding delivery of optimized fluoridated water
YR1-Q1: Information gathering being initiated for website
design and content.
For each progress report, also report on:
  • Format, content/purpose and language(s) of printed material
  • Date(s) of delivery & number of residences/ consumers delivered to.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Chuck Schaich / a. 6/1/10-
b. 12/1/10-
2/1/11 /
  1. Enhanced website**
  1. Bill insert**
  2. Delivery address roster*

6.Award of Implementation Contracts
a.Award of contract to successful equipment and installation vendor(s)
YR1-Q1: Awaiting preparation of drawings, plans and specifications.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt /
  1. 5/15/10
  1. Vendor contract(s) awarded
  2. Construction contract(s)* for project development

7.Development of Project Facilities
a.Preconstruction Meeting(s) with selected contractor(s), City project manager and other supporting City staff
b.Construction and installation of North Torrance fluoridation facilities (Well #6 and/or Well#9)
c.Construction and installation of Goldsworthy Desalter fluoridation facilities
YR1-Q1: Awaiting construction of new Well # 9 and improvements at Desalter plant.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt /
  1. 6/15/10
  1. 7/15/10-9/15/10
  1. 10/15/10-12/15/10
/ a. NA
b. Completion of North
Torrance treatment
c. Completion of Desalter
8.Permitting of Facilities: Amend CDPH Drinking Water Permit for City of Torrance Municipal Water service area.
  1. Submit water supply permit amendment application to CDPH System Engineer
  2. Coordination with CDPH; respond to CDPH requests for revisions
  3. Receive amended drinking water permit and approval from CDPH
YR1-Q1: Permit requirements being reviewed. Permit application to be submitted once drawings, plans and specifications completed.
For each progress report, also report on:
  • Content of CDPH submissions and CDPH responses. (briefly summarize)
  • Estimated date when amended water supply permit will be approved.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt /
  1. 2/1/10
  1. 2/1/10-12/1/10
  2. 1/15/11
/ a1. Initial water supply permit amendment applications** submitted to CDPH
a2. CDPH response to initial applications**
b1. Revised plans and specifications*
b2. CDPH responses*
c. Amended drinking water permit and approval from CDPH** (submit amended water supply permit without engineer report).
9.Project Testing and Training
a. Facility and fluoridation equipment testing
b. Operations and safety training of personnel
YR1-Q1: To be initiated once facilities substantially completed.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt /
  1. 10/1/10-
  1. 10/1/10-
1/1/11 /
  1. Field test reports*
  2. Operation and safety SOP’s*

10.Project Startup
a. Place system on-line to deliver optimally fluoridated
drinking water to all Municipal customers.
YR1-Q1: Final step in project.
Activities Status:
IN-PROCESS COMPLETE DELAYED / Dave Ringland, Alan Berndt / a. 2/15/11 /
  1. Project placed in active service

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