2003 Chicago Open

Round 10 – Tossups

1. This country’s highest point is Le Kartala, an active volcano on the main island. The Fomboni Accord was an attempt by President Azali Assoumani to end the secession of Moheli and Anjouan. The home of Livingstone’s flying fox, which is an enormous fruit bat, as well as some coelacanths, it is located at the northern end of the

Mozambique Channel. FTP, name this island nation, whose capital is at Moroni and which claims to control the island of Mayotte.

Answer: the Comoros

2. The first begins “By this he knew she wept with waking eyes,” while the last includes the famous lines “Ah, what a dusty answer gets the soul / When hot for certainties in this our life!” The epigraph to the sequence is a sonnet called “The Promise in Disturbance,” and the work first appeared in a volume along with “poems of the English roadside.” That volume was published in 1862, a year after the woman on whom it was based died in France, where she had gone with her lover in 1858. FTP, name this collection of 50 16-line poems about the dissolution of a marriage to Thomas Love Peacock’s daughter, a work of George Meredith.

Answer: Modern Love

3. The villages of Minas and Beaubassin were destroyed to deprive the Abenakis of supplies, though that didn’t stop them from attacking Winter Harbor. In the south, an army led by James Moore wiped out most of the missions to the Apalachees, but Choctaw resistance prevented a raid on Louisiana. The cities of Deerfield and Saint Augustine were destroyed during it, while the military highlight was Francis Nicholson’s capture of Port Royal in 1710. FTP, name this war that ended with the transfer of Acadia to England at the Treaty of Utrecht, the American phase of the War of the Spanish Succession.

Answer: Queen Anne’s War (prompt on “War of the Spanish Succession” before the end)

4. Their female sex organ, known as the carpogonium, consists of a uninucleate region that functions as the egg and a trichogyne or projection that acts as a receptacle. Fertilization is followed by three life phases: tetrasporophyte, gametophyte, and carposporophyte. Featuring an enormous morphological range, which vary from the hard corallina species to the edible chondrus, their usual color results from masking of chlorophyll by phycobilin

pigments. Including the Gracilaria and Gelidium species from which scientists harvest Agar, these are, FTP, members of what taxonomic division that despite their common name don’t necessarily have to be red in color.

Answer: Rhodophyta (accept early buzz of Red Algae)

5. Part I includes sections on “the hinge,” “the rebus and the complicity of origins,” and “science and the name of man.” Part II is entitled “Nature, Culture, Writing” and includes a discussion of the Essay on the Origin of Languages that emphasizes Rousseau’s masturbation, a reading that was contested in “The Rhetoric of Blindness” by Paul de Man. Plato’s Phaedrus is cited as an example of the Western preference for speech over writing, which also appears in the work of Saussure and Levi-Strauss. FTP, name this 1967 work, a classic of deconstruction by

Jacques Derrida.

Answer: Of Grammatology or De la grammatologie

6. This team beat the Lions 45-0 in the season opener, and would defeat them again in the season’s penultimate game. Their second loss was a two point defeat at Philadephia in the final game of the season, having previously lost by three points at home against Dallas. Gary Clark and Earnest Byner led the team in receiving and rushing yards, while Chip Lohmiller scored 149 points and Mark Rypien had an MVP season at quarterback. FTP, name this NFL team, which defeated the Bills in the Super Bowl to win Joe Gibbs his final title.

Answer: the 1991Washington Redskins (accept either “Washington” or “Redskins,” but prompt for the year)

7. One of its chapters describes Kiswana’s attempts to educate Cora Lee and her children by accompanying them to a Shakespeare play, yet the latter woman yearns for a return to the title location. Another of the novel’s seven sections focuses on Basil’s betrayal of Eva Luciela Turner, one of many questionable acts by male characters throughout the book. The novel ends with the chapter “The Block Party” where the aftermath of Lorraine’s rape and Ben’s murder lead to the violent destruction of a brick wall and, then, Mattie Michael waking up to the harsh reality of the neighborhood that surrounds her. FTP, name this novel which won the National Book Award in 1983 for Gloria Naylor.

Answer: The Women of Brewster Place

8. Its chief instigator had recently been expelled from studies at Saint-Omer and Valladolid. Evidence for it included the correspondence of Edward Coleman. In response to it, 24 people were executed after the body of a Westminster justice of the peace named Sir Edmund Godfrey was found on Primrose Hill. On the basis of it, an Exclusion Bill was introduced into Parliament by the Earl of Shaftesbury. FTP, name this alleged conspiracy to give the Duke of York the throne of England, which was dreamed up in 1678 by Israel Tonge and Titus Oates.

Answer: the Popish Plot

9. The hypothesis leading to its formulation was originally stated in 1913. It has a namesake constant used in algebraic transformations to linear form such as the Eadie and Dixon expressions. Yet, the most common linear

transformation remains the Lineweaver-Burk technique, which plots the inverse of this equation’s result to determine the optimal reaction rate. Using the constant k sub m as the maximum turnover number, and multiplying

this by the enzyme concentration one gets the maximum velocity of the enzymolysis reaction. FTP, name this mechanism which is used for reactions that involve one substrate and which results in a namesake curve displaying the relationship between the rate of enzyme activity and substrate concentration.

Answer: Michaelis-Menten curve or equation or graph

10. Originally a painter for Scarlatti Opera scenes, at his height he had no true rivals, as Luca Carlevari had fallen out of fashion and Bernardo Bellotto was too young. After emigrating to England, he painted scenes of country houses, such as Warnwick Castle. In early works like The Stonemason’s Yard he had yet to develop the camera ottica used in his typical topographical city view or veduta. He produced innumerable scenes of regattas and water festivals, such as the annual celebration of the Marriage to the Sea. His principal patrons were aristocrats on the Grand Tour, for whom his pictures of the Palazzo Ducale or basin of Saint Mark’s would serve as souvenirs. FTP, identify this Italian painter known for the dramatic depictions of Venice.

Answer: Canaletto or Giovanni Antonio Canal

11. “Mourning and Its Relation to Manic-Depressive States” connects mourning to the depressive position and was written after this author’s eldest son died in a climbing accident in 1934. This thinker argued that the infant’s envy of everything its mother possesses and deprives it of was crucial to psychic development in Envy and Gratitude. After undergoing training analyses with Sandor Ferenczi and Karl Abraham, she moved to London in 1926. FTP, name this psychoanalyst, who used her “play technique” in the psychoanalysis of children.

Answer: Melanie Klein

12. It ends with the omniscient narrator describing the return of the luxury steamer Atlantis through a storm. A party is in full swing, yet the revelers are unaware that the title figure rides in the hold below them. Just a week ago he had begun his triumphant trip to the old world. He had a sallow face, big teeth gleaming with gold fillings, and an ivory head; he smoked Havana cigars and lusted after the French ladies on board. Joined by his wife, a large American woman who has reaped the rewards of the coolies who labor night and day for him; and a daughter, who is smitten by an Asian crown prince, his life ends before it truly begins when he dies in a hotel in Capri. FTP, name this naturalistic short story about a wannabe aristocrat from California, a work by Ivan Bunin.

Answer: “The Gentleman from San Francisco

13. It was modified by an agreement signed in 1936, after the government of Harmodio Arias put up a fuss about commercial rights. One of the signatories developed a water purification process that was used at the battle of Verdun, while the other died in office two years after signing it. It called for the payment of 10 million dollars up

front and 250,000 dollars a year for nine years, but in 1921 an additional 25 million dollars was paid to Columbia. FTP, name the 1903 treaty which granted the United States control of a canal zone across the Isthmus of Panama.

Answer: the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty

14. It is rumored that this will be incorporated into the upcoming Playstation 3 in order to boost the quality of the graphics. The Large Hadron Collider being built at CERN will utilize this technology. GLOBUS and PUNCH are two systems that handle the overseeing that it requires, while the first major scheduler was called NIMROD-G. Implicit in peer-to-peer networks, it is similar to the ideas that underlie the SETI@Home project, but with more sophisticated methods of control and distribution. FTP, identify this model of computation which allows computers from around the world to flexibly work on complex problems.

Answer: grid computing

15. The third movement is a scherzo that features two independent trios, which was an innovation of this work’s composer. The work was inspired by a poem by Adolph Bettger, and the movements originally had descriptive titles like “Evening” and “Merry Playmates.” Although the composer of the work had written almost exclusively for the piano until 1840, after his marriage in that year he moved to orchestral music, and this work in B flat was

composed at the beginning of 1841. FTP, name this symphony by Robert Schumann.

Answer: the Spring or First Symphony, Opus 38 (accept Symphony in B flat before the key is mentioned)

16. One can prove this theorem starting from the principle that a free particle will move along the path that minimizes the integral of the Lagrangian with respect to local variations. When a system is invariant under some coordinate translation, one can use this theorem to show that the corresponding conjugate momentum must be conserved. This idea is fundamental to quantum field theory, although more generally, this theorem posits that for every continuous symmetry of a physical system, there is a corresponding conserved current. FTP, identify this theorem, proved by a female 20th century physicist.

Answer: Noether’s theorem

17. A line from one of this man’s poems graces the entryway to the United Nations. Imprisoned by the Crusaders and forced to dig trenches, he was freed by a merchant only to be forced to marry his daughter. He wrote a famous poem lamenting the fall of Baghdad in 1258. His Ghazaliyat is remembered for its panegyrics, while his two most famous works celebrate Muslim virtues and extol the freedom of the Sufi mystical philosophy. In one of those works, the Bostan, or Orchard, he praises the virtues of the prince, ibn Zangi, from whom he took his name. FTP, identify this author of the Golestan, or Rose Garden, a Persian poet known as the “genius of Shiraz.”

Answer: Saadi

18. The first king of this name came to power after the battle of Ipsus. The final king of this name was planning an invasion across the Danube when his own troops, led by his son Pharnaces II, revolted against him. The fourth defeated Nicomedes of Bithynia and added Colchis and Cappadocia to his kingdom. The sixth made the mistake of supporting Tigranes of Armenia, but was defeated by Licinius Lucullus and crushed by Pompey. FTP, give the common name of these monarchs, who fought three wars with Rome in the first century BC before Pontus was defeated.

Answer: Mithridates

19. Discovered in 1979 by a doddering 56 year old German who pondered how the expansive valency of phosphorous could be turned to good use, an alternate variant to this reaction shares its name with Horner and uses a

phospite ester instead of a phosphine. It begins with a strong base, which is used to make one of the reactants, then a four-member ring intermediate is formed until the reaction reaches its climax due to the strength of the oxygen bond. FTP, identify this reaction that uses phosphonium salts and alkyl halides to form the very polar and carbanionic ylides.

Answer: Wittig reaction

20. Its second, much longer section is constructed as a series of discourses between characters like Nature, her priest Genius, and the Old Woman who guards the object of desire. Its native admiration contrasted with the harsh criticism in the “Epistle to the God of Love” by Christine de Pizan, who attacked this work in octosyllabic

couplets for justifying seduction and rape. The dreaming narrator is aided by Bel Acueil and Danger who help him to chase away Fear and Shame from the Garden of Delight. Yet after following Venus’ advice and kissing the title

object, Jealousy constructs a tower around it to keep the lover out. Thus ends Part 1 of, FTP, what 13th century work begun by Guillaume de Loris but finished by Jean de Meun.

Answer: Le Roman de la Rose or The Romance of the Rose

After it was translated by Henry Williams, Hono Heke became the first man to sign it. It was vitiated by Lord Grey’s so-called “Charter of 1846,” which enabled the government to confiscate any land that wasn’t registered. It was signed by Captain Hobson and 45 chiefs in the Bay of Islands, after Tamati Waka Nene convined his fellow natives that it would be in their best interests. FTP, name this treaty of 1840 between the English and the Maori of New Zealand.