USPA Staff Affairs Committee Meeting
April 15, 2015, 12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Staff Affairs Committee Members in attendance:
Jennifer BassBarbara Dupuis
Melinda BrownGayle Stillson
Maria Cartolano
USPA Officers in attendance:
Ted Hornoi-Centerwall
Debby Fliger
Others in attendance:
HR Representative: Greg Catron
Members unable to attend: Dee Crawford, Glenda Kelsey, Greg Swisher, Sunshine Isbell
Pam Quimby has moved from USPS to A&P and Kaleema Lucy Webb is now employed elsewhere, so they will no longer be available to serve on this committee.
January 23 meeting minutes were approved and accepted.
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Discussion Items
Spring Assembly, Wed., 5/13, 1 – 3 p.m. – Student Union Ballroom has been reserved. Ted proposed a theme for the assembly – Continue the March Madness, Go, Ospreys! – to continue the UNF Men’s great basketball season; he showed posters, signs and jerseys that we can display at the assembly. Discussed having employees wear UNF Osprey gear and entering a raffle for a prize; Melinda mentioned “Fundles” used at Annual Giving Breakfast might be available.
President John Delaney is scheduled to be the lead speaker, followed by VP Janet Owen with a legislative update and Tim Giles, Director of Continuing Education. Ted will also check to see if Coach Matt Driscoll and the Swoop Squad (Courtney Wethington) will be able to attend and participate.
Discussed ice cream novelties instead of appetizers; Jennifer is willing to check into the cost and availability (will also check with Sunshine as she has been working on appetizers).
Maria, Barbara and Dee agreed to work the sign-in table
Discussed having posters with the theme Continue the March Madness, Go, Ospreys! to decorate by registration table and/or stage area
The assembly announcement will be published in the Osprey Update beginning this week with a Save the Date.
Discussed having a photographer to take photos of the event; Ted has a camera he will lend and will check with the photography department and PR for a student or employee to help with this.
Custodial Breakfast, Wed., 5/13, 7:30 – 9:30 a.m. – Talon Room has been reserved. Jennifer is willing to take care of the food again; will pick up fruit and juice from Publix and order biscuits and gravy and coffee? from Chartwells. President Delaney to share around 8 a.m.; Debby to check with Tim Giles to see about speaking about CE. Ted to check with Shari Shuman to see about covering costs again. Ted, Sunshine, Debby, Melinda, and Jennifer plan to attend and help with the breakfast.
Treasurer’s Report – Debby shared budget numbers (no change) and update regarding Gabor award money. Per Pat Madrid and Josh Merchant, the award amounts would be grossed up to cover FICA taxes only, not federal as this hasn’t been done before and the money is not in the budget. Committee would like Debby to look at last year’s and contact Pat again as we have been advertising $1500 and $500 after taxes. May need to rephrase this?
Gabor Awards - Gayle shared a brief update and a reminder to get our votes and comments into her by 5 p.m. today so that she can have everything ready for tomorrow’s 1 p.m. meeting.
Discussed three (3) vacancies on the committee and how to fill them. Best way is word of mouth, so members are to share with USPS friends and co-workers that might be interested in serving. Ted will also make an announcement at the breakfast and assembly and gather information from interested parties.
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Action Items
Ted to check with the Athletic Dept. for a “Fundle” – possible prize for the best dressed Osprey; will print out registration lists to use at sign-in for the breakfast and assembly; will send announcement to Osprey Update starting with a Save the Date this week.
Signs needed – Continue the March Madness, Go, Ospreys! (if no one is interested in making these, I can ask my daughter who is good at lettering/art; just let me know)
Tickets/registration slip for Osprey drawing (Debby will print up and bring to assembly/breakfast)
Ted to check on getting a photographer; Jennifer to get contact info on Jennifer ? as she does photography at UNF events
Need to post signs in the Housing and Physical Facilities areas regarding the assembly and breakfast for those USPS employees without e-mail access (Ted to contact Lorraine Sidell and Sam Lento)
Respectfully submitted,
Debby Fliger
USPA Secretary/Treasurer
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