From the

Executive Director’s Desk

Dear Very Important Phriend (V.I.P.)

As the busy summer season gives way to the beautiful autumn months, I am often asked;

“Are things slowing down at the camp now?”

or sometimes the question is much more direct . . .

“Are you closing the camp buildings now that summer is over?”

Many people do not realize that the Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana Lake is a viable year round ministry serving 4000 guests, campers, summer staff & volunteers each year. Besides our vibrant guest ministry, we also offer a camp or retreat program nearly each month of the year. (see enclosed Fall / Winter program schedule)

It is during this time of year we are actively engaged in planning & promoting Camp Shipshewana 2016. The theme is chosen. The schedule is set. The program booklet is being designed. And summer staff recruitment packets are ready to be mailed. WHEW!

It never seems to end. The tasks placed upon a small staff are many times overwhelming. Yet, each year this Valuable & Distinctive outdoor ministry is effective in extending the kingdom of God by utilizing our outdoor setting to provide encounters with Jesus Christ and foster healthy relationships. Thank you for your prayers to help get us through those discouraging moments.

Capital Campaign To Be Re-launched!

In a 1946 Brethren Evangelist article, Rev. G.W. Rench, New Paris First Brethren Church, stated that constantly improving our camps is vital to the future existence of the church.1The Ministry of the Brethren Leadership believes this to still be true in 2015.


From the

Executive Director’s Desk

Dear Very Important Phriend (V.I.P.)

As the busy summer season gives way to the beautiful autumn months, I am often asked;

“Are things slowing down at the camp now?”

or sometimes the question is much more direct . . .

“Are you closing the camp buildings now that summer is over?”

Many people do not realize that the Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana Lake is a viable year round ministry serving 4000 guests, campers, summer staff & volunteers each year. Besides our vibrant guest ministry, we also offer a camp or retreat program nearly each month of the year. (see enclosed Fall / Winter program schedule)

It is during this time of year we are actively engaged in planning & promoting Camp Shipshewana 2016. The theme is chosen. The schedule is set. The program bookletis being designed. And summer staff recruitment packets are ready to be mailed. WHEW!

It never seems to end. The tasks placed upon a small staff are many times overwhelming. Yet, each year this Valuable & Distinctive outdoor ministry is effective in extending the kingdom of God by utilizing our outdoor setting to provide encounters with Jesus Christ and foster healthy relationships. Thank you for your prayers to help get us through those discouraging moments.

Capital Campaign To Be Re-launched!

In a 1946 Brethren Evangelist article, Rev. G.W. Rench, New Paris First Brethren Church, stated that constantly improving our camps is vital to the future existence of the church.1The Ministry of the Brethren Leadership believes this to still be true in 2015.

It is on this belief that the Camp Board launched the “OPEN ARMS” capital campaign last December as a 180-day campaign to raise $165,000 to complete five strategic projects that would allow us to serve more people. At the end of 180 days (Dec 1st- May 30th)we had received nearly $32,500 from 100 gifts. The twelve Camp Board members and the Brethren Retreat staff were disappointed that we fell short of our challenging goal.

After a campaign evaluation and much discussion, the Camp Board decided that these five strategic projects must still be fundedto fulfill our desire to serve more people.

  • Project #1 Tabernacle Improvements
  • Project #2 Hire a 3rd Staff Position
  • Project #3 New Recreational Activity
  • Project #4 Bunk Bed Replacement
  • Project #5 “Aiming for the Future“ Property Fund

We faithfully believe that strategic improvements to the Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana Lake are needed. We believe people need a safe place to escape the distractions of the world;

  • to learn Christian principals from the Holy Scriptures
  • to experience a community of love offered by the Holy Spirit
  • to reflect upon God’s direction for their life

We believe that increasing the number of people utilizing our facility is vital to our success as an effective outdoor ministry. We need an attractive facility with engaging activities and adequate staffing to provide the hospitality expected. Therefore, the “OPEN ARMS” campaign has been re-launched to successfully complete the task of raising $165,000 to fund the five strategic projects.

Please join us in continued prayer for generous hearts (individuals & churches) to financially support the “OPEN ARMS” campaign goal to serve more people.

Thank You!

Valuable & Distinctive


9095 W 275 N Shipshewana, IN 46565260.768.4519

It is on this belief that the Camp Board launched the “OPEN ARMS” capital campaign last December as a 180-day campaign to raise $165,000 to complete five strategic projects that would allow us to serve more people. At the end of 180 days (Dec 1st- May 30th) we had received nearly $32,500 from 100 gifts. The twelve Camp Board members and the Brethren Retreat staff were disappointed that we fell short of our challenging goal.

After a campaign evaluation and much discussion, the Camp Board decided that these five strategic projects must still be fundedto fulfill our desire to serve more people.

  • Project #1 Tabernacle Improvements
  • Project #2 Hire a 3rd Staff Position
  • Project #3 New Recreational Activity
  • Project #4 Bunk Bed Replacement
  • Project #5 “Aiming for the Future“ Property Fund

We faithfully believe that strategic improvements to the Brethren Retreat at Shipshewana Lake are needed. We believe people need a safe place to escape the distractions of the world to;

  • learn Christian principals from the Holy Scriptures
  • experience a community of love offered by the Holy Spirit
  • reflect upon God’s direction for their life

We believe that increasing the number of people utilizing our facility is vital to our success as an effective outdoor ministry. We need an attractive facility with engaging activities and adequate staffing to provide the hospitality expected. Therefore, the “OPEN ARMS” campaign has been re-launched to successfully complete the task of raising $165,000 to fund the five strategic projects.

Please join us in continued prayer for generous hearts (individuals & churches) to financially support the “OPEN ARMS” campaign goal to serve more people.

Thank You!

Valuable & Distinctive


9095 W 275 N Shipshewana, IN 46565260.768.4519