Attendees: 63Attendees, as per the attendance register taken.

Apologies: xxApologies received and noted.

1. Opening and welcome
The meeting was opened by Stuart Izatt, the Western Cape Branch President. Nick Taylor, Western Cape Branch committee member, welcomed all members, students and guests. A special word of welcome was extended to Charleen Davids and Gillian Wolpert.
2. Apologies
Apologies noted above.
3. Confirmation of previous minutes
The minutes of the 2010 AGM were taken as read and were accepted (Herman Kriel proposed, Andrie Graham second) as an accurate record of the meeting. Copies were included in the handout pack.
4. Report of Western Cape Activities
The Regional director’s Report was shared by Samantha Louis, Regional Director: Southern Africa.
She and gave a detailed update on the CIMA operations in Southern Africa.
The Branch President, Stuart Izatt shared his report.
He gave an overview of 2010 activities:
  • After a successful inaugural breakfast held in 2010, the breakfast will take place on Friday 28 January 2011 to welcome all new members and FCMA’s for 2010. During the 2010 year we had nine students who became ACMA’s and two ACMA’s become FCMA’s.
  • Show me the money! Bribery, corruption and business gifts breakfast seminar held on 12 April 2010, at the
  • Protea Hotel Fire and Ice, in Stellenbosch - 17 delegates attended the event.
  • Exam Techniques workshop, an evening session held on April.
  • My CIMA Event was successfully held at the Protea Hotel Fire and Ice, on the 13th October 2010 with 36 attendees.
  • Western Cape branch annual dinner was held at Alexi’s restaurantin Big Bay.
He also highlighted the platforms and channels available to students and members:
  • CIMAsphere as a basis for knowledge sharing
  • Role of the Western Cape Branch Committee
  • Published Salary Survey 2010
An overview of planned activities for 2011:
  • Student Networking event scheduled for 30 March 2011
  • CIMA road show April 2011
  • CPD event – date TBC
  • My CIMA event – July 2011
  • Women’s Day Breakfast – August 2011
  • Annual Dinner in September / October.

5. Nomination and election of Branch Committee
We had 1 resignation and in 2010, Scott Roodt is moving to Australia.
The incumbent committee indicated their willingness to be re-elected and were done so en bloc. Stuart Izatt extended an invitation to all present who wish to make themselves available to serve on the committee should make themselves known to a member of the committee after the AGM.


6. Presentation of top students awards for 2010
Stuart Izatt handed over the top student awards for 2010 to the following students:
May 2010
• xxxx
• xxxx
November 2010
• xxxx
• xxxx
7. General Matter
  • CIMA members in South Africa granted permission to act as ex officio Commissioners of Oaths
  • Special thanks were given to Herman Kriel who has served on the Western Cape Branch Committee for the past 40 years.
  • Stuart Izatt appealed to members and students to update their personal details via the CIMA website in order for them to receive communication with regards to activities and newsletters. He also informed all members to access the CPD formats on the website, and CIMA Sphere, information sharing forum.
  • Stuart Izatt informed all the attendees of the CIMA World Conference 2011, which will be taking place in Cape Town at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

8. Closing
With no further items, the meeting was declared closed by Stuart Izatt. All present were invited to join the committee after the AGM for drinks and snacks.