Origin and migration of Slavs

The modern historiography, encyclopedic editions, political doctrines and the popular literature contain deeply false and populist regulations about an origin of Slavs according to which huge territories of Eurasia ostensibly primordially belong to this ethnos, say, being radical people of Russia and the East Europe. Errors have arisen that in the Byzantium, European, Russian and Arabian annals of Middle Ages the big mess with an identification of ethnically various peoples of Slavs of Europe and Central Asia with Finn–Ugrian Russia is observed. This phenomenon has caused set of mistakes in treatments of events in traditional historians that has led to wrong estimation of role and place of Slavs in world history.

In Russia the given questions have got the political character striking under national attitudes inside the country, and also influencing on the international attitudes with neighboring countries. The erroneous vector of national policy generates interethnic contradictions and problems on the post–Soviet space. Business has reached that part of politically active Slavs have declared itself arias of the Earth and demand to itself the special attitude from the party concerning small nationalities of Russia. Has come it is time to put fat point in this confusing question.

According to our researches which prove to be true historical annals, theory PIE and last genetic researches, documentary confirmed place of occurrence of the first Slavs is territory of the Inner Mongolia, a southern part of Altai and Northern China [1–3]. It is considered, that on this ground per 1254–1123 BC to people Juan (Rong, Hirong, Western Rong) has appeared. Juan consider as pro–Mongolians and pro–Tanguns tribes. Ancient Chinese described them as people with light eyes and the dense red beards typical Caucasian race. These attributes were traced up to III–IV centuries then Mongoloid the type becomes prepotent.

On our hypothesis [1, 2, 4] Juan there are the ancestors of the Slavs which have got in the Mongolian steppes after the Flood, happened about 1250 BC. We believe that Juan is survived after the Flood east Ugrian, get mutations in Slavs. Mutations proceeded more than 1500 years. Ugrian it was necessary to take as wife of female savages of the Inner Mongolia and China, their children became mutants. In result Haplogroup N Ugrian it was transformed in Haplogroup R1a1. Thus Juan and then Juan–Juan have kept ancient Great language – Russ language. Hence, ancestors of Slavs and Finn–Ugrian in very remote past occurred from one forefather’s.

In turn, descendants of Juan for the first time have been mentioned in the Chinese chronicles at the end of IV century. In compliance with a source [5], Beishi, chapter 98; Veishu, chapter 103, 391–556 of history Juan Juan describing the period, Khagane Juan called the first Muguluj, and his son – Guyluhoj. If to cast away the Chinese accent names Migulja and Gluhoj (Deaf person) will turn out. The third Khagane of Juan–Slavs called Shelun (it can read on – Chines, as in Russian).

Chinese have depicted first Slav Migulju [5],/205/:

« Even at the end of reign Shen–Juan–Di [from house Sjanbi–Toba previous to dynasty Yuan – Vej] roundabout have taken one slave at whom hair were level with eyebrows and which did not remember neither name, not the nickname. The owner of it had name Muguluj, and Miguluj means: bald »

In the same place:

« On death/206/Muguluj, his son Gujluhoj, the person brave and strong, the first has collected aimak, and has given it name Jeujan or Juan »

We believe that in 402 existed independent Juan Juan Khaganate [6]. However in the middle of VI century (552) Juan Juan Khaganate has suffered a series of military defeats in the Inner Mongolia and Altai from armies of Turksh which subsequently have created own Turkic Khaganate on open spaces of Eurasia from Central Asia down to Pacific Ocean [6]. New Turks people have been formed by mixture of the rests Juan–Juan and winners of Turks, non–uniform genetically. Turkic language has violently been imposed as the basic means of dialogue for the survived Slavs and Mongols. Juan Juan Khaganate has stopped the existence in 555. According to our hypothesis, significant amount armed Juan–Juan – Slavs has been compelled to migrate on the West of Eurasia along latitude.

Part of Mongols – Slavs is Hephthalite Empire (408–577) settled in Central Asia [7], western neighbor of Juan Juan Khaganate in territory friendly him. Hephthalite frequently call white Hun. Refugees have made a basis of future peoples of Uyghur, Tajik, Kirghiz and Pashtun. The share of the Slavic population in Tajikistan, Kirghizia and Afghanistan today makes from 51 up to 64 percent. We shall notice that they do not count themselves Slavs, but actually belong to Haplogroup R1a1. We have suggested to name these peoples of Central Asia east Slavs.

More aggressive and active refugees have moved with the horde further on the West, moving through northern deserts of Central Asia, the Bottom Volga region, Kuban, Black Sea Coast and the Balkans. Slavs went in the steps the ancestors which for the first time to Europe in 380–450 have resulted Khagane Arbat and Attila – ethnic Finn–Ugrian. Resettlement has passed successfully as these regions belonged Avarian Khaganate, the friendly state for people Juan–Juan. Mongols – Slavs have got to the Balkans and a southern part of the Central Europe, in zone of interests and the control of the Byzantium Empire, over 550th.

These events at once have been fixed in Byzantium chronicles Theophanous [8] for 551. Since this moment hitherto the unknown nationality of Slavs became the subject of the Byzantium and European annals.

« In the same year 99 the great variety Hun 100 and Slavs has appeared in Thrace, and they have done some fighting Thrace, and many have killed and have taken prisoner »

In the same place, 576:

« Commentiol has unintentionally attacked barbarians, set of them has interrupted, the others has banished. And rich up to Adrianople 156, has met with Ardagast which conducted set of Slavs with extraction, and, having attacked him, extraction has taken away and has gained great victory »

In the same place, 583:

« For other day 162 three Slavs without any iron armor, with one only psaltery have been seized by Romans. Tsar asked, whence they and where live. They answered, that they it come Slavs, and there live at edge the western 163 oceans. Khagane has sent to them ambassadors and gifts to their ancestors 164 that they together with it were at war against Romans. And chiefs of 165 Slavs have sent them to answer Khagane, that owing to range of a way cannot send it auxiliary group. These Slavs spoke that they went 18 months 166 while at last were came into the hands Romans. They spoke, that carry a psaltery and not able to clothe in an armor because the country of them does not know some iron »

In early lists of the annals of a word of the Western ocean were absent, wrote simply "ocean".

In the same place, 585:

« Ardagast has dismissed crowds of Slavs for a robbery, among night it was forwarded through Istr (Danube, the author) and has unintentionally attacked on Ardagast 172. Ardagast, felt a trouble, has jumped on not dress horse and hardly could it be rescued. Romans, having interrupted set of Slavs, having devastated all country Ardagast, and having taken away set 173 captured, have sent them to Byzantium at means Tatimer »

Thus, for the first time in the European chronicles Slavs, as the nomads who have come from the far country, located about Ocean has been described. Transition is last 18 months. Religion of Slavs was Tengriism. The title of the leader of Slavs sounded as Khagane. Khagane of Slavs called Ardagast, the name can be divided into two words the Horde – Gast. Soldiers did not have metal armor as Slavs did not own technologies of processing of iron. The period of development was prolonged by Slavs of the grounds of Southern Europe with 551 for 594. Already in the beginning of VII century the Byzantium chronicles counted Slavs working subject of policy of the Balkans and Europe.

So, modern Slavs it is lineal descendants of Mongols Juan–Juan.

According to the Arabian chronicles, for example [8] in IX–X centuries, Slavs counted peoples Jins and Sakalib. So in Paragraphs 51, 63 is country of Slavs name the As – Sakalib and Burdjan (ostensibly Bulgaria). In the same place in Paragraph of 73 century « If to speak about merchants Ar–Russ » it is spoken, that Russ « it is one of versions (Jins) Slavs ». Thus in Paragraph 10 « Titles of lords of the Earth » in a singular of the Slav name Saklab, and the lord the As – Sakalib is Prince (Khaz).

Let's note at once, that the Arabian name of Slavs Jins is identical to the self–name Juan that speaks about the Mongolian origin of Slavs and completely confirms our assumption.

Bulgarian chronicles [9], volume II, page 17 for the first time mention Slavs in VII century concerning to their love to the younger brother Great Khagane Kubrat by name Shambat, based state Duleba (Duloba) on place Avarian Khaganate. Slavs esteemed Shambat sacred for clearing of an Avarian yoke.

Whence there is word Sakalab which accept for version of word the Slav?

In Bulgarian chronicles the country Saklan name Kuban, vicinities of Don and Northern Caucasus. Khazars part of Saclan referred to Ak–Saclan. Western Saclan settled down around of capital on Dnepr and referred to the Kara – Saclan (Western Saclan) which included the grounds of modern Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech. Steppes from Don up to Dnepr referred to Saclan. Black Sea in those days Bulgarian named Saclansky. Soldiers and to know Khagane Urus Aydar (797–855) began to refer to Saclan–Urus or Balyn’s. Then this name Saclan–Urus has passed on all inhabitants of the north named by Bulgarian is Ulchici, living in the European woods and bogs of present Ukraine, Belarus and Russia [9] volume I, page 24.

On Northern Caucasus there was country Burdjan. It included territories of modern Kabarda–Balkaria, Ingushetia, the Chechen Republic and Dagestan. Even to the south the Caucasian grounds referred to Djurash.

All features Bulgarian toponymics in territory of modern Russia are shown on map of the Bulgaria Power made under annals [9].

As whole, after disintegration of Great Bulgaria – Great Israel Great Khagane Kubrat in VII century, it was formed five large parts of former Empire [9], volume III, page 65:

1. Ulag–Bulgaria (Danube Bulgaria);

2. Kara–Bulgaria (the future Kiev Russia and Black Sea Coast);

3. Khazars (Hazaria);

4. Avar (Failure, Central and the East Europe);

5. Ak–Bulgaria (Volga – Ural–Siberia Bulgaria).

Therefore actually Saclan there are Avars, Alans and Saka – inhabitants huge European Avar Khaganate. Elite of Saclans were ethnic Finn–Ugrian from the Volga region. Thus European Avar Khaganate was friendly formation Far East Juan Juan Khaganate in steppes of Mongolia and Altai.

Our hypotheses completely prove to be true in detailed descriptions Russ and the Slavs made by the writer and traveler Ibn–Haukal [10].

Let's result citations to not retell original descriptions Russ:

« Limits of Slavs and [peoples] taking place in the neighborhood enter into the state Byzantium from [number] Russ, [the population of an Empire] Sarir, Alan, Armenians and [other], professing Christianity ».

« The river Itil [Volga, Ra] – the biggest on extent, also is the river of Russ »

« Russ – people of barbarians living in the party Bulgarian, between them and Slavs on the river Itil 31. »

« (the River Itil) flows (to Khazars capital Itil) from the country Russ »

« As to Khazars, this name of a climate 40, and its capital refers to Itil, and Itil–the name of the river, which flows to them (Khazarian) from Russ and Bulgarian also runs into the Sea of Hazar »

« Carry from them honey, wax and furs, but it carry to them from the party Russ and Bulgarian, and also skins beavers who carry on (all) light. There are they only in those northern rivers which in the party of Bulgarian, Russ and Kuyab, and in the rivers of Andalusia any [such] skins beavers are not present what [are] in the field of Slavs. [Further] go to a passage on which the country of Slavs and the description of this passage already passed. Big and best [part] of these skins is in the party Russ, and go down on the rivers to them and to their party from the party jadjur and madjuj and then rise to Bulgar. Did not stop so about one year 358 / 968–69 for Russ [this year] have destroyed Bulgar and Khazar. »

« Language Russ another, than language of Khazars and Burtas. »

« Russ three kinds 46. [One] kind of them is the nearest to Bulgar [capital], and Tsar of them is in the city named Kuyab, and it is more, than Bulgar. And the kind highest of them 47 refers to S.lavija, and Tsar of them [lives] in S.la – city for them. And the kind their [third] refers to scarlet – Arsanija, and Tsar of them [settles down] in Arsa – city for them. People reach for trade Kuyab and its vicinities. As if to Arsa I did not hear that somebody mentioned, that the stranger because they kill everyone who will step into their ground from foreigners entered into it [ever]. And here they go down on water, trade and do not inform anything on the affairs and the goods, and do not allow anybody to accompany with them and to enter into their country. Carry from Arsa black sables, red foxes, lead and in part mercury 48. »

« Russ – people [which] burns itself when dies, and they burn with the captives of the woman slaves, for their best blessing as [people] of India do, people of Ghana, Kuga and others. The part Russ shaves the beard, and the part twists [beards] is similar to horse manes, or braids. Clothes of they be short jackets, and clothes Khazars, Bulgarian and Pechenegs – long jackets. »