Annual Primary/Secondary German Teachers’ Conference 2017
Einladung – Invitation
An alle südaustralischen Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer
Wann?Freitag, 19. Mai & Samstag, 20. Mai 2017
Wo?Immanuel College
Wieviel?Anmeldegebühr (Registration Fee):
SAGTA Members:$140Early Bird: $120
Non-members:$220Early Bird: $200
Workshop Presenters:$50
Full-time students non-member:$80.-
Full-time students SAGTA member$60.-
Early Bird Registrations to be received by Monday 8th May
Mittagessen und Kaffee/Tee/Kekse sind in der Gebühr enthalten – Refreshments and a light lunch are included in the fee.
Please note: Registration fees are for attendance on Friday/Saturday.
Registration closes/Anmeldeschluss:Monday 15th May
Registration & Invoice
Registration for the 2017 Conference is to be completed ONLINE.
Workshop registration (see below) is to be completed separately and emailed as an attachment
to Kirsten Ohlhaber at:
Registration is to be completed by both SAGTA and non-SAGTA members ONLINE at:
SAGTA members please log on first and then find the link to the conference to register.
Please follows the instructions for payment on the website. EFT or Paypal options are available.
If paying via EFTplease ensure youinclude your identity
Your registration is not complete until payment has been received.
No payments for SAGTA membership or conference registration will be accepted at the conference.
Name: ______
Please email this section ONLY as an attachment to:
Workshop Registration
Samstag,20. Mai 2013
Session ISession II
W/s1 / W/s
2 / W/s
3 / W/s
4 / W/s
5 / W/s
6 / W/s
7 / W/s
8 / W/s
9 / W/s
pref. / 1st
2nd pref. / 2nd pref.
Session III
W/s11 / W/s
12 / W/s
13 / W/s
14 / W/s
2nd pref.
Do you have special dietary requirement?
“Give away”
We are organising a table for sharing or recycling language materials that we no longer use but that may be of use to others. If you have materials that you would like to pass on/ swap/ recycle
Please bring them along for Saturday.
Attendance at conference dinneryes/ no
Workshop Registration
It is necessary for participants to register for individual workshops for this year's conference. Workshops are limited to 25 participants.
All workshops have been numbered. On your registration form please tick your 1st and 2nd preference only for each workshop session.
Registration for workshops will be on a "first come first served" basis. If the workshop is full, we will register you for the workshop of your 2ndpreference or, should both workshops be full, make an alternative choice. The list with workshops and participants' names will be prominently displayed in the main conference room.
Accreditation will be referenced to the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers on participants certificates