TATE Action Group Meeting 17thDecember2013
Present: Peter (Chair), Nicola (secretary),Graham, Bernard, Keith, Shirl, John R
- Previous minutes and actions
- Finance and Fund raising
- Status with third parties
- Plans Panel meeting 12th December
- How campaign should now develop
- Lines of attack
- a.o.b.
- Next meeting
Item 1 Previous Minutes and Actions
The previous minutes were agreed as accurate. The previous actions had been completed. The £250 earmarked for Martin Eagland to assist with Shirl’s FOI request was not spent.
Item 2Finance and Fund Raising
Peter distributed the current financial report. Some previously committed funds had been removed.
Item 3Status with third parties
Peter discussed the ongoing working relationship with Cunnane and Linden Homes. It was noted that Cunnane had received advice that the application warranted referral. There was a discussion around the viability statement and the fact that it was deemed confidential.
Item 4Plans Panel 12th December
Peter had given a presentation and said there was significantly more questioning and concern over the application – particularly regarding viability, contamination, sustainability and what other uses the site could have. Following the claim at the meeting that the site centre would be about the size of Boston Spa Bern said he would send a copy of his objection to relevant Plans Panel members (Action BC). Councillor Gruen had claimed that Thorp Arch did not want any local development; the Parish Council have written refuting this. Given that other incorrect information had been given at the meeting Aaron had advised that once the minutes were issued we could make a formal objection challenging the incorrect information. There was also an indication that if Rockspring did not get the result they wanted they would seek legal redress. Shirl would circulate the relevant notes of the meeting in London in March (Action SD). It was felt the least worst option for LCC was to get the application called in. It was also noted that although new drawings of “relief” road junctions were presented to the Panel these were not currently part of the formal submission.
Item 5 How campaign should now develop
- Graham would index the UDP documentation and then Bern and Shirl would review it (Action GD, BC, SD).
- The definition of TATE as Brownfield needed legal clarification as the site development including the “relief” road would take up more Greenfield land than other Greenfield sites for 2000 houses.
- Nicola discussed her meetings with Alan Lamb and John Procter. The fact that the application is about book value was debated. The way forward regarding our relation ship with elected members was discussed.
- The latest email to supporters was discussed and updated. The content was agreed by the meeting and Peter would send it out that evening (Action PL).
- Peter would continue to work closely with the planning department.
Item 6 Lines of Attack
- The call in strategy had been discussed previously.
- The UDP review had been discussed previously.
- Graham would follow up on the S106 agreement part funding the Walton cycle track which David Newbury felt was of benefit to the application despite it not being within the curtilage (Action GD).
Item 7 aob
Wetherby news had contacted Peter following LCC press release regarding approval for the application. Peter had given an interview on Stray FM. He was also in further contact with Calendar News. He had sent a copy of his Plans panel presentation to the Yorkshire Post and would also send a copy of Sheila’s presentation (Action PL).
There was a discussion around S106 “goodies” and also Sheila’s position on the Consultative Forum. It was agreed that Bern would write to the Parish Council regarding this (Action BC).
It was decided to hold another public meeting in the New Year to which our elected representatives would be invited (Action PL).
Item 8 Next meeting
No next meeting date was set.