Gangs and You – Teacher's Guide


Could you become a member of a gang? In this activity the students will learn about gangs, their structure and how they influence teens.

Students can access all the Internet sites for the Interactive Activities by clicking on Students' Area in the ECB On-line homepage, then click on:

·  Interactive Activity links - The links to the Internet sites are listed under the names of the activities.
- or -

·  Elementary, Junior High, High School. Choose their coursebook.


Proficiency (Grades 11-12)


Three 45-minute lesson (or more)

Group Size

Pairs or groups

Students' Prior Knowledge

The student can ...

... follow links on the Internet.


The students will be able to

... understand the main ideas and significant details of a text.

... use information tools.

... present information with the help of visual aids.

... understand texts that may include grammatical structures and vocabulary with which they are unfamiliar and infer meaning.


Ask the students what they know about gangs. Can they give examples of what gangs do and what they represent? How do you become a gang member? Are all gangs violent?

Give the students Could You be a Gang Member? - Part One. When they complete the questionnaire, discuss their answers. Discuss why they think some people are more susceptible to becoming gang members than others?

Continue to Could You be a Gang Member? – Part Two.

1.  Ask them to answer the questions.

2.  Ask them to read one the information about gangs presented in the following Internet sites.

Gangs and at-risk Kids

Gangs 101

Gang Awareness

3.  After reading the information in one of these Internet sites, ask them to answer the questions again as if they were in a gang.
Compare their answers.

  1. Which questions did they answer differently?
  2. Which questions did they answer the same?
  3. What is the different between a group of friends and a gang?


Prepare a report about your findings.

Variations on a theme:
** Note that some of the information found on these web sites are not educational.

Search the Internet for a site that represents a gang**. Report to the class:

·  What is the name of the gang?

·  What does this name represent?

·  Where is this gang located?

·  How long has the gang existed?

·  What are their colors and/or uniform?

·  What is their purpose?

Could You be a Gang Member?

Student's Activity – Part 1

Could be a gang member? Answer the following questions and find out.

1 Your friend buys a new shirt from a certain shop. You:

a. go to that shop and buy the same shirt in the same colour.

b. go to that shop and buy the same shirt in a different colour

c. tell her / him that you like it but don’t buy it.

2 You are on holiday with some friends. They decide to get the same tattoo (real or henna). You

a. do it also. Friends do things together.

b. do it, but not the same one and in a different place.

c. don’t do it. You don’t like them. So what if ‘everyone’ is doing it.

3 All your friends buy low cut jeans, but that style looks terrible on you. You:

a. buy them anyway.

b. don’t buy them, but look for something similar.

c. don’t buy them and look for something that is flattering to you.

4 Your friends buy the new CD from the hottest new group. You really don’t like the group. You:

a. buy it and listen to it hoping you’ll grow to like it.

b. buy it and only put it on when your friends come over.

c. don’t buy it.

5. You are out with friends and they start drinking alcohol. You don’t really want to drink. You:

a. drink anyway just to be like everyone else.

b. take one drink and no more.

c. say thanks, but no thanks. Drinking isn’t for you.

6. You and some friends go shopping. One friend wants to buy two shirts and walks out of the shop with two shirts, but she / he only bought one. You think that:

a. it’s cool. Maybe you could do it too.

b. she / he is lucky she / he didn’t get caught. That was really stupid.

c. she / he was really stupid and wonder if your friend isn’t getting invloved in dangerous things.

7. A group of your friends is going to a party. Another friend of yours wants to come too. Your friends don’t want her / him to come because she’s / he’s not one of the group. You tell:

a. your friend she / he can’t come with you and ignore her/him at the party.

b. her / him you are sorry, but you are going with other friends, but spend some time with her/him at the party

c. her / him to come with you. If your friends don’t like it, it’s their problem.


·  You marked mostly a’s – You are influenced by your friends. You are gang material.

·  You marked mostly b’s – you are influence by your friends, but still want to be an individual. You could be gang material, but then again, maybe not. You decide!

·  You marked mostly c’s – You don’t let your friends influence what you like. You value being an individual.

Could You be a Gang Member?

Student's Activity – Part 2

A. Use your dictionary to help you answer the following questions.

1.  What is the definition of the word ‘gang’ in your language?

2.  Look in an English dictionary and define the word 'gang'.

3.  How is the meaning of the word gang in your language similar or different from the English meaning of the word?

B. Situation: You have a close group of friends. Are you in a gang?

1.  Do you and your friends wear similar clothing? If yes, what?

2.  Do you and your friends spend almost all your time together? Yes / No

3.  Do you and your friends accept new people into your 'group' easily? Yes / No

4.  Do you and your friends have one person in your group who is more of a leader than the others? Yes / No

5.  Do you and your friends argue with other groups? Yes / No

6.  Does your group do things to help or hinder the community?

Are you in a gang? Yes / No Justify your answer.

C. Read one these sites and learn more about gangs.

Gangs and at-risk Kids - Gangs 101 - Gang Awareness

To find the Internet sites above to complete this activity

·  Go to: ECB Online:

·  Click on Student's Area

·  Click on Interactive Activity Links or look for your course book.

·  Find the activity: Gangs and You

D.  After reading the information in one of these Internet sites, answer the questions again as if you were in a gang.

E.  Compare these answers to those in Part B.

1.  Which questions did you answer differently?

2.  Which questions did you answer the same?

F.  What is the different between a group of friends and a gang?