New Cardholder Flowchart (Step-by-Step Instructions Below)
New Cardholder
1. Create Access to Blackboard for P-Card Training/Test/Application
2. Email instructions for and requirements for applying for a p-card
3. Review Application for complete information, signatures and payroll verification of employment
4. Verify Test Score through Blackboard
5. Review Control Account Limit to see if need to request an increase
6. Order New Card through UMB CommercialBANKCARD/Account Maintenance Tool
7. IntelliLink Setup
a. Create New Employee Record
b. Add Administrators as Delegates
c. Map Card Account to Employee
d. Add Employee to Company Unit
e. Assign Password to Employee Account
f. Assign Charge Code Group to Employee Account
g. Email IntelliLink Information and Instructions to New Cardholder
8. Change Statement Delivery Method through CommercialCard website
9. Receive card from UMB Bank
a. Create Signature Sheet for cardholder signature
b. Create P-Card Agreement Form and email to cardholder
c. P-Card picked up and signed for by cardholder
10. Add Cardholder to Email Distribution List
11. Create Transaction Log and email to cardholder
12. Email Additional Information to cardholder
a. Billing Cycle Cut-Off Dates Schedule
b. Tape Receipts Here
c. CommercialCard website information
13. File Application, Test Verification, P-Card Agreement Form and Signature Sheet in binder
Create Access to P-Card Program Training through Blackboard
TruView/Employee tab/Blackboard Course Request/Blackboard Non-Banner Course Request
Blackboard Menu/ Blackboard Non-Banner Course Request/ Add Additional User
Course: P-Card Program
Scroll to bottom of page/Add Additional User
Banner ID: enter 9-digit Banner ID
Role: select ‘Student’ from drop-down list
Click Submit
NOTE: Student will not be able to access Blackboard course until the following day, Banner must update overnight to activate access.
Send Email Regarding Requirements to Apply for a P-Card
From: Wriedt, Carolyn
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 1:57 PM
To: Gardner, John
Subject: P-Card Program Training and Applying for a P-Card
Hi John,
The procedure for applying for a p-card is to complete the cardholder training available online through Blackboard. I have enrolled Gretchen in the P-Card Program Training course, so she will be able to take the course as soon as tomorrow. As instructed on Blackboard, Gretchen will need to review the P-Card Policies & Procedures Manual, go through the online training and take the online P-Card Test. Once she has successfully completed the training and scored a 100% on the test, she will be given access to the online P-Card Application. It takes about 1-2 weeks to receive a new card from the time we get the completed and signed application here in Accounts Payable.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Carolyn Wriedt
Accounts Payable/P-Card Program
Phone: x4289/Fax: x7337
This message (including any attachments) may contain confidential, proprietary andprivileged information, and unauthorized disclosure or use is prohibited. If you received this message inerror, please notify the sender and delete this message from your system.
P-Card Application
Receive application, review for complete information
Review Request Form for
Travel Authority?
Cycle &.Transaction Limit
Proper Fund-Organization-Program
Cardholder Information
Review Signatures: must have Cardholder, Supervisor and President’s Staff Member signature
Forward to Payroll for verification of current faculty/staff status
Forward to AP Supervisor for signature
Verify 100% test score through Blackboard/Grade Center
Blackboard/My Courses/P-Card Program
Grade Center/Tests
Scroll down to view test results for applicant; you may choose to ‘View Grade Details by clicking on the icon in the P-Card Test column for the applicant
Print page and attach to application for filing
Review Control Account Limit to see if need to request an increase.
The Control Account is to be set so that theamount is double the credit limit of thesub-accounts attached to each control account. Example: if there are three (3) cardholders (sub-accounts) with a $5,000 cycle limit each for a total cycle limit of $15,000; the control account must be set at no less than $30,000
Sample Email to Increase Control Account
Hi Deborah,
We recently made some transaction limit increases to a few cardholders and now need to request some increases in the control accounts. We would like to have adjustments made some of our control accountsas indicated below, so that theamount is double the credit limit of thesub-accounts attached to each control.We are only able to make adjustments up to $10,000 thru the Account Maintenance Tool; therefore we need to have these changes processed by UMB.
It is our understanding that the control account limit needs to be setto an amount twice the amount of the sub-accounts attached to it, since payments do not post until almost the end of the next billing cycle. For example, a control with three (3) sub-accounts with credit limits of $5,000 each totaling $15,000 should have a control account limit of $30,000. This$30,000 limit would allow each of the three (3) cardholders to use their full creditlimit of $5,000 and would cover up tothat same amount for outstanding balances for each of them.
ACCOUNT_NR / CARDHOLDER_NM / ADDR_LINE_1 / CREDIT_LINE / NEW_CREDIT_LINE********45010002 / Control,Health Sci & Educ / Attn Carolyn Wriedt / $ 40,000.00 / $ 30,000.00
********45140007 / Control,Registrar'S Office / Attn Carolyn Wriedt / $ 5,000.00 / $ 10,000.00
********45150006 / Control,Graduate Office / Attn Carolyn Wriedt / $ 6,000.00 / $ 10,000.00
********45303001 / Control,Intl Education / Attn Carolyn Wriedt / $ 15,000.00 / $ 20,000.00
********45642002 / Control,Building Services / Attn Carolyn Wriedt / $ 10,000.00 / $ 20,000.00
********45790009 / Control,Mechanical Srvces / Attn Carolyn Wriedt / $ 10,000.00 / $ 20,000.00
Please let me know once these changes have been completed. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Carolyn Wriedt
Truman State University
Accounts Payable/P-Card Program
Ph: 660-785-4289
Fx: 660-785-7337
This message may contain confidential and/or proprietary information and is intended for the person/entity to whom it was originally addressed. Any use by others is strictly prohibited.
Order New P-Card
UMB CommercialBANKCARD/Account Maintenance Tool
Click on Account Request under “Company” menu on L side of screen
Tab thru form and complete online request form with information from the cardholder application…
Employee ID/SSN: enter last 4-digits of the cardholder’s SSN
Home Phone (660-785-_ _ _ _ ) enter business phone in both fields
Business Phone (660-785-_ _ _ _ ) enter business phone in both fields
Address: Department Name (TSU Univ Press)
100 E Normal Ave
2nd Line Embossing: Department Name (TSU Univ Press); the information here is what will be printed under the cardholders name on the card.
***Address line one and second line embossing should usually be the same.
Credit Limit: (5000, 10000); no $ sign
Authorization Strategy: Enter TRU2, TRU6, etc…
Determined by the transaction limit and if approved for travel or not
*see complete list at W:\Accounts Payable\P-Card Program\Cardholder List\
Truman State StrategiesTMN1 $1000 TRAN no travel
TMN2 $2999 TRAN no travel
TMN4 $500 TRAN no travel
Control Account: Select appropriate control account from drop-down list
If new control account is needed, send email request to UMB Contact
Account Reporting Level / Misc Fields: Not Used
Special Instructions:
Truman State University
Attn: Carolyn Wriedt/Accounts Payable
100 E Normal Ave
Kirksville, MO 63501
Click Submit
Truman State University
Attn: Carolyn Wriedt/Accounts Payable
100 E Normal Ave
Kirksville, MO 63501
Set up New Cardholder in IntelliLink (see IntelliLink Administrative Manual/Creating and Managing Employees)
1. Create New Employee Record
2. Add Administrators as Delegates
3. Map Card Account to Employee
4. Add Employee to Company Unit
5. Assign Password and Charge Code Group to Employee Account
6. Email IntelliLink Information and Instructions to New Cardholder
Create New Employee Record
Administration/Administrative Overview/Employees
Close Employee Search window
Insert New Employee
Employee ID: mlamarche (use employee’s email prefix, )
First Name
Last Name
Middle Name (if provided on application)
Email Address
Phone Number
Company Unit: TSU Press (predefined in Company Unit profile)
Home Country Code
Group and Role Membership: click on drop-down list to access and complete each section
Charge Group: select charge group name (charge groups are set up by individual departments and by schools depending on the need of the cardholder)
Report Group: select ‘Individual Reports’
Approval Role: note used
Rate Group: not used
Default Coding: click on drop-down list to access and complete each section
COA: 1 or F
Fund: enter default fund code
Orgn: enter default organization code
Acct: leave blank
Prog: enter default program
Bank: 20 or 90
Actv: leave blank
Trans No.: leave blank
Username: FirstnameLastname (MargaretLaMarche)
Your Password: (administrator password)
Add Administrators as Delegates
Administration/Account Management/Account Search
With this search box open, click on ‘Search’
Close the search box to return to the Account Search page with the search results displayed
Click icon to View Account Details
View & Maintain Account Details window opens
Click on ‘Delegation’ tab
Click on ‘Add New Delegate’
When prompted, enter Employee ID, First Name or Last Name
Click Search
Click on the icon to the right of the employee that will be added to the charge group
Message Box: Card Delegate Added. Click OK
Close Search Window
Map a Card Account to an Employee & Add Delegates
Administration/Account Management/Account Search
With this search box open, click on ‘Search’
Close the search box to return to the Account Search page with the search results displayed
Under Unmapped accounts, click on the # link to view the listing of unmapped accounts
Click on the icon to the far right of the account information
When prompted, enter Employee ID, First Name or Last Name then click Search
Click on the icon to the right of the employee that will be mapped to the account.
Once you select the employee to be mapped, you will be returned to the Account Search page
Add Employee to Company Unit
Administration/Instance Management/Module - Company Unit
Choose Company Unit from options under ‘Truman State University’
Company Units are setup as overall departments and schools, i.e. School of Science & Math rather than by individual departments such as Biology, Chemistry,etc…
Click on ‘Add Employee’
When prompted, enter Employee ID, First Name or Last Name
Click Search
Click on the icon to the right of the employee that will be added to the charge group
Click Save
Message Box: Your changes have been successfully saved. Click OK.
Assign Password to Employee Account
Administration/Administrative Overview/Employees
Account Search box
Enter Employee Last Name
Click Search
To assign a password, click on the icon in the group of icons to the right of the employee record
Enter: Administrator password
New User Password: “Welcome1”
Confirm Password: “Welcome1”
Click Save
Message Box: Password successfully changed. Click OK.
Assign Charge Code Group to Employee Account
Administration/Administrative Overview/Employees
Account Search box
Enter Employee Last Name
Click Search
To assign Charge Code Group, click on the icon to select the employee account
Scroll to bottom of page
Click on icon to Perform Group Action
Click on drill down list to choose Code Group
Click Save
Message Box: Additions made successfully. Click OK.
Email Cardholder IntelliLink Access Information and Instructions
Change Delivery Method for statement
Go to UMB Commercialcard website:
Click on New Employee Name
Statement Delivery Method: defaults to ‘Paper Only’
Click on ‘Change Delivery Method’
Select radio button for ‘Receive Electronic Statements Only
Email Address: change to administrator email address (i.e. currently notification for all cardholder statements are set up to go to . It is just an email notification, you must logon to access and print out; however we do not print out the individual emails, so I just delete the emails.
Confirm Email Address: re-enter administrator email
Click on Submit
Click Ok to message that you have elected to change your statement delivery method to Receive Electronic Statements Only
Page titled ‘Electronic Statement Notice and Consent’ opens, must click ‘Continue’ at the bottom of the page and you will receive the following message:
Thank YouYour statement delivery method has been changed to receive only electronic statements.You will receive an email informing you when your statement is available to view online.
Your email will be sent to :
You will also need to do this for replacement card accounts for those cancelled due to lost/stolen/fraud.
Receive Card from UMB Bank
Create Signature Sheet for cardholder signature. Open “Pick up new cards” file located at W:\Accounts Payable\P-Card Program\New Accounts; update sheet with new cardholder name and department, print out and attach to p-card envelope.
Send Welcome Email and P-Card Agreement Form to cardholder. Open “Procurement Card Agreement Form-TEMPLATE.doc” located at W:\Accounts Payable\P-Card Program\New Accounts\P-Card Agreement Forms. Enter Cardholder Name/Department and Department Chair/Supervisor Name, then save and attach to email.
Create Transaction Log and email to cardholder
Open ’Transaction Log-TEMPLATE.xlsx” file located at W:\Accounts Payable\P-Card Program\New Accounts\Transaction Logs
Enter Cardholder Name and Department
Assign Transaction # and update FOAP information from cardholder application, then save and attach to email.