From: (ASL Team Leader) (Name of school)

To: (Practitioners from other agency/ies or Social Worker)

(First name, Last name, Date of birth)

Consideration for a Coordinated Support Plan – Invitation to a Child’s Planning Meeting to take place on (Date)

The above child has been identified as having needs that may require a coordinated support plan. It is my understanding that you are currently providing support for this child. If however the child is unknown to you or not currently receiving support from you, I would be grateful if you could advise me of this as soon as possible.

The following are the provisional long term learning outcomes from (his/her) individualised educational programme which I believe may require continuing additional support from you for their achievement:

(Specify learning outcomes in one or more of the following areas:

·  Communication and literacy

·  Numeracy

·  Health and Wellbeing)

I should be grateful if you could:

·  Complete your agency’s Form CSP1A and return it to me by (date 10 working days before date of meeting) so that I may circulate it in advance of the review meeting. This does not apply however if you are a Paediatrician, in which case I would be grateful if you would instead provide a copy of the child’s SNS Register Record.

·  Inform me whether or not you will be able to attend the review meeting.

I attach below a permission slip signed by (a parent of the child or the young person) which gives permission for your agency to provide this information.

Signed …………………………………………………...... Date …………………....

(ASL Team Leader)



I am a parent/carer of: Name of Child ……………………………… DOB ……………………....


I am a young person: Name ………………………………………… DOB ……………………..

I grant permission for the agency to whom this letter is sent to provide the information requested.

Name of parent/carer or young person (Print) ……………………………………………………...

(Sign) ………………………………………………………(Date) …………………………………...