Kingsbury Parish Council Minutes

Meeting of Kingsbury Parish Council held on Wednesday, 22nd May 2013, at Kingsbury School, Kingsbury.

Present: Councillors: Chair H Phillips, A Simpson, A Lewis, M Moss, I Thomas,

C Ayasamy, J Thomas, K Carr and A Jenns

Clerk: S Humphries

Apologies: Apologies received and accepted from Cllrs B Moss and J Whitby.

391 Declarations of Personal and Prejudicial Interests

·  Councillors M Moss, H Phillips and A Lewis declared a personal interest in any Borough Council issues.

·  Councillor A Lewis and H Phillips declared a personal interest in any minutes concerning Warwickshire CAVA Local Management Committee.

·  Councillor A Lewis declared a personal interest in any minutes concerning Piccadilly Community Association.

·  Councillor A Simpson declared a personal interest in any minutes concerning Hurley Community Centre.

·  Councillor I Thomas declared a personal interest in any minutes concerning the Oil Depots and Piccadilly Community Association.

·  Councillor J Thomas declared a personal interest in any minutes concerning Bodymoor Heath Victory Hall Committee and Piccadilly Community Centre.

·  Councillors I Thomas, J Thomas, A Lewis, H Phillips, A Jenns, M Moss and C Ayasamy declared a personal interest in any minutes relating to HS2. Councillor I Thomas left the room while minute 402 was discussed.

392 Public Questions (373)

Updates on two public questions previously raised are as follows:

·  Refuge survey on Tamworth Road - WCC have now carried out a thorough review of the possibility of a refuge in this area. Unfortunately it would only be possible if the parking lay-by was removed to give enough road width either side for vehicle movements. It would dis-benefit properties to lose this facility and it would mean an extensive redesign of the road in this area and would cost a substantial amount of money. WCC cannot justify installing a refuge at this time.

·  Speeding review Trinity Road, Kingsbury – WCC are currently looking into a scheme on Trinity Road and will look into moving the 30mph limit out to encompass Pear Tree Avenue at the same time. Further information is awaited.

393 Minutes to be Approved

It was proposed by Cllr J Thomas and seconded by Cllr A Lewis and agreed by all present:

RESOLVED: That the minutes of the Council meeting held on 17th April 2013 are approved as a true record.

394 Piccadilly Play Area Issues (375)

NWBC reported that the installation of post and rail boundary fencing and kissing gates at Piccadilly sports field has now been completed. They have also confirmed that regular maintenance will be carried out.

The gap in the Trinity Road hedge has also been planted and temporary protective fencing erected.

NWBC are now looking into options for opening/locking of gates at main entrance should these be installed and they will liaise with the Community Association on this.

Waterloo Housing are responsible for looking into the gate springs that are too tight for wheelchair users. This has still not been addressed and the Clerk was asked to contact NWBC to let them know as they have been chasing them on this matter.

395 Lorry problems and low bridge at Piccadilly(376)

WCC confirmed the electricity supply has been installed for the low bridge interactive sign. The suppliers of the sign have been notified and work should be completed in the next four weeks.

The Clerk will chase up the sign for the Kingsbury Link island as this was supposed to be fitted at the same time.

396 Safety of bridge - Bodymoor Heath (377)

It has been agreed with the Canal and River Trust that WCC will install new meshing panels in the existing fence, a new surface mounted post on the NW corner of the parapet and paint the railings white to improve visibility. Councillor J Thomas reported that some of the work had been completed.

397 Shrubs in garden restricting vision when pulling out of Church Lane (378)

Although action has been taken on this matter it is still reported as causing an obstruction. County Highways met on site with Councillor M Moss to discuss the problems. Vegetation is overhanging from a property and a card was put through the letterbox asking them to get in touch to discuss as previous requests via letter have not improved the situation. Also a defect has been issued to cut back further vegetation around the junction and this has been carried out by WCC.

398 HS2 (379)

A representative or Dan Byles MP will be at the HS2 meeting on Friday 24th May at Kingsbury Youth Centre. Also there will be details set up in Kingsbury Water Park for a couple of weekends to show the effect that HS2 will have on the water park and surrounding areas.

HS2 Ltd has now launched the next step of this project which is a consultation on a Draft Environmental Statement (ES), including a Draft Code of Construction Practice (CoCP), for Phase 1 (London-West Midlands) of the proposed HS2 rail network.

The draft ES is a work in progress and describes the HS2 route design as it currently stands and the alternatives that have been studied. The draft CoCP describes the key principles that will be followed to avoid, reduce or manage the construction effects described in the ES. For more information and to read these documents please visit HS2 websites or the parish council website.

399 Clerk’s contract of employment to be revised (380)

This is being dealt with by Councillors and is on-going. A separate meeting to be arranged.

400 Bus stop by 68 Coventry Road, Kingsbury request to move (382) .

We have been informed by WCC that residents would like the bus stop pole moved further up the road as it is obstructing their view when pulling off their drives onto Coventry Road. Following a site visit by Councillors B and M Moss it was suggested that the timetable could be relocated and this would improve the problem but it was felt the stop should remain where it is.

It was also noted that the telegraph pole next to the bus stop pole was leaning and the base was rotten. This will be passed onto WCC.

401 Councillors Parish Matters Raised February 2013 (384)

·  Water leak on pavement by 79 Coventry Road – This has now been repaired.

402 Request for funding (385)

Kingsbury and District Campaign Group HS2 Spur – This group has been set up to help local residents as the railway line passes close to and impacts on Marston, Bodymoor Heath, Kingsbury, Slateley and Whateley. A start up grant has been requested.

Further information was provided by the Clerk and two Councillors applied to the council for special dispensation under section 33 of the Localism Act 2011 to be able to vote on this despite having declared an interest. The reasons for this is that it would be in the interest of the local community and that the council would be quorate and able to transact the business. This was agreed by all.

It was proposed by Councillor K Carr and seconded by Councillor A Simpson and agreed by all those able to vote that:

RESOLVED: A grant of £100 would be given to the campaign group and the cheque would be raised when the bank account details have been forwarded to the Clerk.

403 Councillors Parish Matters Raised March 2013 (386)

The following responses have been received from the relevant authorities:

·  Tarmac by Kingsbury Co-op is uneven and large puddles form – This will be inspected when we have had rainfall by County Highways. No further information received in time for the meeting. To be followed up.

404 Planning Applications

There were no planning applications that required a response from the Parish Council.

405 Councillors Parish Matters Raised April 2013 (388)

The following will be reported to the relevant authorities:

·  Lamp out by 15 Coventry Road – This has been reported.

·  Tree roots pushing up the tarmac along the gully from Ralph Crescent to the old library site – This has been inspected and marked up for patching programme.

·  Numerous lights out at the bottom of Piccadilly Crescent and at oil terminal crossroads – Reported to WCC Lighting department. Councillor I Thomas reported that there are still problems with the lights and this will be followed up.

·  Thistlewood brook opposite Trinity Road is smelly – Reported to Environmental Health and they have contacted Councillor I Thomas to meet on site to discuss.

406 Correspondence

The Clerk reported on the following items of correspondence at the meeting. If any further information is required please contact the Clerk (details on the website):-

·  Update on bus shelter ~Coventry Road

·  Wienerberger Liaison Committee request for a meeting

·  Policy Briefing – Mobile connectivity in England: simplifying the planning process

·  Policy Briefing – The Queens speech 2013

·  WALC – Sustainable Communities Act

·  NWBC Quarterly Play area inspection – discussed and no areas for immediate concern

·  NWBC Inspecting Children’s playgrounds training course

·  NWBC Notice of preliminary hearing on Core Strategy 5th June 2013

·  Chain of office requires new links to update. The Clerk and Chair to liaise on this.

·  Clerks and Councils Direct May 2013

·  WCC ~Fostering in Warwickshire

·  There is a new traffic monitoring box at Lea Marston which is a permanent fixture but will only be used for a few weeks of the year.

407 Councillors Parish Matters Raised May 2013

The following will be reported to the relevant authorities:

·  Lamp out Wood Street – Cllr A Lewis

·  Water leak from manhole Hurley Common – Cllr A Lewis

·  No parking sign pushed over Old Kingsbury Road – Cllr M Moss

·  Can we write to the Water Park and ask them to increase parking provision and liaise with the police after the parking problems on the Bank holiday – Cllr M Moss

·  Unacceptable repair job to the kerbs and footpath following the completion of houses on Tamworth Road/Trinity Road, Kingsbury – Cllr K Carr

·  Anti-social problems outside the Kingsbury Country Club have been reported to the police – Cllr K Carr

·  Paths both sides of the motorway bridge at Bodymoor Heath are crumbling – Cllr J Thomas

·  Can the roads by both Doctors surgeries in Hurley and Kingsbury be put on the gritting programme due to problems in the winter months with icy conditions – Cllr J Thomas

·  One of the bollards by the entrance to the old pit, Pitt Hill have been broken down and cars etc can get access – Cllr I Thomas

·  Brown sign to Whitacre garden centre needs removing from the Mill island now the centre has closed – Cllr A Jenns

·  Path in a bad state of repair in the Water Park from the entrance via the church steps – Cllr M Moss

408 Settlement maps for Site allocations plan consultations

NWBC have to identify areas for possible development and maps of the sites were provided. The preferred options in the current site allocations plan consultation were discussed. . Councillors were against building on sites in Kingsbury (KIN2, KIN8), Piccadilly (PIC1) and Wood End (WE6). A statement from Kingsbury Parish Council will be forwarded to NWBC by the deadline date. The public had a chance to voice their concerns at recent drop in sessions as part of the consultation.

409 Kingsbury Co-op/Barlow Court parking

Residents have been experiencing dangerous parking in Barlow Court for many years. A site meeting took place between the police, parish Councillors, the Co-op and residents to discuss some options to help the situation. Ideas put forward were for extended yellow lines and railings and the co-op car park to be marked out clearly. County Highways would be asked to price this up for us as there may be some funding available from a number of sources when we know the cost. It was proposed by Councillor A Jenns and seconded by Councillor C Ayasamy and agreed by all that:

RESOLVED: The Clerk would write to County Highways on behalf of all the agencies to ask them to cost out how much the proposals would be so that this could be progressed.

410 Volunteer centre request for funding

A letter has been received from the Volunteer Centre North Warwickshire asking for a donation towards their costs. Following discussions it was proposed by Councillor H Phillips and seconded by Councillor J Thomas and agreed by all:

RESOLVED: That a donation of £250 be given to the Volunteer Centre to help with their work in North Warwickshire.

411 Kingsbury Railway station question from resident

A while ago proposals were being discussed for railway stations at Coleshill and Kingsbury. Coleshill went ahead but can we find out what happened to Kingsbury as some transport links have been withdrawn and with a proposed new development in the area this seems a good time to pursue this. The parish council does hold a small amount of money that was raised in the past.

412 Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on 19th June at Bodymoor Heath, Victory Hall.

413 Accounts for payment

It was proposed by Councillor H Phillips and seconded by Councillor K Carr and agreed:

RESOLVED: That the accounts listed below be approved for payment and the relevant contribution to the pension scheme would be paid by bank transfer.

Administration Costs May £697.01

Volunteer Centre (minute 410 May 2013) £250.00

Bank Balances 31st May 2013

Current A/c £1,748.53

Business Reserve A/c £43,842.15

Signed ______Dated ______