Requistion Approval – Table of Contents

Requisition Approval 2

Requisition Approval 6

Requisition Approval with Multiple departments 9

Reassign requisition Approval 12

Requisition Approval

Roles Initial Approximate Resources:





This section outlines the workflow approval rules built into the PeopleSoft Purchasing system as well as the process for processing the approvals.

The online workflow approval and receiving processes will replace the manual signature approval currently provided on the vendor invoice. Once the request is approved, the system will generate a purchase order (PO), which is authorization to purchase the goods or services.

The workflow approval process has been developed to meet the approval requirements of USF. These requirements were based on the signature authority defined in the SAMAS system with some modifications to the rules. The rules for the approval process are a sequential path that requires approval by one role before routing to the next role can occur. The exception is that once the requisition reaches the purchasing area there will be some dollar limits for the purchase agent roles.

NOTE: The information in this guide is based on certain assumptions:

·  Users have previously received training in PeopleSoft 8.4 navigation

·  Control tables have been set up with needed values prior to performing the activities described below.

The process flows on the following pages outline the logic behind the workflow approval:


Frequently as needed throughout the day.

Documents Required


Scenarios: Roles Perfoming: Page:

Approve Requisition / Approvers / 4
Approve Requisition with multiple departments / Approvers / 5
Reassign Requisition Approval
Requisition Approval

Short Guide:

Step 1: Navigate to Worklist for Access to Requisitions Needing Approval

Step 2: Select Requisition to Approve

Step 3: Approve Requisition

Step 4: Verify Requisition No Longer on Worklist

Step 1 Navigate to Worklist for Access to Requisitions Needing Approval

1.1  Navigate to the Worklist page by clicking on the Worklist link towards the top of the page.

Step 2 Select Requisition to Approve

2.1  From the Worklist click on the hyperlink for the Requisition you wish to work/approve.

NOTE: The link will indicate the Approval Instance, PO Business Unit, Requisition ID, Vendor, Requestor and Department.

Step 3 Approve Requisition

3.1  Select the appropriate Approval Action. The available values are as follows:

·  Approve – Approves the requisition to whatever level the approver is authorized to approve. If there are additional approval levels required the system will continue to route the requisition

·  Deny – Will mark the requisition as unapproved and route the requisition back to the initiator for further action.

·  Recycle – Will mark the requisition as unapproved and route the requisition back one level in the approval process. (Not generally used at USF)

Note: the Approval Action should default to ‘Approve’.

3.2  Click on to save the approval action and continue the workflow process

NOTE: If you are not the final approver, you will receive the following message:

Click to send the requisition to the next level in the approval process.

NOTE: If you are the final approver, the Approval Status will change to ‘Complete’ from ‘In Process’.

Step 4 Verify Requisition No Longer on Worklist

4.1  Once you have approved or denied the requisition, it should no longer appear in your work list. Click on to verify the item you worked has been removed.

NOTE: Item worked is no longer on the Worklist.

Requisition Approval with Multiple departments

When the expense on a requisition is distributed across multiple departments, the workflow approval will send the worklist item to only one department. Prior to approval, the approver must notify the applicable Signature Authorities associated with the remaining departments.

Short Guide:

Step 1: Navigate to Worklist for Access to Requisitions Needing Approval

Step 2: Select Requisition to Approve

Step 3: Send Notification

Step 4: Approve Requisition

Step 5: Verify Requisition No Longer on Worklist

Step 1 Navigate to Worklist for Access to Requisitions Needing Approval

1.2  Navigate to the Worklist page by clicking on the Worklist link towards the top of the page.

Step 2 Select Requisition to Approve

2.1  From the Worklist click on the hyperlink for the Requisition you wish to work/approve.

NOTE: The link will indicate the Approval Instance, PO Business Unit, Requisition ID, Vendor, Requestor and Department.

Step 3 Send Notification

3.1  The Approval page will contain a message flagging the requisition as having multiple distributions.

3.2  Click on and the system will take you to the Send Notification page

3.3  Enter the email address(es) for the remaining departments, requesting them to enter a Header Comment to the Requisition signifying their approval.

3.4  Click on to send the Notifications.

Step 4 Approve Requisition

4.1  Select the appropriate Approval Action. The available values are as follows:

·  Approve – Approves the requisition to whatever level the approver is authorized to approve. If there are additional approval levels required the system will continue to route the requisition

·  Deny – Will mark the requisition as unapproved and route the requisition back to the initiator for further action.

·  Recycle – Will mark the requisition as unapproved and route the requisition back one level in the approval process. (Not generally used at USF)

Note: the Approval Action should default to ‘Approve’.

4.2  Click on to save the approval action and continue the workflow process

NOTE: If you are not the final approver, you will receive the following message:

Click to send the requisition to the next level in the approval process.

NOTE: If you are the final approver, the Approval Status will change to ‘Complete’ from ‘In Process’.

Step 4 Verify Requisition No Longer on Worklist

See Step 3 from the Requisition Approval section above

Reassign requisition Approval
Short Guide:

Step 1: Navigate to Worklist for Access to Requisitions Needing Approval

Step 2: Reassign Requisition

Step 3: Verify Requisition No Longer on Worklist

Step 1 Navigate to Worklist for Access to Requisitions Needing Approval

See Step 1 from the Requisition Approval section above

Step 2 Reassign Requisition

2.1  Click on the button next to the item you wish to reassign.

2.2  Enter the User ID of the person you wish to reassign the approval to

2.3  Enter a Comment if desired

2.4  Click to return to your Worklist

Step 3 Verify Requisition No Longer on Worklist

The reassigned requisition should no longer appear on your Worklist.

Updated 5/23/03 Procure to Pay –Requisition Approval Page 1 of 12