DRAFT Lancasterian School Pupil Premium Action Plan 2017/18


Pupil premium was introduced by the government in April 2011. The funding was allocated specifically for children from low-income families who were eligible for free school meals, looked after children and those from families with parents in the Armed Forces.

Each individual school decides how their Pupil Premium is best spent to raise achievement and improve outcomes for the target pupils identified. Schools are however held accountable for how the funding is used and are expected to report to parents and the Governing Body on Pupil Premium expenditure.

Potential barriers to learning at Lancasterian School

All pupils eligible for the Pupil Premium have an Education, Health and Care Plan which is reviewed annually as part of the review process. The statutory assessment team work in collaboration with school to ensure individual pupils access the most appropriate provision.

The School meets the needs of children aged 3-16 who have physical, complex medical and or complex communication difficulties with an intake of children from throughout the Manchester area. The school is commissioned by Manchester to provide outreach support across the city in advising mainstream schools around meeting the needs of pupils with communication needs and physical disabilities.

Due to the diverse range of needs at Lancasterian; access, independence, confidence, resilience and the ability to problem solve in everyday situations requires support at every stage of the curriculum to ensure that pupils are prepared for adulthood. Pupil vulnerability when faced with complex social dilemmas, such as the use of social media, presents as a barrier to many of our pupils. The social and emotional well-being of pupils and families is of vital importance to the school and we work hard to ensure safety and engagement, as this is a barrier if issues are not addressed immediately.

Attendance and punctuality are crucial for continued progress and presents as a barrier due to difficult family circumstances. Collaborative working is essential to ensure that all staff can fully address the individual need of each pupil, this is reliant on parental engagement throughout pupil’s time at the school. Parents are encouraged to support the school and become involved with school life.

School context
% pupils eligible for FSM 2017/18 / Number of looked after children (LAC)
67% / 2
Review of the 2016/17 academic year / Total pupil premium allocation for 2016/17:£77,862
Summary of objectives / Summary of expenditure / Impact on progress and attainment of eligible pupils / Comments
  1. Targeted Speech & Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy Support.
  1. Support from our Early Help and Intervention Lead to improve for some pupils and maintain for others their attendance; when comparing pupil attendance data from 2015-16.
  1. Literacy & Maths Intervention Lead Teaching Assistant, who enables Literacy and numeracy class sizes to be reduced in KS3 and KS4.
/ 1.6 Speech and Language Therapists
0.8 SLA Occupational Therapist
1 FT TTO TA 4 Early Help and Intervention Lead
1 FT AYR TA4 Intervention Lead / See PP Report from 2016/17
Pupil premium objectives for 2017/18 / Total pupil premium allocation for 2017/18:
Pupil Premium: £83,270
Year 7 Catch up: £3,500
LAC: £7,600
  1. Targeted Speech & Language Therapy (SaLT) and Occupational Therapy (OT) Support.
  1. Support from our Early Help and Intervention Lead (EHIL) to improve for some pupils and maintain for others their attendance; when comparing pupil attendance data from 2016-17.
  1. Literacy & Maths Curriculum Intervention Lead (CIL) Teaching Assistant, who enables Literacy and numeracy class sizes to be reduced in KS3 and KS4.

Objective 1:
Actions / Success criteria / Timescales / Person responsible / Cost/resource implications
SaLT to work with the leadership team to identify priority communication groups and 1-1 pupils. / SaLT priority caseload is compiled, reviewed and shared with sLT.
Impact case studies to be compiled throughout the year and shared at the end of the academic year for impact. / Termly review of caseload / Alli Gaskin (SaLT)
Charlotte Irvine (SaLT)
SLT / £69,356.38
SaLT to assess individual pupils and provide guidance, support, strategies and programs where needed. / Evidence of staff training and monitoring of strategies and programs.
Attendance of EHCP reviews and Multi Agency meetings. / Termly INSET scheduled
Weekly Annual Review Meetings / Alli Gaskin (SaLT)
Charlotte Irvine (SaLT)
Kira Buhler (Deputy Head)
SaLT to provide all staff training in developing questioning skills and classroom strategies. / Evidence of staff training and monitoring of strategies and programs. / Termly INSET scheduled / Alli Gaskin (SaLT)
Charlotte Irvine (SaLT)
Kira Buhler (Deputy Head)
SaLT to manage all AAC devices, PODD Books, software and resources for the communication needs of the pupils. / Ensuring inventory system is up to date and accurate,
ensuring that the budget is managed effectively. / Throughout the year and end of Financial year reporting. / Alli Gaskin (SaLT)
Charlotte Irvine (SaLT)
Rebecca Kelly (Admin – Therapy Link)
OT to work with the leadership team to identify priority groups and 1-1 pupils. / OT priority caseload is compiled, reviewed and shared with SLT.
Impact case studies to be compiled throughout the year and shared at the end of the academic year for impact. / Termly review of caseload / Vicky Pinder (OT)
OT to assess individual pupils and provide guidance, support, strategies and programs where needed. / Evidence of staff training and monitoring of strategies and programs.
Attendance of EHCP reviews and Multi Agency meetings. / Termly INSET scheduled
Weekly Annual Review Meetings / Vicky Pinder (OT)
Kira Buhler (Deputy Head)
OT to provide all staff training in understanding sensory needs of learners. / Evidence of staff training and monitoring of strategies and programs. / Termly INSET scheduled / Vicky Pinder (OT)
Kira Buhler (Deputy Head)
OT to liaise with the physio therapy and SaLT teams to ensure that all pupils can access the curriculum and reduce any barriers to learning. / Evidence of impact through case studies and monitoring of strategies and programs.
Attendance of EHCP reviews and Multi Agency meetings. / Termly
Weekly Annual Review Meetings / Vicky Pinder (OT)
OT to manage all specialist equipment for access to the curriculum, feeding and swallowing, personal care and individual needs. / Ensuring inventory system is up to date and accurate
Ensuring that budget is managed effectively / Throughout the year and end of Financial year reporting. / Vicky Pinder (OT)
Rebecca Kelly (Admin – Therapy Link)
OT monitoring/advising staff/organizing upper limb splints / Evidence of staff training and monitoring of upper limb splints / Weekly / Vicky Pinder (OT)
OT to support families to ensure the child has a consistent approach to managing their needs across both home and school. / Attendance of Parents to Sensory Workshops, Evidence of support for parents purchasing equipment to enable independence, attendance of EHCP meetings and evidence of actions met to support school and families. Positive feedback from parents and impact reports from case studies. / Half termly meeting with SLT to update on progress.
Workshops and support offered throughout the year and evidenced through an end of year impact report. / SLT and Vicky Pinder (OT)
Objective 2:
Actions / Success criteria / Timescales / Person responsible / Cost/resource implications
EHIL to support families with; applications for funding, short breaks packages, guidance on parenting skills, Liaising with Social Care. / EHIL priority caseload is compiled, reviewed and shared with SLT.
Evidence of impact through case studies and evidence of support given throughout the year. / Monitored Termly / Jackie Carter (EHIL)
David Critchlow (Acting Headteacher) / £46,099
Ensure good attendance of weekly parenting support group. / Attendance register and termly SLT update on progress. / Half Termly attendance monitoring
Termly monitoring of impact / Jackie Carter (EHIL)
Ensure good attendance to Summer School and extended schools for PP and LAC pupils. / Attendance register and impact report of events. / Annually / Jackie Carter (EHIL)
Andy Shevlin (TA2 Summer School Lead)
1-1 Intervention for pupils in need of support and guidance. / Pupil caseload and evidence of intervention pupils have received.
Evidence of impact through case studies and evidence of support given throughout the year. / Throughout the year and reviewed half termly.
Termly case studies created and shared annually. / Jackie Carter (EHIL)
EHIL to support the development of PSHE through the SDP. / PSHCE curriculum to include specific themes to prepare learners for the world around them. / Summer 2018 / Jackie Carter (EHIL)
Objective 3:
Actions / Success criteria / Timescales / Person responsible / Cost/resource implications
CIL to work with SLT to monitor progress data and identify intervention groups literacy and numeracy at each data window. / Identify intervention groups from progress data / Termly / Jackie Billett (CIL)
SLT / £35,644 Staffing
CIL to plan and deliver targeted literacy and numeracy interventions to improve pupil progress. / Evidence of impact on pupil progress. / Termly / Jackie Billett (CIL)
Use baseline and progress data to monitor the impact of the intervention and share with class teacher and SLT at the end of each intervention. / Evidence of impact on pupil progress. / Termly / Jackie Billett (CIL)
Class Teacher
Recommendations for the virtual school head
  1. Both LAC pupils continue to access SaLT and OT.
  2. Both LAC pupils will be monitored for curriculum intervention at each data cycle
  3. Both families continue to receive support from EHIL.