NatebyPrimary School,

Longmoor Lane,

Nateby PR3 0JH

Headteacher : Mrs Cheryl Vardey

Tel: 01995 602945



Physical Education is a fundamental part of the Nateby Primary curriculum. We believe that sport- both competitive and non-competitive- is beneficial to all human beings. Sport brings about physical well-being and develops mental ability as well as physical dexterity. Children’s confidence is significantly increased when they enjoy sport; it is our ambition to help children to experience a vast variety of quality sport and that this will encourage them to make sport part of their lives. Sport can also break down cultural barriers – we want to seize every opportunity to use sport as a vehicle for broadening the horizons of our pupils.

Our sport and games provision is organised to ensure all our pupils have the opportunity to be active as often as possible; that they progress and develop to a high level in sport in general and in their chosen field; that they learn to set their own goals but also understand and benefit from playing as a team.


The government is providing additional funding for schools to improve the provision of physical education and sport in primary schools. The Primary School PE and Sport Funding can be spent in the following ways:

  • hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers when teaching PE
  • supporting and engaging the least active children through new or additional Change4Life clubs
  • paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport
  • providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE and sport
  • running sport competitions, or increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games
  • buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE and sport
  • providing places for pupils on after school sports clubs and holiday clubs
  • pooling the additional funding with that of other local schools.

At Nateby we have always prided ourselves on offering a wide range of quality opportunities for sport and PE. We have therefore looked to enhance this provision in accordance with our vision for PE and School Sport:

Nateby Primary School has or intends to spend the funding as follows:


Carry forward from 2013/2014 / £10665.0
SPENT / £9996.40
BALANCE END OF 2014/2015 / £668.60 / To be taken from the carry forward at end of budget 2014/2015 and placed in £PE
Staff training INSET / 400.00 / £350.00
/ / Very informative, useful training from Glenn Swindlehurst covering new national curriculum and assessment. Attended by all teaching staff including TAs and coaches (not GE- couldn’t make it due to funeral). Will ensure points put into practice this academic year(monitoring/ lesson observations).
Climbing sessions for year 6 / 825.00 / £825.00
/ / Two staff (teacher and TA) increased understanding of techniques, warm-up ideas etc
Superb sessions which enabled children to set own goals and push own limits; work as a team; increase stamina.
Educational Visit Tower Wood sailing and climbing / 800.00 / £920.00
/ / Teachers increased skill and confidence in own practice due to working alongside specialist teachers.
A fantastic day for the upper juniors serving to whet younger pupils’ appetites for residential, increase skill level in kayaking – some groups also climbing; and as above for climbing sessions- in this case younger pupils.
Indian Dancing- The Earth
Sarah Hall Dance / 200.00 / £150.00
/ / Teachers increased skill and confidence in own practice due to working alongside specialist teachers.
Teachers also joined in!
Sarah taught the children specific Indian dance moves which symbolise the beauty and fragility of the Earth and how man-kind must look after it. They then created a whole school dance and performed it for the parents and carers. This was published on the school website. It was a fantastic culmination for our theme this term. Children learnt more about dance- and other cultures’ approach to dance, their mythology and beliefs.
Contribute to local cluster PESS arrangement / 1100 / £1100.00
/ / Payment for all the tournaments, workshops and joint training for our cluster for the year.
Excellent value for money- also means we can join in with Fylde and Wyre events as we wish.
Edventure Equipment / 250.00 / £241.75
/ / Pupils also trained to demonstrate equipment.
Playground equipment used to improve behaviour and minimise accidents on the playground at lunchtimes.
YPO / 250.00 / £242.00
/ / As above
Doody’s Circus Skills Workshop / 475.00 / £475.00
/ / A Circus skills day was held. The years 6 and 4 received intensive training so that can lead activities on the playground at lunchtime to minimise accidents and behaviour problems. All other children had a shorter time enjoying learning new skills which they can then practise at playtimes.
Doody’s Circus Skills equipment / 100.00 / £100.00
/ / Specialist equipment for the lunchtime activities
Training for staff in identified areas: gymnastics & dance. / 600.00 / £600.00
/ / HS- gymnastics training as part of subscription to local cluster- cancelled
KR- How to teach primary gymnastics (includes supply costs)
Dance and further training tba- see below
Multi-Games Training for sports coach covering PPA / 300.00 / £280.00
/ / Ensured GE has relevant pedagogy etc for skills and levels of pupils in younger age groups- as he teaches year 2 and pupils as they move up through in to KS2.
2014 Travel to Tower Wood / 300.00 / £250
/ / Day visit travel costs
PSFA pay for Residential travel costs every October
Manchester Thunder Netball Community Visit / 270.00 / £270.65
/ / Teachers and TA attended – inspired them in their teaching of Netball club.
Parents contributed to whole event.
Travel for Community Visit / 290.00 / £290
Playground equipment / 500.00 / £460
/ / £241.75 in September 2014 and £218.25 in November 2014
Increased participation in playtime activities. Used in pupil-led daily games.
High 5 netball training materials / 50.00 / £50
/ / On-line resource for netball club
Swimming lessons / 3392.00 / £3392
/ / Years 2,3,4,5 and 6 swimming 1and 1/2 terms each.
Total spent / £9996.40
Further training- JR, HS and LG / £1200
New equipment for scooter trail. (Major funding from Parish Council, PSFA and school funds.) / tbc / To be completed summer 2015
Active play equipment for EYFS / £300
Club and playground equipment / £1500 / £644.42 spent so far
Contribute to local cluster PESS arrangement / £1100.00 / Contribute to local cluster PESS arrangement
Swimming lessons for years 4, 5 and 6 / £1200 / Reduce the swimming budget to 1 term for class 3 only 2015/2016