2108 Study Guide IV

Chapter 41: Nutrition and Digestion

·  Relate variations in dentition (teeth) and length of digestive system to the feeding strategies of herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores

·  Define and compare the 4 main stages of food processing

o  Describe where it occurs and what is happening

·  Compare intracellular and extracellular digestion

o  Distinguish between the roles each has in incomplete and complete digestive tracts

o  Be able to give a general explanation and examples of each

·  Describe the common processes and structural components of the mammalian digestive system (tract)

·  Name 3 functions of saliva

·  Explain regulation in the pharynx in preventing food from going down the ‘wrong tube’

·  List the 3 types of cells found in the stomach and their respective secretions

o  Explain why pepsin doesn’t digest the stomach lining

·  Explain how the small intestine is specialized for digestion and absorption

o  Roles of accessory organs

·  Compare where and how the major types of macromolecules and digested and absorbed in the mammalian digestive system

o  Recognize the enzymes identified in class, what they break down, and where it occurs

·  Describe the major functions of the large intestine

o  Explain what can occur from disruptions of normal digestive system flow

·  Name the 3 nutritional needs that must be obtained for a nutritionally adequate diet

·  Define essential nutrients and explain each of the 4 classes/types

·  Distinguish between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins

·  Distinguish between undernourishment, overnourishment, and malnourishment

Chapter 42: Circulation

·  Explain how a gastrovascular cavity functions in part as a circulatory system

·  Distinguish between open and closed circulatory systems.

·  List the structural components of a cardiovascular system (vertebrate circulatory system) and relate the structure to their function

·  Compare and contrast the circulatory systems of fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals

o  Distinguish between pulmonary and systemic circuits and explain the functions of each

·  Describe the general relationship between metabolic rates and the structure of the vertebrate circulatory system

·  List the 4 heart valves, describe their location, and explain their functions

o  Define heart murmur and explain its cause

·  Describe the basic cardiac cycle

·  Explain how the heart controls its own beating and the role and location of the sinoatrial (SA) node

·  Distinguish between arteries, veins, and capillaries

o  Relate the structure of these vessels to their function

·  Explain vasoconstriction and vasodilation

o  Explain Viagra and how it is used to treat erectile dysfunction

·  Explain how blood flow through a capillary bed is regulated

·  Trace the complete cycle of blood flow through the heart, listing all structures that blood must pass through

·  Explain why blood flow through the capillaries is slower than in arteries and veins

o  Relate this to when you detect your pulse

·  Explain the role of gravity on blood return to the heart

o  Be able to explain some of the complications this can cause

·  Recognize the basic, general functions of the components of blood

o  Recognize the 3 general types of cellular elements

·  Be able to briefly explain what happens to form a blood clot

Chapter 42b: Respiration

·  Define gas exchange and distinguish between respiratory medium and respiratory surface

·  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having water or air as the respiratory mediums

·  Describe the general requirements for a respiratory surface

·  Explain the relationship between altitude and oxygen

·  Describe the respiratory adaptations of earthworms and aquatic organisms (invertebrates)

o  Explain how gas and respiratory surface interact to facilitate gas exchange

·  Describe countercurrent exchange and explain why it is more efficient that concurrent flow of water and blood

·  Describe the tracheal system of insects and explain why it is most efficient for their environment and body plan

·  Describe the lung system in general and why it is most efficient for its environment

o  Discuss the differences in the lungs of frogs, birds, and mammals

·  Describe the movement of air in humans through air passageways to the alveoli, listing all structures that air must pass through

·  Compare positive and negative pressure breathing

o  Explain how humans ventilate their lungs using negative pressure

§  Include all changes to the thoracic cavity discussed in class

·  Explain how humans control breathing

o  What is the role of this control and a baby’s first breathe

·  Describe the differences in gas exchange movements in the lungs and body tissues

·  In general terms, explain what a respiratory pigment is and what it does