Additional file 1: service delivery and organisation researchprogramme scoping studies 2000 to 2006
Project Principal investigatorYear TitleCon-Liter-Pol-Consult-
ceptualature icy ation
mapping mapping mappingexercise
SDO/02Professor George Freeman 2000Continuity of care scoping exercise√√xx
SDO/03Professor Paula Nicolson 2000Eliciting and assessing users' views on the processes of x√x√
health care:a methodological scoping exercise
SDO/05Dr Martin Gulliford 2000Access to health care services:ascoping exercisex√xx
SDO/12Dr Rebecca Rosen2000Access to health care: taking forward the findings √x√√
SDO/15Dr Hilary Arksey 2001Mental health scoping exercise: research on services to x√x√
support carersfor people with mental health problems
SDO/19aProfessor Ewan Ferlie2002Relationships between health care organisations: a critical x√xx
overview of the literature and a research agenda
SDO/20Professor Fiona Ross2002Identifying research priorities in nursing, midwifery service x√x√
deliveryand organisation: a scoping exercise
SDO/50Professor Trevor Sheldon 2003Workforce and health outcomes: ascoping exercise x√xx
SDO/51Professor Roy Carr-Hill 2003The potential for improving the effectiveness of the workforcex√xx
insecondary care: what is the evidence? A scoping exercise
SDO/52Professor Robert Elliott2003The impact of local labour market factors on the organisation x√xx
anddelivery of health services:a scoping exercise
SDO/55Professor Rod Sheaff 2003Organisational factors and performance: a scoping exercise √√xx
SDO/59Professor Ray Jones 2003E-health policy context and consultation with stakeholders xx√√
SDO/60Dr Claudia Pagliari 2003Literature review and conceptual map of the area of e-health√√xx
SDO/68Professor Alison While2004A scoping exercise: the nursing, midwifery and health visitingx√xx
contribution to child health services
SDO/76Professor Rob Horne 2004Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking:√√√x
ascoping exercise
SDO/81Professor Tom Burns 2004Measuring outcomes for carers for people with mental health √√xx
SDO/82Professor Martin Roland2005Outpatient services and primary carex√xx
SDO/85Ms Angela Greatley2005A synthesis of literature and policy documents for patient andx√√x
carer-centred mental health research priorities
Project Principal investigatorYear TitleCon-Liter-Pol-Consult -
ceptualature icy ation
mapping mapping mappingexercise
SDO/86Ms Angela Greatley2005Patient andcarer-centred mental health services research xxx√
priorities: a consultation exercisewith relevant stakeholders
SDO/132Dr John Gladman2006Specialist rehabilitation for neurological conditions: a literature x√xx
review and mapping study
SDO/139Professor Sallie Lamb2006Scoping exercise on fallers' clinicsx√x√
SDO/143Professor Irene Higginson2006A scoping exercise: generalist services for people at the end x√x√
of life
SDO/150Professor David Hunter 2006Scoping study of the public health system In Englandx√xx
SDO/152Dr Ruth Townsley2006Shaping our future: a scoping and consultation exercise to establishx√x√
research priorities in learning disabilities for the next ten years