The Yizhar Hirschfeld Memorial Fellowships in
Application Form
1. Name2. Permanent address
Telephone number - at home
- at work
- cellular
E - mail
3. Date of birth
Place of birth
4. Date of arrival in Israel
(if applicable)
5. Present appointment or employment
6. Title of PhD dissertation (please include date of submission and name of supervisor)7. University degrees and academic career
8. Academic awards or distinctions
9. Courses taught
10. Indicate sources of income for the duration of the fellowship.
11. List of publications which you have authored or co-authored (if space is insufficient, attach a separate list).
12. Please list your participation in international conferences.
13. Please list your field experience (including excavations in which you participated, your role in the excavations and the duration of your involvement).
14. Please list additional projects in which you are participating. What are the sources of funding for these projects?
15. Please provide a summary of your dissertation or dissertation topic (not more than half a page).
16. Please describe the excavation you are planning. Provide information on the name of the site, grid reference, periods represented and past excavations. (not more than half a page).
17. What is the significance of this excavation? What are the research questions this excavation aims to answer? Please describe the significance of these research questions to the field of Archaeology as well as related fields of study (not more than two pages)
18. How will the excavation elucidate the research questions posed above? (not more than one page)
19. Please provide a detailed budget for each excavation season, including processing of the finds. Please indicate which entries will be covered by your host institution as part of its matching.
20. Please provide a time-table for field work, should your application be approved.
21. Add here any other information which you consider relevant(If space is insufficient, give particulars on a separate page)
22. State names and addresses of two persons from whom you have requested letters of recommendation23. Applicants must provide a letter from the nominating university stating that: i) The applicant will be affiliated with the institution throughout the project; ii) The university is committed to providing the requested matching funds of $25,000 over six years; iii) The university is committed to the publication in a timely manner (and no later than 3 years after the completion of the third season); iv) The university will request the excavation permit from the IAA.
Date Signature
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