Grove Patterson Academy PTO
3020 Marvin Ave, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 671-3350
Grove Patterson PTO Meeting Minutes
Meeting Called to Order by:Michelle Ballard
Meeting Date & Time:03/01/20166:15 pm
Minutes Submitted by:Stacie Moss
Approved by:
Meeting was called to order by Michelle Ballard at 6:17 pm on minutes at Grove Patterson Academy in Toledo, OH.
Board members present: Michelle Ballard, Miranda Pauken, Jillian Teague, Amy Harbaugh, Alexandria Harris, Stacie Moss
Review of Prior Meeting Minutes & Approval
- Review of the Minutes available online at
- Business Arising from the Minutes
Principal Report Mrs. Johnson
- Character Counts for February will be announced in April's meeting along with March Character Counts award recipients
New Business
- Marco's fundraiser on Feb. 8th made $55.51
- We are considering a fundraiser with Oasis, details to publish in a letter home with students
- Ohio Skate- last skating party we made $122. Next skating party scheduled Monday, April 11, 2016 6-8p
- Dress Down Day hosted by Student Council for this year's fifth grade camp raised: $302.77; students were charged $179 per camper
- Spring Fundraiser: Stoller Fundraising
- We will start selling week of March 14th and will end April 6, 2016.
- Tentative Pick up date at school April 21, 2016 time TBD.
- Only one pick up date as items are frozen.
- We will be selling the Trio of Treats that includes French Bread Pizzas, Auntie Anne's Pretzels, Pretzel Dogs, Butter Braid Pastries and Carmel Rolls & Cookie Dough.
- Prize levels for items sold
- 2 (Smencil)
- 7 (Smencil and aviator sunglasses)
- 10 (Smencil, aviator sunglasses + 9"mesh ball)
- 15 (Smencil, aviator sunglasses + 9"mesh ball + Free 1hr pass to Skyzone)
- 20 (all prizes including Skyzone plus free day pass to Kalahari plus option to purchase additional passes at $25 ea.)
- Save the Date : Saturday June 4, 2016- GPA Carnival; the PTO is asking for volunteers to assist in preparing or the day of the event; this event is in addition to the field day scheduled during the school day
- A new opportunity to participate in; Rewards program for common stores with percentage of purchases returning to the school; the vendor is asking us to help send out emails to promote the program with rewards to top participants
- May PTO meeting we will be electing new officers
Vacancies for the following positions: - President
- Vice President
- Please see a PTO Board Member if you are interested.
- Nominees must be a paid PTO member
- Voters must also be a paid member
- If you would like to run or vote and are not currently a member, you may become a member before the election in May
- Talent show date changed to 5/13
- Middle school dance is scheduled for 4/29 pending final confirmation of time; volunteers are needed for the evening to set up or provide snacks during the dance
- 8th grade graduation is scheduled 5/31, donations and volunteer labor are needed
- Reminder to 7th grade parents that the Washington DC trip is self funded and is approximately $100/mo to total roughly $600 to participate
- Reminder Box Tops need to be trimmed and verify they are not expired
- Parent Congress Update
- President Randall Parker is hoping to increase the All Call feature to remind parents of the meeting dates
- 3rd grade reading guarantee will be the next topic for the parent congress meeting with a guest speaker, 3/9 6:30 pm; additional information is available on the Ohio Dept of Ed website
- Parent Congress and Parent University will be hosting a PTO Training / Open Discussion on 3/10 from 6p-7p
Budget Discussion
- Balance as of February 1, 2016 $ 21,647.80
Grove Patterson Academy PTO
3020 Marvin Ave, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 671-3350
50/50 raffle $16.00
Marco's Pizza night $55.51
5th grade camp (includes dress down) $427.77
Spirit wear $15.00
Ohio Skate $122.00
Ck# 1016 voided in the amount of $219.99
PTO board meeting supplies $45.94
Principal fund $235.94
Electronic source payments $27.49
Teacher fund $457.18
PTO general meeting supplies $20.00
8th gr DC TRIP $200.00
Grove Patterson Academy PTO
3020 Marvin Ave, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 671-3350
- Balance as of February 29, 2016 $21,517.52
Action Items
- Parent asked if end of year carnival would count toward the 2016-2017 school year; PTO will confirm with Mrs. Johnson
Meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm by Michelle Ballard. The next general meeting will be at 6:15 pm on 4/5/16, at Grove Patterson Academy in Toledo, OH.