AP/IB Biology

Mrs. Kathryn Weatherhead

  1. Compare the genetic traits of

Vincent Anton

  1. a.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. d.
  5. E.
  1. What does the character named “German” in the film do for a living?
  1. What is considered an “in-valid” in the film?

4. List 3 ways that society portrayed in GATTACA routinely “reads a person’s gentic profile?




  1. List 3 things that Vincent did on a daily basis to maintain his “Jerome” identity.




  1. What 2 major medical changes did Vincent have to enhance his genetic “imperfections?”
  1. Who is murdered in the film? Why?
  1. What evidence found near the murder scene pointed towards an “in-valid” as the murderer?
  1. What does “GATTACA” stand for in genetics? In the film?

10. “This child is still you…simply the best of you.” (The doctor to the Freeman’s when they are selecting the zygote that will later be Anton, in response to their concern that perhaps they should leave a few things “to chance”.) Would you ever want to use this method to conceive your child? What do you like about the idea? What are the disadvantages to our society if we use this method?

12. “Genoism…we now have discrimination down to a science.” Do you think it is okay to judge someone based on their genetics? In what way might “genoism” become the next form of discrimination?

13. “No one exceeds his [genetic] potential….and if he did, we did not accurately gauge his potential in the first place.” (the Director, when questioned by the detective about the requirements for getting a job at Gattaca) Is this true, that you can only be as good as your genes? Or do other things determine if you’ll be successful in life?

4. When Vincent was born, a genetic sample was taken from his heel and his life expectancy was reported to his parents at birth. In other words, they knew at his birth what was most likely to kill him and when. Is this a good idea? Would you want to know that information about yourself or about your children? Why?

5. Vincent’s (Jerome’s) interview for Gattaca consisted only of a urine sample analysis. Is this a good way to find the best person for the job? Is it fair? Would you want a job interview based on your genetics only?

6. Irene was able to purchase a report of Vincent’s (Jerome’s) genome simply by taking one of his hairs to a commercial sequencer. Along with this, when Vincent (Jerome) and Irene were talking at Gattaca, she offered him one of her hairs to have sequenced if he wanted to find out about her. Do you think this is a good way to “get to know someone”? Would you like to have this technology available to you?

7. The Director, when questioned by the detectives about his feelings about the murdered mission director, tells them to look at his profile, as he doesn’t have a “violent bone in [his] body”. They accept this as a good alibi. How do you feel about this approach to crime-solving and the law? Is it fair or unfair?