Hart County Recreation Department

Recreation Advisory Board Minutes

October 16, 2008

Present: Steve Wehunt, Anthony Lee, Michael Anderson, Marshall Sayer, Lenford Smith, Derek

Cobb, and Steven Wilson

Staff Present: Lawanda Curry, Sharon Craft, Jerry Hart, and Jeff Wiley

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM by Chairman Lenford Smith.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the September 18, 2008 meeting were approved as written. Motion was made by Cobb, second provided by Sayer, and carried 6-0.

Department Report

A. Board viewed a sample of the faux rock material for the entrance sign. Motion was mad by Wilson and second was provided by Wehunt to approve the final design to be taken to the BOC. Motion carried 7-0

B. Board discussed the letter received by Irene Marlow about the youth football program. Mrs. Marlow and her son, Jason Marlow discussed the incidents referred to in the letter and was requesting a refund. Lawanda addressed the Department’s response to each of the incidents, informed the Board that Mr. Marlow could only receive $34.00 (minus the $6.00 insurance). Coach Tony Hickmon and several parents from the team then addressed the incidents from their perspective. The Board thanked everyone for coming.

C. Lawanda made the recommendation that Mr. Marlow not be refunded the registration fee because his son did play for almost half the season. Lawanda also informed the Board that Mr. Marlow had returned the equipment. Motion to deny the refund was made by Sayer and second provided by Wehunt. Motion carried 7-0.

D. Lenford Smith asked Lawanda to check on the EH Complex fencing project, whether or not the contractor was paid in full.

E. Introductions of the 2009 Hart Co. Little Board were made. The meeting was adjourned from the Rec. Building to the Elberton Hwy Complex.

F. Discussions on the following issues were made at EH Complex: 1) Field #3’s sod was being removed to make the dimensions correct to the 300’ fence, 2) t-ball could be played on Youth Field and possibly Field #3, 3) netting needs to be addressed for stray balls to spectators, 4) breakaway bases would need to be purchased in order for Little League to play at EH, 5) scheduling would have to be addressed, and finally, 5) the fields are in very good condition (they are playable).

G. Motion was made by Wehunt to open the Youth Field (Field #4) to the public and to open Field #3 to the public after the sod has been removed and the heads raised on that field. The second was provided by Wilson. Motion carried 6-0.

H. Motion was made by Wehunt to recommend to the BOC that the County purchase two (2) sets of breakaway bases. Second provided by Wilson. Motion carried 6-0.


The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM

Minutes by Lawanda Curry, Recreation Director

Cc: Board of Commissioners

Jon Caime, County Administrator