1. Do we have enough desks for everyone?

In general there are enough desk spaces for all our staff at both CCGs. At times the office is full to capacity due to colleagues from the CSU, Governing body etc who use our work space. The executive management team is still looking at ways in which we can improve our workspace and ensure that there are enough hot desk spaces available for people to use when they need it.

  1. I have an Occupational Health need, what are the rules around my allocated workspace?

Fixed workstations are for staff who further to an occupational health assessment, have been identified as needing adjustments. When desks are not in use they should be used for hot desk purposes. Some staff may only need an ergonomic chair rather than a full workstation.

  1. How do we ensure that all desks are available for any member of staff to use (this includes workstations which are fixed/ergonomics etc)

There are certain desks that are fixed for staff such as reception staff and the business support team in Islington.However when these desks are not in use they can also be used for hot desk purposes.

Across both CCGs we are committed to efficient and effective working practices. To make our environment attractive to work in we have introduced some clear workspace protocols that state at the end of the working day, the area should be left clean and clear of personal possessions and paper work –ready for the next occupant. The protocols are applicable to all workspaces including desks, meeting rooms and other ad-hoc storage places such as tops of filing units, under desks and window sills.

  1. Can a desk be reserved?

If a fixed desk is unoccupied then it can be used for hot desk purposes. If the occupant of the fixed desk returns and it is absolutely necessary for them to use that workspace, then fixed desk user must be given priority. Other desks can only be reserved in exceptional circumstances – ie a new member of staff starting.

  1. How long can I be away from my desk without losing it?

In Haringey CCG you should lock your computer if you are moving away from your desk for a short period of time. If the office is busy and you are away from your desk longer than two hours then you should log off the computer and ensure the desk is left clear for someone who may need hot desking space.

In Islington CCG some teams are allocated a fixed desk on a permanent basis, ie Finance. Fixed desk may be used as hot desk in the absence of fixed desk staff being in the office.

  1. Who needs to be in the office at any one time?

The office is usually manned by reception staff from 9am to 5pm. If you will be out of the office and are not contactable then you should add an out of office message identifying how and when you can be contacted.


  1. What do I do about my Kit for working from home/remotely (ie IT, telephone, WiFi)?

Staff requesting to work from home should consider their IT infrastructure and whether it:

(1) Enables them to work from home in a way that is compliant with our information governance policy;

(2) Their home internet bandwidth is strong enough to support working from home, anything under 8-10mb may struggle. CCG laptops are configured to allow access to the blue network and email from anywhere with an internet connection.

It is essential that you have IT and WiFi access if you make a request to work from home. In Haringey CCG there are some spare configured laptops - at present there are not have enough laptops for each member of staff.

Some CCG staff will be issued with mobile phones depending on the nature of their role and the degree to which they are required to work in different locations. If you think you need a work mobile phone, please discuss with your line manager. If you are working at home for any reason and for any period you must be contactable on either your work or personal phone

If staff are working from home or remotely and do not have full IT access, then they should use their out of office automatic reply to inform others how they can be contacted.

  1. How does flexible Working link to Agile Working?

Flexible working arrangements,require management permission, as described in the Flexible Working Policy and Procedure. Agile, or smart, working is business-driven, harnessing technology employees to work anytime anywhere, provided business needs are met.

  1. What are we going to do to enable IT to support Smart working?

Staff based in Islington CCG already have the equipment required for smart working as all staff are provided with laptops.

For Haringey staff we have recently put in a capital bid that, should it be successful, will enable us to upgrade furniture and equipment. We hope to be able to have smaller desks and laptops with docking stations that enables smart working and also the option to work from different sites with a laptop (including home working).

  1. My work requires me to work across various locations, what should I do if I have no IT support/KIT?

Staff whose roles require them to work across various locations should be provided with the IT KIT they need to do their job effectively and managers should ensure that this is in place before staff take up a new role. It is also worth touching base with corporate services team within those locations to ensure they have the appropriate hot desking space.