NOVEMBER 25, 2014

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Beck with, Sandquist, Bauerle and Beckman present. Mark Turner joined the meeting as a guest and George Zeilinger, Attorney, joined the meeting.

Bauerle moved to approve the agenda with the addition of reports on the RRWCD meeting and the hospital board meeting and add discussion on letter received in executive session. Sandquist second, carried.

Bauerle reported on the hospital board meeting. There was discussion on the billing system. Bauerle reported that there will be an architectural meeting on December 10th at 2:00 p.m.

Payroll and vouchers were reviewed. Sandquist moved to approve the vouchers and payroll. Bauerle second, carried.

The minutes of the November 18, 2014 meeting were reviewed. Bauerle moved to approve the minutes as amended. Sandquist second, carried.

Bauerle reported on the RRWCD and the problems occurring due to the mistake in the boundaries for the district made by the state.

Zeilinger reported that he is working on a new right of way ordinance.

Bauerle moved to approve Northeastern Colorado Association of Local Governments for the broadband initiative match at $762.00. Sandquist second, carried.

Bauerle moved to approve Investment Resolution #2014-030 to renew Certificate # 333605 for $200,000 with Points West Community Bank for 6 months at .30% interest. Second by Sandquist, carried.

Doris Heath joined the meeting. Heath gave the Board a summary of the year for the Fort Sedgwick Historical Society. Heath told the Board that she has received a quote for repair and restoration and is working on getting funding for that. Heath thanked the Board for their support in the past with the annual donation from the county and asked for continued support in the future. Heath left the meeting.

Discussion was held on the cost of living raise for the employee’s. Sandquist brought up discussion about the elected officials salary and has done some research on what other counties have done. Sandquist moved to give the employee’s a cost of living raise of $.62 per hour. Bauerle second, carried. The Board will talk to Dan Pederson. Sandquist moved to give the elected officials in the county $50 for a Christmas gift. Bauerle second, carried. Let it be known that the Board of Commissioners will not be accepting this gift.

Sandquist reported that he received some phone calls concerning the lack of mowing on the west end of the county. Discussion was held.

Lisa Ault, Human Service, joined the meeting for the Human Service monthly report. Bauerle moved to approve the Human Service November 25, 2014 agenda with the addition of a question concerning assistance. Second by Sandquist, carried. Sandquist moved to approve the minutes of the October 21, 2014 meeting. Second by Bauerle, carried. Bauerle moved to approve the September 2014 financials, which includes Medicaid collections. Sandquist second, carried. Beck asked Ault to explain how the assistance work program works. Sanquist asked Ault to explain why she had a new vehicle budgeted for 2015. Ault explained that there is specific money put into the fund balance for vehicles. The Board asked Ault to look into what the trade in value of their current vehicle would be as they are thinking about purchasing a county vehicle and are interested in the this Human Service vehicle. Ault will look into this matter. Ault’s travel and payroll vouchers were approved. Ault presented the annual personnel system certification to the Board for review and approval. Ault told the Board to consider the fact that it is not completely in compliance with federal and state statutes due to the fact that the salary scale has not been adjusted in 15 years. Ault suggested that the Board hire a firm to produce this salary scale for the county. Sandquist moved to approve the Sedgwick County Human Service Annual Certification of Compliance. Bauerle second, carried. Beck moved to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with Health Care Policy and Financing. Bauerle second, carried. Bauerle moved to allow the Human Service Department to re-invest the funds from the IGA into future programs. Sandquist second, carried. Bauerle moved to approve the MOU between Sedgwick County Human Service and Weld County for Works Allocation Committee. Sandquist second, carried. Ault left the meeting.

Adam Schwartz and Andy Bellinder, Motorola and Jimie Ridnour, Communication Center Director, joined the meeting. Dan Pederson, Accountant, joined the meeting by phone. Discussion was held on the contract between Motorola and the Sedgwick County Communication Center and the financial obligations with the warranty. Tom Hanna, Deputy Sheriff, joined the meeting and the discussion. Zeilinger, Schwartz and Bellinder left the meeting. Discussion was held with Pederson about the budget. Pederson left the meeting. Hanna presented questions concerning the upcoming budget and discussion was held. Ridnour left the meeting. Sandquist told Hanna that there was a complaint on one of the deputies by a constituent. Hanna left the meeting.

The Board will table the letter received until the December 9th meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.


James Beck, Chairman Christy M. Beckman, Clerk to the Board