AASL Pledge:

I solemnly swear, as a member of the African American Student League executive Board, to uphold all the tasks I have been bestowed pertaining to this organization. I pledge to be a positive role model for the black community even on the darkest of days. I pledge to respect myself as well as the rest of the black communitybecause we deserve it. I pledge to use my creativity, intelligence & energy to better this organization. Ivow to strive to upholdthe mission of eliminating racism, replacing it with justice, in hopes to bring peace so help me God.

Executive Board Declaration

(Must Be Recited and Signed by all Executive Board Members)

I, a member of the African American Student League Executive Board, vow to serve and defend the values and the dignity of our population of interest by educating students and faculty on Who we are, What we must know, and How we must act as an organization. Most importantly, I shall reserve and defend the African American culture in our student body, all while incorporating Lasallian values in all our actions.

See last page of this document to administrate all executive board member signatures.*


Constitution of the Black Student Union

La Salle University


The African American Student League and all members hereafter will adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by this Constitution of the African American Student League of La Salle University.

Article I : Name and Type

The name of this organization shall be the African American Student League; a non-profit, student-run organization: hereafter referred to as AASL.

Article II : Purpose

The purpose of AASL shall be:

1. To represent Black students in political matters and community matters.

2. To serve as the primary advocacy organization for Black students.

3. To act as chief liaison between Black students and the University administration.

4. To take active measures toward fostering an enriching environment for Black students attending a predominately white institution (PWI). To actively participate in functions on and off campus, for example, leadership conferences, that provides enrichment and enlightenment to the plight of Black (meaning those of African descent) students at a predominately white university.

Article III : Membership

General membership of AASL will consist of:

1. All registered undergraduate and graduate students of Black and or African descent and those in support of the purposes stated in Article II.

Active General Body membership entails:

2. Any undergraduate or graduate student who has attended or supported meetings and/or programs by the African American Student League

Article IV- Executive Board, Executive Council, Committees

Section I. Officers

The officers of this organization are listed below. Each officer shall sign an agreement indicating that he/she will fulfill the duties and responsibilities of his/her office as specified by this Constitution. When necessary new officers shall be added by a two-thirds vote of the active members’ quorum or appointed by the executive board.

Elected Officers


·  President

·  Vice President

·  Director of Business Affairs

·  Director of Financial Affairs

·  Secretary

·  Director of Public Relations

·  Multimedia Coordinator

·  Director of Development

·  Appointed Officers By General Assembly

·  Class Representatives

·  Student Advisor

·  Appointed Positions

·  Executive Council member

·  Historian




Section II. Executive Board

The executive board will consist of the President, Vice President, Director of Business Affairs, Secretary, Treasurer, Multimedia Coordinator, and Director of Development.

Section III. Executive Council

The Executive Council will consist of the Executive Board and all other appointed officers. All members of the Executive Council must hold at least a 2.5 grade point average for the fall semester to continue in office for the spring semester. Each member of the Executive Council shall serve a term of one year beginning in the fall semester of each academic year. The Executive Council shall assist in maintaining all committees and carry out the aims and objectives of the AASL and be well-versed in its historical imprint at the La Salle University.

Section V. Responsibilities and Duties of the Officers

The President shall:

1. Must have held an appointed officer position and an elected officer position prior to running. Furthermore, this individual must be in good standing with the organization and campus community.

2. Preside over all formal, informal, and executive meetings.

3. Call meetings of the Executive Council and general body when necessary.

4. Set agenda for all meetings.

5. Act as a AASL representative and spokesperson, or appoint alternate.

6. Be responsible and held accountable for the AASL budget in coordination with the Treasurer.

7. Confer with the advisor on business matters.

8. Give advice to the Executive Council in the discharge of responsibilities and duties.

9. Oversee all day-to-day operations of the organization.

10. Must actively promote all AASL events on all social media platforms

A. Appoint Ad Hoc Committees.Provide for orderly transfer of all documents at the end of his/her term to the Student Centers Office and newly elected AASL officers.

B. Uphold the purpose of the AASL (stated in Article II).

The Vice President shall:

1. Enforce due observance of this constitution.

2. Preside in the absence or inability of the President.

3. Represent the AASL in all external functions.

4. Oversee all committees and chairpersons including the execution of community meetings.

5. Serve on external committees as needed.

6. Succeed the President in the event of resignation or impeachment.

7. Advise the Executive Council on the AASL constitution.

8. Must actively promote all AASL event on all social media platforms

The Director of Business Affairs shall:

1. Preside in the absence of the President and/or Vice President.

2. Represent the BSU in all external functions and committees including all the university functions.

3. Reserve all rooms and space for the organizational events, programs, etc.

4. Oversee the election process for the organization. This should be in collaboration with the Multimedia Coordinator and a graduating executive council member.

5. In the event of the succession of the Vice President to the President, the Director of Business Affairs will take on title and duties of Vice President. The duties of the Director of Business Affairs shall be assumed by the Treasurer.

6. Must actively promote all AASL events on all social media platforms

The Director of Financial Affairs shall:

1. Maintain an accurate record of all AASL financial transactions and account balances.

2. Present a written report of all financial transactions to the Executive Council.

3. Produce and be held accountable for the AASL budget in coordination with the president.

4. Oversee all financial reimbursements to AASL members in a timely manner.

5. Oversee completion of all contracts of vendors and artists.

6. Oversee all payments and delivery of payments to all contracted vendors and artists.

7. Proficient understanding in all La Salle University financial policies and guidelines as it pertains to registered student organizations.

8. In the event of the succession of the Director of Business Affairs to the Vice President, the Treasurer will take on the duties and title of Director of Business Affairs. The duties of the Treasurer will be appointed to an Executive Council member.

9. Must actively promote all AALS event on all social media platforms.

The Secretary shall:

1. Maintain an accurate and permanent record of the minutes of the Executive Council and General Body meetings.

2. Distribute copies of the minutes to the Executive Council and maintain a record of all documents, including the Treasurer’s Report.

3. Expedite transfer of all files and records of the AASL to the newly elected Secretary at the end of each term.

4. Send out all official AASL Emails, including meeting reminders, program advertisements internally and externally.

5. Notify the Executive Council at least 24 hours prior to all emergency meetings.

6. Maintain accurate records (dates, locations, attendance, etc.) of all AASL events, meetings, and programs

7. Must actively promote all AASL events on all social media platforms

The Director of Public Relations Chair shall:

1. In the absence of the secretary, assume the responsibilities of the Secretary.

2. Develop advertisements, flyers in a timely manner for all BSU events and programs.

3. Send all advertisements to President and or executive council for approval prior to posting, etc.

4. Must actively promote all AASL events on all social media platforms

The Multimedia Coordinator shall:

1. Update and manage all AASL social media accounts under direction of President.

2. Maintain visual records of all events. Photograph all AASL events and programs.

3. Maintain hardcopies and or electronic files of all organization advertisements.

4. Update and manage content on La Salle University official website.

5. Assist Director of Business Affairs executing the organization’s election process.

6. Must actively promote all AASL events on all social media platforms

The Director of Development shall:

1. Be well-versed in the Lasallian mission.

2. Assist in keeping meetings moving forward and adhering to agenda and or tasks at hand.

3. Document and maintain a record of attendance of all AASL sponsored events, Executive Council and General Body meetings. Submit report of data collected as needed and in the end year report in collaboration with the Director of Business Affairs and Secretary

4. Further community relations between AASL and other members of the La Salle Community

5. Must actively promote all AASL events on all social media platforms

6. SEE Article VIII.

Historian shall:

1.  Be Well-versed in the history of AASL

2.  Assist all officers when deemed necessary

3.  Form a strong connection with La Salle University Archives

4.  Control, maintain and update the Aasl website as well as the facebook page

5.  Work effectively with alumni relations

Community Service Co-Chars shall:

· Coordinate general body community service projects.

Class Representatives shall:

1. Serve as a liaison between AASL and their class

2. Must uphold all duties appointed by Elected officials.

3. Must host at least one event per semester

4. Shadow an Elected official appointed by the President

5. Work hand in hand with The Director of Development on projects.

6. Must actively promote all AASL events on all social media platforms

Student advisors shall:

1. Have experience on Executive Board as President/Vice President (if applicable).

2. Attend all events and board meetings.

3. Advise the President/Vice President on all AASL matters.

4. Must actively promote all AASL events on all social media platforms.

AASl Faculty Advisor Shall:

1.  Act as a liaison between the organization and the university.

2.  oversee all policy, legal and ethical issues concerning the university and the organization

3.  Empower and develop group members to complete all logistical tasks on their own but with help when necessary

4.  Should have at least an hour of activity with the organization

5.  Ensure that the student leaders have established and maintained appropriate methods of budget tracking .

6.  Hold an open door policy with all members of the organization whenever it is needed

Article VI. – Code of Conduct

All officers of the AASL are subject to probation or impeachment by a three-fourths vote of the Executive Council.

Grounds for probation and impeachment are:

1. Failure to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of office if deemed so by the President.

2. Misuse of AASL funds or property.

3. Unexcused absences of Executive Council meetings exceeding one per semester.

4. Unexcused absences from Community/General Body meetings exceeding one per semester

5. Conduct, which shames and or disgraces La Salle University and AASL.

6. Each member shall be held accountable for their actions using a 3-strike system administered by the President or Vice President.

If impeached, ability to hold office for any AASL Executive Board and or Council position is suspended indefinitely

Article VII. – Amendments

The Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Council. The Executive Council must meet quorum requirements (Article IV). The Amendment may not be voted upon if in conflict with the Purpose (Article II) of the AASL.

Article VIII. – Meetings

1. The Executive Council shall meet at least once a week.

2. General Body Meetings shall be held at least twice a month, excluding May and December. Subject to change

3. Quorum at Executive Council Meetings shall consist of a minimum of three-fourths of the elected Executive Council members.

4. The Director of Development and appointed representative will meet with the AASL President and or Executive Council once per month or as needed prior to printing deadline. This meeting should serve to inform the AASL President and or Executive Council on upcoming publications, events and to address any other concerns.

5. All executive board members must host at least one general assembly meeting per year.

Article IX. – Elections

elections for the following fall semester will take Place during the spring semester before the term

1. All current board members must go through a reelection process whether positions will be opposed or unopposed.

2. Process facilitated by advisor and current President and at least one graduating board member.

3. The election of a new executive board should take place over a consecutive number of weeks to insure a thorough and inclusive process (not during finals week).

4. First, informal meetings will be held to generate interests and inform the university community about all elected positions.

5. Next, open nominations and general applications should be made available to the university community. Applications should be given a deadline to be returned to the AASL election officials.