Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Real-Time Monitoring and Modeling for Drinking Water Safety and Security
June 27 and 28, 2002
Hilton Gateway Hotel, Newark, New Jersey
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Rutgers CIMIC (Center for Information Management, Integration, and Connectivity)
Timely detection and/or prediction of significant conditions in drinking water are critically important in protecting human health. The value of real-time environmental monitoring and prediction has to be appreciated anew given recent heightened interest in securing the safety of drinking water. Real-time monitoring and modeling technology is helpful or necessary to deal with natural and deliberate or accidental human-caused conditions that may threaten health such as deliberate dumping of biological or chemical contaminants, sewage treatment plant failures, oil/chemical spills, harmful algae blooms and pollutants and pathogens in runoff. Real-time monitoring and modeling is appropriate in reservoirs, rivers and at water treatment plant intakes, and post-treatment within the water distribution network.
Sensor and information technologies are emerging that can provide the tools needed to continuously monitor water quality variables, transmit monitoring data in real time, validate, display and interpret the data, and predict the future state of these variables. To meet the need for timely assessment of water safety, these components need to be integrated into and tested in real-time monitoring and modeling systems.
Workshop Objectives
- Provide a forum where water utilities, regulatory agencies and scientific researchers can discuss needs and solutions to issues in water safety and security related to real-time monitoring and modeling
- Identify the state-of-the-art in sensors both in-situ and remote, telecommunication, data visualization and mathematical modeling that can be applied in pilot real-time monitoring/modeling system(s)
- Identify research needs in these areas
- Identify the expertise of interested organizations and individuals
Workshop Co-Chair / Workshop Co-Chair
Mr. William J. Muszynski, Deputy Regional Administrator / Dr. Nabil Adam, Director
USEPA Region 2 / Rutgers University CIMIC
Steering Committee
Program Committee
Dr. Francisco Artigas, Rutgers CIMIC / Robert Ceberio, NJMCDr. Vijay Atluri, Rutgers CIMIC / Dr. Milton Halem, NASA/GSFC (Emeritus)
Dr. Kirk Barrett, Rutgers CIMIC / Bruce Kiselica, USEPA
Irfan Bora, NJMC / Sue Stendebach, NSF
Kevin Bricke, USEPA / Dr. Yelena Yesha, UMBC
Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Real-Time Monitoring and Modeling for Drinking Water Safety and Security
Hilton Gateway Hotel, Newark, New Jersey
June 27 and 28, 2002
Posters/Demonstrations will be viewable during all breaks.
Wednesday, June 26, 20026pm – 9pm / Welcoming Reception (Essex Room)
Thursday, June 27, 2002
8:00a / Registration begins and continental breakfast (Atlantic/Morris/Mercer Ballroom)
8:30a / Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Nabil Adam, Rutgers University CIMIC
Mr. William J. Muszynski, Deputy Regional Administrator, USEPA Region 2
Dr. Kirk Barrett / Water Utilities Panel
Confirmed Speakers:
Richard Gullick, American Water Works Service Company, Inc.
Ronald Hunsinger, East Bay Municipal Utility District
Dale Kriewall, City of Rochester NY Water Bureau
David Lipsky, New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Panel should address these questions:
What are your water safety concerns?
What kind of source water and distribution network monitoring systems do you have now? What do you do with the data?
Do you use any models to predict the effects of source water and distribution network contamination?
What kinds of sensors, models and information technology would be helpful to you?
10:00a / Break
Dr. Milton Halem / Government Agency Panel.
Confirmed Speakers:
Janet Pawlukiewicz, US EPA 4601
Richard Kropp, US Geological Survey
--"Status and Plans for Development of Real-Time Water Monitoring"
Panel should address questions similar to those in the previous panel
11:30a / State-of-the-art and emerging technologies in in-situ sensors for water quality monitoring
Confirmed Speaker:
Art Janata, Georgia Institute of Technology
12:00p / Lunch in the Essex Room
--Introduction: Dean Steve Diner, Rutgers University
--Guest Speaker: Jane Kenny, Administrator of the US EPA – Region 2
1:15p / State-of-the-art and emerging technologies in remote sensing for water quality
Confirmed Speaker:
Paul Hopkins, SUNY – College of Environmental Science & Forestry
--"Modern Remote Sensing: Imagery, Capabilities, Possibilities"
1:45p / State-of-the-art and emerging technologies in real-time surface water and distribution network modeling
Confirmed Speaker:
Robert Clark, National Risk Management Research Laboratory – US EPA
--“Remote Monitoring and Network Modeling: Their Potential for Protecting the Nation’s Water Supplies”
2:15p / Break
2:45p / Break out sessions:
1. Threats and Vulnerabilities (Atlantic/Morris/Mercer Ballroom)
-- Chair: Bruce Kiselica, US EPA – Region 2
2. Design of an Early Warning Monitoring & Modeling System (Bergen Room)
-- Chair: Steve Effler, Upstate Freshwater Institute
3. Monitoring – Chemical, Biological, and Radioactive (Monmouth Room)
-- Chair: Robert Marks, Ben Gurion University
4. Modeling and Visualization – Dissemination of Warnings (Hudson Room)
-- Chair: Upmanu Lall, Columbia University
4:00p / Reports from break out sessions and discussion (Atlantic/Morris/Mercer Ballroom)
5:00p / Adjourn
6:00p / Buffet dinner in the Essex Room
Friday June 28, 2002
8:00a / Continental breakfast (Atlantic/Morris/Mercer Ballroom)
8:30a / Monitoring & Modeling Presentations:
Elias Greenbaum, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
--"Biosensors for Monitoring of Drinking Water Using Natural Photosynthesis"
Robert Marks, Ben Gurion University
--"Bioluminescent Fiber-Optic Biosensors to Genotoxicants & Mercury"
Steve Effler, Upstate Freshwater Institute
--"Near-Real-Time Monitoring & Modeling System for Onondaga Lake"
William Samuels & Rakesh Bahadur, Science Applications International Corp.
--"An Integrated Water Quality Security System for Emergency Response"
Art Janata, Georgia Institute of Technology
--"Tracking Chemical Plumes in Turbulent Waters"
Rolf Deininger, University of Michigan
--"Design of Early Warning and Source Water Monitoring Systems"
10:30a / Break
11:00a / Reaction from utility companies and government agencies
Break out session Chairs will make their presentations
12:30p / Lunch in Bentley’s Restaurant
1:30p / Discussion led by panelists (Atlantic/Morris/Mercer Ballroom)
2:30p / Break
3:00p / Wrap up and next steps
4:00p / Concluding Remarks and TBA
5:00p / Organizing committee meeting with the 4 Break out session Chairs
Accepted Posters/Demonstrations:
- Eric Dantsker, JWD Applied Algorithm: Inverse Problem of Toxic Waste Spreading
- Robert Ferguson, Strategic Diagnostics, Inc.: Microtox Biotoxicity Detection Technology
- Matt Huffine, Dascore Inc.: In-line monitoring of distribution system with Dascore Six-CENSE
- Robert Miller, Eau Sciences, LLC: Web Enabled Real Time Deterrence, Detection and Response to Bio-Terrorism Threats to Louisiana’s Drinking Water Through Point of Consumption Surveillance of Residual Chlorine
- Chris Owen, Apprise Technologies, Inc.: Remote Sampling Technology: Proactive Management of Surface Water and Development of Comprehensive Data Sets for "Early Warning" Applications
- Brian Esch, ALCO Engineering: A Proposed Remote In-Situ On-Line Water Quality Monitoring System for a Public Drinking Water Supply System
- Wayne Thibaudeau, Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc.: FlowCAM: Automated Early Warning and Continuous Monitoring System for Fluid-Borne Particles and Cells, i.e. Harmful Algae
- William van der Schalie, US Army Center for Env. Health Research: Demonstration of a Continuous, Real-time Biomonitor for the Detection of Toxic Chemicals in Water
- Robert Morgan, Aqueous Solutions Inc.: RABS (Real-Time Aquatic Biomonitoring System) - Today’s Integrated Solution for Continuous Water Quality Assurance
- Kirk Barrett et al, Rutgers CIMIC, An automated validation and alert system for continuous environmental monitoring data
- Dawen Kou and Somenath Mitra, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Continuous Monitoring Of Trace Contaminants In Water Using On-Line Membrane Extraction
- Rakesh K. Gelda, et al, Upstate Freshwater Institute, Assessing gas transfer across the air-water interface with a robotic monitoring buoy
- Rakesh K. Gelda, et al, Upstate Freshwater Institute, Estimation of metabolic rates through robotic in situ diel DO measurements
- Steven W. Effler, et al, Upstate Freshwater Institute, New York’s Near-Real-Time Water Quality Monitoring Network
- Dwight Epps and Kim Miller, Circuit Avenue Netrepreneurs, LLC, Continuous Monitoring for Water Supply Safety with Command Control & Monitoring
- Jorge Rivera-Santos and Luis Olivieri, University of Puerto Rico, Advanced Technology for Water Monitoring in the Puerto Rico Water Resources Research and Environmental Institute
Confirmed Organizations Attending
Government Agencies / UtilitiesLawrence Livermore National Laboratory / American Water Works Service Co., Inc.
NASA Ames Research Center / City of Phoenix Water Services Dept.
NASA GSFC / City of Rochester NY Water Bureau
National Imagery and Mapping Agency / Delaware River Basin Commission
National Science Foundation / East Bay Municipal Utility District
NJ Board of Public Utilities / Elizabethtown Water Company
NJ Meadowlands Commission / Interstate Comm. on the Potomac River Basin
NJDEP – Bureau of Safe Drinking Water / New York City DEP
NYC Env. Engineering & Health Services / NJ Water Association
NY State Department of Health / North Jersey District Water Supply Comm.
US Army Center for Env. Health Research / Passaic Valley Water Commission
US EPA / Philadelphia Suburban Water Company
US Geological Survey / South Central CT Regional Water Authority
Virginia Department of Health / Trenton Water Works
United Water New Jersey
Upper Mohawk Valley Reg. Water Bd.
Advantica Stoner
Aeration Industries International, Inc. / Academic & Research Representatives
ALCO Engineering
Apprise Technologies, Inc. / Ben Gurion University
Aqueous Solutions, Inc. / Columbia University
Camp Dresser & McKee / Cornell University
Carollo Engineers, P.C. / Georgia Institute of Technology
Circuit Avenue Netrepreneurs, LLC / NJIT
Dascore Inc. / Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Eau Sciences, LLC / Rutgers University CIMIC
Environmental Compliance, Inc. / Rutgers Dept. of Civil & Env. Engineering
Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc. / SUNY – College of Env. Science & Forestry
Gallagher Associates / University of Maryland - Baltimore County
Hach Company / University of Michigan
Haestad Methods, Inc. / University of Puerto Rico
IFF (International Flavors & Fragrances) / University of the Virgin Islands
JWD Applied Algorithm / Upstate Freshwater Institute
Malcolm Pirnie
O’Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc.
Parsons Brinckerhoff
Schoor DePalma Inc.
Science Applications International Corp.
Strategic Diagnostics, Inc.
Woodard & Curran