




Sub:APSHCL – Finance & Accounts – OFMS – Monitoring of clearance

of cheques issued by the Dy.E.Es – Instructions issued to Dy.E.Es – Regarding.


Toensuretimely payments to the beneficiaries funds are being transferred to Dy.E.Es accounts through Net-Banking from Head Office on daily basis. But it is noticed that huge amounts are lying in Dy.E.Es’ accounts without disbursement for long period. To streamline the process of transferring funds fromthe Dy.E.Es’ accounts to the beneficiaries’ accounts without any delay and to watch the actual time taken by the bank in debiting the cheque amount to the Dy,E.Es’ account by transferring the funds to the respective other banks, a provision has been made in OFMS in Dy.E.E’s login to enter the date of debiting the cheque amount to the Dy.E.Es’ account.

The procedure to be followed in updation and to review the reports are explained below:

  • In the entry forms Dy.E.E. has to click on POP Box “Updation of Cheque Clearance Details”
  • A window will be displayed with “Date selection” option and “bank account” option.
  • After selecting the “Date and Bank Account” there will be display of 3 options.

i) “Cheque issued but not cleared”

ii) “Cheques issued and cleared”

iii) “All”

  • If the Dy.E.E clicks on “Cheques issued but not cleared” the details of the cheques issued will be displayed. Against each cheque the date of clearance/ debit by Bank should be entered by the Dy.E.E., as per the bank statement either by viewing online or by obtaining the hard copy of the statement of account from the bank and click on right side option box and then click on


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  • The system will update the entries confirmed by the Dy.E.E.
  • By clicking on “Cheques issued and cleared” the entries confirmed by the Dy.E.E will be displayed and they can be verified with the bank statement, if necessary.
  • If the Dy.E.E clicks on “All” the entire list of cheques issued, cleared and with number of days delayed in clearance and cheques issued but not cleared will be displayed bank branch wise for ready information of the Dy.E.E. By using this facility, the Dy.E.E. should take timely action to approach the bank and find out the reasons for the delay in clearing the cheques. If necessary, the matter may be brought to the notice of the P.D(Hsg.) if there is abnormal delay in clearing of the chequesby the banks to get necessary instructionsissuedto the Branch Manager through controlling Officers at the district level.
  • The report will be displayed in two spells pop boxes separately as mentioned below:

i)Spell 1 :- will be for the cheques issued from 1.8.2009 to 31.03.2011 (Previous years transactions).

ii)Spell 2 :- will be from 1.4.2011 onwards (current year transactions).

  • The Dy.E.Es are requested to enter the details in online on daily basis for the current year i.e. from 1.4.2011 onwards and to complete the arrear entries for the period from 1.8.2009 to 31.03.2011 by 30-04-2011.
  • If any problem is encountered during the process, the CGG help desk may be contacted and if necessary the CGM(F) of APSHCL for any further guidance and clarification.




All the Dy.E.Es (Hsg.) in the State (through PDs(Hsg)concerned)

Copy to:PDs(Hsg.) in the State

Copy to:C.E./CGM

Copy to: All S.Es/G.Ms/Dy.G.Msin Head Office.

// Attested //