Hyde Park Junior AA Minor League Red Sox

2003 World Series Champions

1st Row,Left to Right

Anthony Valentino,Michael Dearborn, C.J. Dullea, Connor Murphy, David Hernandez, David Curran

Garret Lloyd, Matthew Pezzone, Sterling Pina, Kelsey Charlton, Elvis Garcia, Evan Timper, John Vibert

Manager: Jim Pezzone / Coach: Steve Valentino / Coach: Mike Murphy (not present)

After 2 years of coaching there older kids in the Major League, Manager Jim Pezzone and good friend, and Coach, Steve Valentino returnedto the Minor League for another 2 years to coach their 10 year olds and the 2003 Red Sox. The team, drafted on 2 days notice was not expected to win many games during the regular season. They shocked the League with there solid defensive play, an outstanding pitching staff and an offence that averaged 7+ runs per game and ended the season with a 16-1 record. The team no one gave a chance was still considered the underdogs as the playoffs began. The Red Sox surprised the league again by winning 4 straight games by defeating the heavily favored Yankees and Athletics teams. They waited patiently for there next and final opponent of the season.

The Indians, considered the best team in the League were victorious in theirtough fought battle against the Braves, but found themselves in unfamiliar territory, the series underdog. With a depleted pitching staff of 3 and there 2 pitching Aces sore and tired from the prior series, Coaches Pezzone, Valentino and Murphy liked there chances.

The Red Sox changed there strategy and did not start pitching Ace, John Vibert. They started pitchers Pezzone and Valentino in game 1 and with the help of some incredible defense by 3rd baseman Curren, 1st baseman Lloyd, and arguably the best middle infield in the league, Vibert patrolling Shortstop and Dullea at 2nd base the infield and outfielder’s were perfect, error free for 6 innings and gobbled up everything the Indians threw at them. Center fielder Hernandez with a gutsy heads up play decided to ignore the coaches who wanted the deep fly ball to left center field that he dove for, knocking it down while keeping the ball in front of him. Instead of throwing to the cut-off or 2nd base he decided to take a chance and throw home to pick off the runner rounding third and heading forthe plate. He threw a beautiful one hopper to Catcher Murphy who had home plate blocked and applied the tag for the pick off at home and the 3rd out of the inning. What a heads up play and not for a second was he going to follow the play book or listen to 3 coaches yelling to him, 2nd base as the base runner attempted to stretch a single into a double while the runner on 1st base attempted to make it to the plate and score the games 1st run. Instinct is one of the intangibles you cant teach to players but allowing a team to play lose, worry free baseball provides the opportunity and confidence to make decisions on the field, right or wrong. 3 coaches saw a play at second base. David fired a dart to home plate stopping a top of the 3rd inning rally, preventing the first run of the game, recording the 3rd out for the play of the game if not the series. The team all fired up went to work in the bottom half of the third.

The Red Sox bats came alive as Garcia crushed a triple to left field scoring Charlton who was hit by a pitch and was moved to 2ndthen 3rd base when Timpar hit a sharp single to right field but a heads up play by the right fielder fired the ball to first and created a pickle between 1st and 2nd base. Eventually Timpar was tagged out but some heads up thinking and base running, Kelsey caught the infield napping and moved to 3rd base during the pickle. Lloyd tripled and Pezzone’s 2nd double of the game drove him home. Valentino reached 1st on an error and then Mr. Reliable, John Virbert parked the ball for a 3 run homer and the Red Sox had more than enough runs to secure there 1st World Series victory. Pezzone went 3 innings, gave up 2 singles, walked 2 batters and allowed 1 run. Pezzone struck out 5. Lefty hurler Valentino, determined and confident as ever couldn’t wait to take the mound and secure the Red Sox win, Valentino hit the 1stbatter, walked a batter and had 4 k’s to complete the afternoon and shut down the Indians.

The Red Sox gambled and decided to send Dullea to the mound in Game 2, and close the game with Vibert. The Red Sox bats went to sleep as the Indians sent both there pitching aces to the mound. The Bambini brothers shut down the Red Sox bats and came up huge with the clutch win in game 2. Dullea and Dearborn both turned in excellent performances on the mound,striking out 10 batters between them and the three runs scored were unearned.

The Sox sent pitching ace John Vibert to the hill for the 3rd and final game of the World Series. John put on a pitching clinic for all to see. His fastball was untouchable as he struck out 10, walked 1, allowed 1 single and helped himself at the plate by his 2nd home run of the series, a triple and double helping the Sox to the 8-0 shout out and World Series Victory. Lloyd pitched a perfect 6th inning in relief. Curren, Pezzone, Murphy and Vibert went 3 for 3 for the day. Valentino posted a home run.

The parents and kids returned to the field for the last time and celebrated the great season, a cookout at the ball field and one last baseball game, parent’s against the kid’s. A special thanks to Kelsey’s mom and grandmother for providing many meals at the ballpark during the season.