July 2017
Ravoux News
The First Assembly West of Chicago and the Oldest Assembly in Minnesota!!
2121 Radatz Avenue, Maplewood, MN 55109-1414 (kofcassembly529.org)
Newsletter Editor, Faithful Purser & Website Administrator Dan Collins –
Faithful Friar– Fr. John Paul Erickson– Pastor- Church of the Blessed Sacrament
Venerable Brothers,
Vivat Jesus!
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights…
“Endowed by their creator…”
Human rights do not come from states or nations. They come from God Himself, Who has given to human persons the dignity of human reason and free will. The founders of our nation, sinful men though they were, knew this foundational truth, and depended upon it to launch a revolution. We commemorate that revolution on July 4th, a revolution whose founding document remains a source of inspiration and hope for millions around the world.
As a nation, we have not always lived up to the lofty ideals of our great documents. For years, chattel slavery was an accepted fact in our nation, the exalted “land of the free,” and even now, millions of unborn Americans are not afforded the right to life that is guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence. But despite our inadequacy in fulfilling our historic charter, we continue to thank God for the gifts that He has lavished upon us, unworthy though we are, and to ask the patroness of these Untied States, the Immaculate Mother of God, to protect us from enemies both spiritual and temporal.
The United States is a nation like any other, and one day, (may it be centuries from now), our country will be the subject of history books rather than of today’s newspapers. So goes the way of all flesh, and all nation-states. Only one Kingdom will not fade away, and that is the Kingdom of God, which will always be found in the Church and in the hearts of her children. Our first commitment as citizens is not to a nation, or a city, and even less to a political party. Our first allegiance must be to Christ and to His Church. And so while we rightly celebrate the Fourth of July this week, let us not forget to celebrate the reason for the independence of our rights from the whims of the state, including our own: our radical dependence on God; our capacity to know the Truth that He has revealed; and our freedom to choose that Truth, despite the consequences, even at the cost of our “lives, fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
Venerable Michael McGivney – pray for us!
Your servant in the Lord,
Father John Paul Erickson
Faithful Navigator Elect - SK Steve Smith 612-597-5556
Brother Sir Knights,
I would like to thank the members of the Ravoux Assembly for the opportunity to serve as your Faithful Navigator. It is a privilege to be a member of the oldest and most distinguished Assembly in Minnesota. I would like to particularly thank our outgoing Navigator William Eddelston and outgoing Admiral Terry Chromey for all the help and advice they have given me and their dedication to the Assembly. I would also like to thank PFN Joseph Beckers for his many years of leadership as the Honor Guard Commander.
Please pray for the officers and members of our Assembly, that we may continue to grow and flourish in our mission of serving our Church and Country. We must trust the Holy Spirit to guide us in building up the Church and our Assembly. I ask each of you to join me in reaching out to those you know who would benefit from membership in Knights of Columbus and especially, the Ravoux Assembly.
Thank you again for your support in the coming year. Please feel free to contact me with your advice and counsel.
Faithful Navigator Elect
SK Steve Smith
Faithful Captain - SK Steve Smith 612-597-5556
July 11, 2017
Saint John's Church of Little Canada- Installation of officers Mass at 6:00
Dinner at 7:00
Entree: Roast beef
Potatoes: Baked potato
Vegetable: Veggie blend
Salad: Strawberry Spinach
Dessert: Marble sheet cake
Dinners include Butter/Rolls, milk and coffee
Regular meetings Sir Knights only.
Social meetings include Ladies.
Cost $15.00 per person
Please pay before Mass to avoid delaying the ceremony and dinner.
Reservations and cancellations are due by July 6. If you did not sign up at the June meeting, or signed up and cannot attend, contact Faithful Captain Steve Smith at 612-597-5556 or email Fellow Sir Knights, You are responsible for the cost of the meal, if you sign up and do not attend. MEALS WILL ONLY BE PROVIDED FOR THOSE WHO SIGN UP BY JULY 6.
It should be noted that our August 8 business meeting, has been moved from The Church of St. Peter in NSP, to The Church of St. Agnes in St. Paul.
Honor Guard Commanders Article
Brother Sir Knights,
Below are the results from our June election.
Faithful Navigator ------Steve Smith
Faithful Captain ------Kenneth Scheirel
Faithful Pilot ------Dan Collins
Faithful Comptroller ------Richard Fredrick
Faithful Scribe ------Dave Sampica
Faithful Purser ------Del Lindgren
Faithful Inner Sentinel --- Josh Phinney
Faithful Outer Sentinel --- George White
Faithful Admiral ------William Eddleston
Faithful Trustee (3 years) Terry Chromey
Faithful Trustee (2 years) Duane Jabas – no vote necessary
Faithful Trustee (1 year) Tom Zweber -- no vote necessary
As mentioned in our Faithful Captains article, our officers will be installed at the 6:00pm Mass at St. John’s. All officers, and members, are to wear the tuxedo and social baldric. Honor Guard Members, other than Officers, please bring your REGALIA. We will have pew signs for the new officers and their families. All members and guests should sit in the front half of the church.
Brad Jacobs on the July 15 Exemplification.
“I was in conversations with the WSM this weekend, and was able to nail everything down, detailing the Super Degree on July 15th.
We will not have a formal practice, but I would like the team members there by 9:00 AM to assist with final set-up, do individual dry runs where necessary,and to have everything in place before the registration of candidates starts at 10.
I would also ask for your assistance in recruiting not only candidates but also escorts to assist our Degree Marshall Tom, with table escorts and to assist Mike at the check-inand escorting there.
Please also do your part to promote the 1, 2, and 3 taking place on Friday evening. There aren’t that many ceremonies during the summer months and this is a terrific opportunity for any potential new members. Please forward on the letter as necessary.
Thank you again for your service to the order!
Brad Jacobs
District of MN 4th Degree Exemplification Team Captain”
If you are planning on attending, contact our Faithful Comptroller for a registration form.
Thank You,
Deputy Commanders
Honor Guard Business Manager SK Robert Barry PFN & FDM 651-455-3287
June 18 – Feast of Corpus Christi at the Church of St. Agnes. Event included Mass, procession around parish property with benediction in front of the convent and a benediction in the main church. 9 Sir Knights
June 18 – Feast of Corpus Christi at St. Pius X in White Bear Lake. 3 Sir Knights
June 18 – Mass at Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Maplewood. 3 Sir Knights
June 26 – Roseville Knights of Columbus Council 4021 Installation of Officers at St. Jerome’s in Maplewood. 11 Sir Knights
60 Honor Guard Events 07/1/16 thru 06/26/17
Total Attendance was 698 Sir Knights
11.63 Sir Knights per Event
July 11 – Tuesday – Msgr. Ravoux Assembly installation of officers at St. John’s in Little
Canada (380 Little Canada Road). Assembly Time 5:30PM; Mass at 6:00PM
followed by installation and dinner.
For the period 07/01/16 thru 6/30/17, the Msgr. Ravoux AssemblyHonor Guard has had 60 events, with a total attendance of 698
Sir Knights, for an average of 11.63 Sir Knights per event.
There will be an Honor Guard Party on August 2nd at Mancini's, for Honor
Guard members and their guest. To qualify for a free meal for the
Honor Guard member and guest, the Honor Guard member must have
participated in at least ten (10) Honor Guard events from 7/01/16
through 6/30/17.
Meal choices will be steak, walleye, or chicken. Cash bar
Those not having participated in ten (10) Honor Guard events, but
wishing to attend the party may do so, but will have to pay for their meals,
at a cost of approximately $25.00 per meal, which includes tax and tip.
Listed below are the names of the Honor Guard members and the number
of events each attended for the period 07/01/16 thru 6/30/17.
Altman, Bob (1) / Hartmann, Mark (4) / Plemon, Ray (37)
Barry, Bob (38) / Honerman, Jim (3) / Plum, Dave (1)
Beckers, Joe (23) / Jabas, Duane (6) / Polchowne, Walter (4)
Bidwell,Laurence(6) / Kaiser, Arnie (7) / Rauen, Ben (9)
Braun, Mike (2) / Kehoe, Sean (1) / Sampica, Dave (24)
Chase, Jim (8) / Krueger, Ron (33) / Scheierl, Ken (12)
Chromey, Terry(36) / Kubat, Lyle (20) / Schilling, Mike (1)
Collins, Dan (42) / Lawless, John (7) / Smith, Dan (52)
Dezurik, Pete (24) / Lindgren, Del (17) / Smith, Steve (24)
Duff, Jim (16) / Lingner, Jim (5) / Spangenberg, Al (27)
Eddleston, Will (32) / McGrath, Joe (4) / Traen, Ron (12)
Eder, Del (2) / Oster, Maynard(15) / Van Hale, Tom (1)
Frank, Lloyd (14) / Pepin, Steve (1) / White, George (41)
Fredrick, Dick (29) / Pepin, Tom (3) / Yochum, Gary (1)
Gaffney, Robert (1) / Phinney, Josh (5) / Zettel, John (5)
Goossens,Greg(10) / Pierce, Mike (4) / Zweber, Tom (20)
Groschen, Don (8)
Faithful Comptroller SK Richard Fredrick: PFN 651-773-0912
As of today, seven (7), Members have not paid their 2017 Dues. Please take care of this obligation, as Suspensions are what follows. 3rd Degree Councils will be informed. Many members make our Assembly strong.
Exemplification weekend is July 14 & 15 in Brooklyn Park. There is still time to do some recruiting.
Thank you, RMF
Our newsletter may also be viewed on our website, kofcassembly529.org. Please contact me with any website questions or suggestions.
SK Dan Collins
Website Administrator
Prayer List ______July 2017 ______In Memoria
Please remember in your prayers Brother Sir Knights, their families and the caregivers of: Father Kenneth Ludescher, Will Eddleston, Robert Barry, John Jablonski, Dan Collins, Ron Traen, Duane Jabas, Eugene Sabaitis, Donald Groschen, Lloyd and Doris Frank, Frank Junghans, Joseph McGrath, Maynard Oster, Charles and Carolyn Lake, Floyd and Joanne Zdrojkowski, Will Overacker, Ray and Shirley Weider, Milo Haus, Al Spangenberg, Lou and Nancy Bogdanovich, Joel Eder, Del and Joan Eder, Ed Oster, Evelyn Perszyk and her daughter and caregiver Kris Rose, Bryan LaHaise, Andy Litschke and Kathleen Stemholm, Susan Schilling who is the sister-in-law of Sir Knight Mike Schilling; and all who prefer not to be identified by name. Please pray for all Faithful Sir Knights, their spouses, and family members who are in need of prayer.
And please prayer for Amedie LaFond, who passed away June 24. Eternal rest grant onto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in Peace.
When we pray from our heart, it can do great things, like miracles. Don’t give up, they do happen. Many people need your prayers. It costs you nothing and will make you feel good inside and out. We need more people to pray. So many people need our prayers.
Thank you!
Monsignor Ravoux Assembly Officers, 2016-2017
Faithful Friar -- Father John Paul Erickson -- - 651-738-0677
Faithful Navigator ------William Eddleston- - 651-482-8920
Faithful Captain ------Steve Smith ------612-597-5556
Faithful Pilot ------Kenneth Scheierl - ------763-502-1060
Faithful Comptroller ------Richard Fredrick -- ------651-773-0912
Faithful Purser ------Dan Collins ---- 651-338-7288
Faithful Scribe ------Del Lindgren - 651-324-3837
Faithful Inner Sentinel --- Dave Sampica ----- -- 651-442-5074
Faithful Outer Sentinel -- Josh Phinney ------515-729-4997
Faithful Admiral ------Terry Chromey ----- --- 651-493-9419
Faithful Trustee 3 years - Duane Jabas ---- 651-426-1244
Faithful Trustee 2 years - Thomas Zweber -- ----- 651-426-9248
Faithful Trustee 1 year --- Ray Plemon ------651-462-1934
Faithful H.G. Bus. Mgr. -– Bob Barry ------651-455-3287
Knights of Columbus
Msgr. Ravoux Assembly 529
2121 Radatz Avenue
Maplewood, MN 55109