St. Mary of the Assumption Parish Mission and Beyond

Fridays during Lent: Feb. 20th and 27th, March 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th

Fr. Craig Haider of the Cheboygan Catholic Community will be presenting a Lenten mission. We invite you, your family and friends to come to all or any one of these talks that might be speaking to you. There is no cost to you, except your time. Hope to see you there!

Friday, Feb 20th 6:15 pm

“A Journey of Faith”

Fr. Craig’s Road to the Priesthood

This is a story of the journey, how Our Lord Jesus Christ, has called Fr. Craig to the Priesthood and throughout his life. By listening to his call, you might be enlightened to see how the Lord has called you and been with you in your journey of faith.

Friday, March 6th 6:15 pm

“Our Father”

The Forgotten Person of the Trinity

In our liturgical calendar, we have feast days and holy days of obligation for God the Son: Christmas, Corpus Christi and the Sacred Heart of Jesus; God the Holy Spirit: Pentecost; and the Holy Trinity. And, even though all three Persons of the Holy Trinity are active and always present together. We do not have a feast day for God the Father. We will explore our images and concepts of what an earthly father is for us, and how we apply that to God our Father. We will see how God, “Our Father,” desires to be known, loved and honored with special devotion as told by Mother Eugenia Elisabette Ravasio’s book: “The Father speaks to his children.”

Friday, March 20th 6:15 pm

“Coming Home”

EFAC a Vision for the Church

Evangelization for Fallen-Away Catholics is a program in the Cheboygan Catholic Community. It is also what the Lord has called for each of us, since we are to imitate our Savior. Luke 15: 1-7, is the Parable of the Lost Sheep; Christ leaves the ninety-nine in search of the one lost sheep. How can we approach the lost sheep when there are so many distracting and misguided voices in our world?

Friday, Feb 27th 6:15 pm

“Field of Dreams”

The Church, the Body of Christ

If you have never seen this movie or it has been a while, please take the time to watch it. Fr. Craig will explain through an analogy, how this movie relates to the life of the Church and its rich tradition.

Friday, March 13th 6:15 pm

“Letting Go and Letting God”

Laughing at yourself

We want to take control in our lives, but we cannot. We want to be the director of our life, and sometimes of other people’s lives, but we do not have that right. We have choices, not control. We will talk philosophically about the differences between control vs. choice. Then we will laugh at ourselves by not taking ourselves too seriously. Once we “Let Go and Let God,” we can follow the will of the Lord in our life, and be pleasantly surprised where he will lead us.

Friday, March 27th 6:15pm

“Jesus I Trust in You”: Do you really?

In Our Lord’s message to St. Faustina: “Jesus, I trust in You!” is the central message of God’s Mercy for us, His children. If we know and believe that, “For God so loved the world that he gavehis only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:15) Why do we doubt His love, mercy and forgiveness for us? We will discuss how we can come to believe in the love God has for all of us.

After each session, everyone is invited to the Parish Center for refreshments

and fellowship.

A pot luck dinner will follow the last Friday session. Bring a Lenten dish to pass.

Babysitting will be available each day.