Student Expectations


Subject: English ACC. 6

Teacher: Mrs. Reed

English Accelerated 6 – 0220

Course Scope:

This one-year course provides instruction in the English Language Arts strands identified by the Common Core State Standards as reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. This course is designated as accelerated by the enhanced instructional pacing and depth of content. This course is designed to build knowledge and critical-thinking skills through close reading of texts; writing to support claims, to clarify ideas, and/or to develop ideas; and a range of collaborative discussions. Instructional practices incorporate integration of diversity awareness including appreciation of all cultures and their important contributions to society. The appropriate use of technology and digital media are integral parts of this course. This course fulfills the sixth- grade English requirement for promotion.

1.  To read and study a wide variety of complex text (e.g., informational, fiction and non-fiction, expository) independently and proficiently. [RL.6.1-7, 9, 10; RI.6.1-10]

2.  To respond, and/or explain, in writing or speaking with a focus on how an author conveys the theme or central idea of a text through structure and details, how an author develops point of view in text, and how an author develops an argument.

[RL.6.5; RI.6.5; W.6.1-8; SL.6.3; L.6.1]

3.  To demonstrate consistently a command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. [W.6.4, 5; SL.6.6; L.6.1-3]

4.  To generate and support ideas by conducting short research projects and gathering relevant information from multiple print and digital sources to use when writing or speaking.

[RL.6.1; RI.6.1; W.6.7-9; SL.6.1]

5.  To combine and correct information from multiple sources to support analysis of literary and informational text to produce clear and coherent writing appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. [RL.6.1; RI.6.1; W.6.1, 2, 4, 8, 9; SL.6.1a, 2-4, 6; L.6.1-3, 6]

6.  To explore and analyze the elements of text, selected from a range of sixth-grade literary and informational text exemplars, to understand how authors use structure, word choice, details, and elaboration to convey the theme, central idea, or purpose of a text.

[RL.6.1-6; RI.6.1-6; W.6.1-2; SL.6.4; L.6.4-6]

7.  To learn and examine the purposes and characteristics of the major genres of text (e.g., prose, poetry, drama, literary non-fiction). [RL.6.1-7, 9, 10; RI.6.1-10; W.6.1-3]

8.  To apply independently and consistently the general strategies of organization, and revision to produce writing (e.g., argument, expository, narration) appropriate to task, purpose, and audience whether over time or under a tight deadline. [W.6.1-10]

TEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS: Students are expected to have their supplies with them at all times. Paper, pens/pencils, composition notebook, journal notebook, correcting pens, and good attitude.

HOURS OF AVAILABILITY FOR PARENT CONTACT: My school hours are 7:00-2:11; I can make phone calls during these hours on my prep. Please give me a phone number in which you can be reached during these hours. You may request an appointment by contacting the office at 799-4260 ext. 4200. You may also contact Mrs. Reed at the following email address: . Email is the best form of contact since there are no time restrictions. You can also find information about the class on my website:

EVALUATION AND GRADING SYSTEM: Report card grades are determined on a percentage basis. Assignments are divided into two categories: Assessment, Classwork/Homefun. The assessment category is worth 65% and contains tests, quizzes, and final drafts of written work. The Classwork/Homefun category is worth 35% and contains any parts of a written assignment, projects, and classwork/homefun assignments such as ROL’s, journals, daily grams, and AB’s. The grading scale is as follows:

100-90% = A 89-80% = B 79-70% = C 69-60% = D 59% or below = F

SEMESTER GRADE = 2 quarter grades (45% each) plus the semester exam (10%): 45+45+10=100%.

STUDENT PROGRESS: I will write your child’s grade in their planner every Monday after they have filled it out. It will also include the number of missing assignments. Halfway through the quarter I will send home a print out of all assignments. This will require a parent signature. You may also access student progress online by using the Infinite Campus portal.

ASSIGNMENTS: Assignments are posted on the board. Students are expected to copy the assignments for the week in their agenda. I will initial it on a weekly basis and record their current grade as well as notate if they are missing any assignments. I will also post a copy of that week’s agenda on my website, Notes and some assignments will also be posted on this website. Each day an assignment is late it will lose 10%. After 5 days, it will no longer be accepted and students will receive a minimum of a 40% F per HPMS policy. Upon return to school, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain absent work by speaking with the teacher. The student has 3 days per absence to complete the make-up work. (Ref. CCSD 5113.2) Extended medical absences and/or prearranged absences must be arranged through the attendance office. As well, the work for a prearranged absence must be returned within three days of the absence. If the opportunity presents itself, extra credit may be awarded for the completion of specific extension assignments.

STUDENT ASSISTANCE: Upon request a student may receive additional help from their teacher by filling out an appointment slip located in the classroom. I am available before school and after school by appointment only.


Classroom rules are designed to provide an environment conducive to learning. Students created a list of rules to live by in our classroom. It is posted in the room and can also be accessed via my website. It is entitled “Where are you Living?”. Students are expected to live above the line at all times.

*Students who have behaved appropriately will be eligible for class and school recognition, field trips, and positive parental contact.

The consequences for inappropriate behavior are:

1st infraction ... verbal warning, citizenship notation, and loss of citizenship points

2nd infraction ... student/teacher conference, and/or seat change

3rd infraction ... parent notification via email, note home, progress report, agenda book, or phone call

4th infraction ... referral, dean or counselor

The teacher reserves the right to skip or repeat any of these steps as they deem necessary or as the situation requires.

TARDY POLICY: A student must be entirely in the classroom when the bell begins to ring. If a student enters the class after the bell begins to ring, they will be considered to be tardy. Students will lose citizenship points if tardy. Hyde Park MS progressive discipline policy will be followed.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY POLICY: If a student is caught cheating, the following action (s) will occur:

Homework/Classwork assignment- the assignment will receive a zero and may not be made up for credit.

Assessment-Student may retake the test at a time that is convenient to the teacher. The two tests will be averaged together for a total score, and a parent/guardian will be contacted. If the incident is repeated, future consequences will be discussed at a required parent conference.

BULLYING: 1. Under NRS 388.122, “bullying” means written, verbal or electronic expressions or physical acts or gestures, or any combination thereof, that are directed at a person or group of persons, or a single severe and willful act or expression that is directed at a person or group of persons, and:

a. Have the effect of:

(1) Physically harming a person or damaging the property of a person; or

(2) Placing a person in reasonable fear of physical harm to the person or damage to the property of the person; or

b. Interfere with the rights of a person by:

(1) Creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment for the person; or

(2) Substantially interfering with the academic performance of a student or the ability of the person to participate in or benefit from services, activities or privileges provided by a school;

*This is a summary of the legal definition of bullying. Please use the link below to access the full legal definition and for other information on bullying:

CITIZENSHIP: Students will earn 2 points a day toward their citizenship. Please see the “Where Are You Living?” paper that is posted on the website to see what behaviors will cause students to lose points. Falling below the line will cause a deduction in their citizenship grade. Current citizenship grades will be viewable through the grade book that is posted to Infinite Campus. If a child loses points, the reason will be notated in the citizenship category. Quarter citizenship grades will be awarded based on the points that each child has earned. Example: Each quarter has approximately 40 days. This means that a child can earn 80 points at 2 points a day. So, a child who earns between 80-72 points (100-90% of 80) will earn an O (Outstanding); 71-56 (89-80% of 80) is S (Satisfactory); 55-48 (79-60% of 80) is N (Needs Improvement), and 47 or below (59% or less of 80) would be a U (Unsatisfactory). Students can lose points by not following the classroom rules, not turning assignments in on time, not following directions on an assignment, and not being an active participant with class, group, or partner discussions. Students can earn bonus points when they are “caught” being a good citizen.

This will be an exciting year of academic challenge and social emotional growth. Please feel free to e-mail me with any comments, questions, or concerns. I look forward to our partnership in providing an outstanding educational year for your child.


Please print and return this page to S. Reed by September 6, 2016.

STUDENT NAME (Printed) ______




Parent’s name printed PARENT’S SIGNATURE DATE




To improve our ability to communicate, please provide the following information if possible:

Dad’s/Mom’s Email Address:______

Please print neatly

Daytime Phone Number (between the hours of 7:00-2:11):______

Thank you!

Please print and return this page to S. Reed by September 6, 2016.

STUDENT NAME (Printed) ______




Parent’s name printed PARENT’S SIGNATURE DATE




To improve our ability to communicate, please provide the following information if possible:

Dad’s/Mom’s Email Address:______

Please print neatly

Daytime Phone Number (between the hours of 7:00-2:11):______

Thank you!