
N.B. Diary writing usually is written in the past tense. Look at the range of tenses below and the sequence and temporal connectives that have been used to begin and join sentences.

8thApril, 2004 SUNNY

During the first day of the holiday, I went to Malaysia with my family. In the morning of that day, I was very excited because I had not travelled out of Hong Kong for nearly 2 years. After that, we arrived at the airport and travelled to Malaysia by plane.

On the plane, the facilities were well-developed because we could hear music and see films on miniature screens, but the food on the plane was quite bad, I hope that it will be better in the future. After I arrived in Malaysia, we went to a popular restaurant to have lunch, we ate some Italian food, it was quite spicy! After that, we went to visit a famous temple. The temple was very big and I saw that a lot of people were praying inside. Woman needed to wear special clothes before going inside the temple and also we couldn’t wear shoes if we wanted to go inside. Then we went to a hotel to rest for a while and we ate some Chinese food near the hotel. Following that, I watched a football match in the hotel with my grandfather.

10thApril, 2004 SUNNY

During the morning, we had a buffet for breakfast, and it was delicious. Then we went to a zoo and we saw a lot of shows, like, an elephant show, a bird show and a cowboy show …… I liked the cowboy show most because it was the funniest. The story was quite good. Then we went to the highest building in Malaysia, it was a commercial building. In the lower stage was a shopping center and we could only do window shopping because the things were too expensive for us. Then we went to quiet a cheap hotel and stayed there for a night.

12thApril, 2004 RAIN

This was the last day of my journey. We went to the only place in Malaysia that has a casino. It was called WanDanPeak. It was a place for entertainment, it had a casino, a shopping center, a TV games and a lot more …… I couldn’t go into the casino, so I played TV games with my sister there. My mother and my grandfather went to the casino but they all lost a bit of money. After that, I went to have lunch and we ate bread chicken. It was a dish that used a big piece of bread to cover the curry chicken. It was very very delicious. After that, we went to the biggest water park in Malaysia. After we changed our clothes, it started to rain. Oh my god!

I thought why is it raining just as we are beginning to swim? It rained for about 45 minutes. And then I played in the water tunnel that was very fast and it was very exciting. After that, we needed to go back to Hong Kong. And I wanted to keep playing there. I hope that I can visit Malaysia again.