Minutes for School Governance Council Meeting 9-26-17 New Prospect Elementary- Full Meeting-Location: 3055 Kimball Bridge Rd. Alpharetta, GA 30009 at 7:15 a.m.
Council Members Present / Amy Lemons-Principal; Diona Nadir-Assistant Principal; Melody Johnson- teacher; Lauren Lilly-teacher; LaWanda Estes-teacher; Lisa Langford- Council chair; Yolane Terblanche-parent; Corey Debrody-parent; Michelle Hinton-parent; Michelle Kahowai-community memberInformation Item / Lisa Langford reviewed the norms
Action Item / Diona Nadir motioned to approve the September 2017 agenda and Michelle Hinton seconded it.
Action Item / Johnson approved the August 2017 minutes, and Yolane seconded it.
Discussion Item / Lisa Langford reported on the superintendent’s council-On the council, you get to hear about the new initiatives and ideas of the district. Mrs. Johnson will serve as the teacher representative, Michelle Hinton and Yolane Terblanche will serve as the parent council members.
Discussion Item / Review of current strategic plan and the district’s strategic plan-in the past, NPE lost students to other private schools, parent feedback about lack of rigor in the non-TAG classes, desired to invest more in professional development for teachers. Some of the goals with the past strategic plan were use hands-on learning, which is where PBL came from, increase in rigor via the STEM lab, increase TAG teacher strategies into the regular classroom through GAT day and the TAG collaboration model. Last year, PBL training for staff, this year Literacy/Writers focused, added more student leadership initiatives (safety patrol, Tech Team, Science Olympiad). Increase level of parent engagement at Spirit Nights. Making international night bigger will also help increase parent involvement.
Discussion Item / Fulton’s Strategic Plan-We are in the process of re-writing our plan for this year to match the district’s 4 pillars. The district believes if we make the people and culture happy, they will increase the student achievement. Ms. Lemons attended the cross-council meeting. The three upcoming meetings will take us through writing the strategic plan 10/18, 11/15, 01/24. The strategic plan will be due in February as well as the RFF process. Ms. Lemons described the SEED Fund process this year. The SEED Funds can be used to help address our opportunities for growth. The Strategic planning committee recommended that we re-evaluate our SGC meeting dates to reflect the strategic planning dates. They also recommend having a consistent team working on the plan-LaWanda Estes-Teacher Rep, Lisa Langford and Yolane Terblanche-parent reps.
Discussion/Information Item / Meeting dates changed: 11/28/17 and 1/29/18 ( due to strategic plan trainings)
Discussion Item / Achievement Data-Working on PLCs- leadership went over GA Milestones data and then so did grade levels. Discussed highlights of data, areas we need to work on (admin will be stepping in to help out grade levels to support them in areas of need)—discussed how SGC can support our growth (support the initiatives of the school, continue to ask questions, volunteer, and use SEED fund budget to continue to help address deficits). Discussed goals of GA Milestones. The school supported students taking the test, other grades “mentored” students taking test with notes and treats—students loved this. Council comments: The struggle with “explaining your math” has been a challenge, but the writing units of study have helped, as well as instruction in Math. New SS/Sci standards require students to think and apply the standards –which will be a change in mindset as well, but will be helpful for students. Based on our Milestones and CCRPI, our CCRPI may go down, we may need to communicate this with the parents. Have someone come explain AFTER the score has come out, so that parent understand once they know(an AM and PM time). We can also speak to what we are doing to help improve our scores. (one resource is “Math in Practice” to help explain the “Why?” or the conceptual level, another “Do the Math” it helps fill in the gaps for students with the curriculum) Moving away from station work toward mini-lesson/direction instruction. Have a principal meeting helping parents conceptualize the way in which the students are expected to understand the concepts, whether it be Math/Sci/SS/Rdg/ TAG.
Discussion Item / Budget Data: 94% of budget is on teachers, staff, admin—necessary to investing in to get positive results for students. Discussed the break down. We are spending specifically with our strategic plan. Discussed digital resources and how/what is beneficial for students and helping fill in the gaps.
Discussion Item / Self-Assessment: Went over results and feedback. Looked at lower scores (attendance, stakeholder feedback, etc) Think about how we can improve.
Information Item / Principal’s Update: Read an email from a teacher about reading and Mary’s vision. Teachers talked about latest PD about Lucy Training. Spirit nights are fun. Communication is going well, but hoping to improve it even more. Working on developing RTI and need to think about using SEED fund money to helping support the needs to the students. Would like to see vertical teaming more with Webb Bridge and Alpharetta HS.
Information Item / Please email Lisa Langford with any agenda items.
Action Item / Mrs. Debrody motioned to adjourn the meeting, and Mrs. Nadir seconded it. Vote results: Unanimous, Yes