Review of Content StandardElectronic data interchange for administration, commerce, and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1)

ISO 9735-1:2002December, 2005

This review is intended to assess the potential utility of content standards for use and potentially for inclusion in an ISO 11179-based metadata registry. The review is directed primarily toward the utility of the standard itself, rather than to matching the standard with specific agency programs. The review covers issues such as the subject area, currency, quality, authority, and acceptance of the standards. These are factors that need to be taken into account no matter what the programmatic application of the standard may be.

1. Summary

This part of ISO 9735 includes the rules at the application level for the structuring of data in the interchange of electronic messages in an open environment, based on the requirements of either batch or interactive processing. These rules have been agreed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) as syntax rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) and are part of the United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID), which also includes both batch and interactive Message Design Guidelines.

This part of ISO 9735 may be used in any application, but messages using these rules may only be referred to as EDIFACT messages if they comply with other guidelines, rules and directories in the UNTDID. For UN/EDIFACT messages, the message design rules for batch or interactive usage apply, as appropriate. These rules are maintained in the UNTDID.

Communications specifications and protocols are outside the scope of this part of ISO 9735.

2. Identification of Standard

2.1. Title

Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce, and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1)

2.2. Acronym

EDIFACT Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1)

2.3. Web page(s), Identifier, or Contact Information:

2.3.1 Web page(s)

2.3.2 Identifier

ISO 9735-1:2002

2.3.3 Contact Information

TC 154-Secretariat / / / / /
/ / Switzerland ( SNV )
Address / Direction Générale des Douanes
Monbijoustrasse 40
CH-3003 Bern
Tel / +41 31 322 66 75
Fax / +41 31 322 78 72
Secretariat direct
E-mail /

2.4 Authority

2.4.1 Creator

TC 154 / / / / /
/ / Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration
Secretariat: / SNV
Secretary: / M. François Vuilleumier
Chair: / M. François Vuilleumier (Switzerland) until end 2008
International standardization and registration of business, and administration processes and supporting data used for information interchange between and within individual organizations and support for standardization activities in the field of industrial data.
Development and maintenance of application specific meta standards for:
·  process specification (in the absence of development by other technical committees);
·  data specification with content;
·  forms-layout (paper / electronic).
Development and maintenance of standards for
·  process identification (in the absence of development by other technical committees);
·  data identification.
Maintenance of the EDIFACT-Syntax.

2.4.2. Acceptance as authoritative

These rules have been agreed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) as syntax rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) and are part of the United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID), which also includes both batch and interactive Message Design Guidelines.

2.5 Publisher

2.6 Language(s)


3. Content description

3.1 Subject area of content and area of application

There are 10 parts, each with a different syntax focus:

Documents EDIFACT Syntax Version 4 Release 1

Part 1: Syntax rules common to all parts
Part 2: Syntax rules specific to batch EDI
Part 3: Syntax rules specific to interactive EDI
Part 4: Syntax and service report message for batch EDI (message type - CONTRL)
Part 5: Security rules for batch EDI (authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of origin)
Part 6: Secure authentication and acknowledgement message (message type - AUTACK)
Part 7: Security rules for batch EDI (confidentiality)
Part 8: Associated data in EDI
Part 9: Security key and certificate management message (message type - KEYMAN)
Part 10: Syntax service directories

3.2 Kind of content

Service simple data element directory by tag / EDIFACT Syntax Version 4 Release 1
Change indicators
a plus sign (+) ==> for an addition
an asterisk (*) ==> for an amendment to structure
a hash sign (#) ==> for changes to names
a vertical bar (|) ==> for changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions
a minus sign (-) ==> for a deletion
an X sign (X) ==> for marked for deletion
Tag / Name / Repr
0001 / Syntax identifier
Coded identification of the agency controlling the syntax, and of the character repertoire used in an interchange.
1 The data value consists of the letters 'UN', upper case, identifying the syntax controlling agency, directly followed by an a2 code identifying the character repertoire used.
/ a4
0002 / Syntax version number
Version number of the syntax.
1 Shall be '4' to indicate this version of the syntax.
/ an1
0004 / Interchange sender identification
Name or coded identification of the sender of the interchange.
1 Organisation code or name as agreed between interchange partners.
2 If coded representation is used, its source may be specified by the qualifier in data element 0007.
/ an..35
0007 / Identification code qualifier
Qualifier referring to the identification code.
1 A qualifier code may refer to an organisation identification as in ISO 6523.
/ an..4
0008 / Interchange sender internal identification
Identification (for example, a division, branch or computer system/process) specified by the sender of interchange, to be included if agreed, by the recipient in response interchanges, to facilitate internal routing.
/ an..35
0010 / Interchange recipient identification
Name or coded identification of the recipient of the interchange.
1 Organisation code or name as agreed between interchange partners.
2 If coded representation is used, its source may be specified by the qualifier in data element 0007.
/ an..35

3.3 Audience(s)

Those involved with international standardization and registration of business, and administration of processes and supporting data used for information interchange between and within individual organizations and support for standardization activities in the field of industrial data.

3.4 Related Standards

The basic syntax rules specified in this part remain unchanged from the previous version, with the exception that the coverage of character repertoires has been extended, and two new techniques have been introduced (the provision for “dependency notes” and the introduction of a service repetition character, to support the capability of permitting multiple occurrences (repeats) of stand-alone and/or composite data elements). Both of these techniques are used in other parts of the current version of ISO 9735, and are available for specification in EDIFACT messages that utilize this International Standard.

In addition, enhancements have been made to the batch interchange; group; and message header segments (UNB; UNG; and UNH).

Character repertoires: Because of the widening use of ISO 9735, it has become necessary to extend its coverage to include all character repertoires covered by ISO 8859, parts 1-9; the code extension techniques covered by ISO 2022 (with certain restrictions on its use within an interchange); and partial use of the techniques covered by ISO/IEC 10646.

3.5 Standards Dependencies

This part of ISO 9735 is a re-draft of corresponding sections in the previous version of ISO 9735. It consists of the rules common to all parts of ISO 9735, and includes the definitions for all parts.

See the Cmap “EDIFACT Standards Relationships” for details.

3.6 Content Quality

These rules have been agreed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) as syntax rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) and are part of the United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID), which also includes both batch and interactive Message Design Guidelines.

4. Currency of Content

4.1 Date


4.2 Versions, Updates

A previous version of ISO 9735 was published in 1988 as a single part. The current version of ISO 9735 consists of multiple parts and incorporates enhancements to extend its application.

4.3 Currency

This version was released in 2002 and remains current.

5. Acceptance

These rules have been agreed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) as syntax rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) and are part of the United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID), which also includes both batch and interactive Message Design Guidelines.

6. Content details

6.1 Size statistics (estimated)/6.2 Format / Schemas(s)/6.3 Media / Download

May be downloaded free as PDF File from:

40 pages

6.4 Licensing Issues

This is an ISO Standard and is copyrighted.

6.5 Documentation

Documentation is available from the UN/CEFACT Joint Syntax Working Group (JSWG) at:

All 9 other parts are available as well:

ISO/TC Documents EDIFACT Syntax Version 4 Release 1

/ Part 1: Syntax rules common to all parts /
/ Part 2: Syntax rules specific to batch EDI /
/ Part 3: Syntax rules specific to interactive EDI /
/ Part 4: Syntax and service report message for batch EDI (message type - CONTRL) /
/ Part 5: Security rules for batch EDI (authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of origin) /
/ Part 6: Secure authentication and acknowledgement message (message type - AUTACK) /
/ Part 7: Security rules for batch EDI (confidentiality) /
/ Part 8: Associated data in EDI /
/ Part 9: Security key and certificate management message (message type - KEYMAN) /
/ Part 10: Syntax service directories /

154-UN/CEFACT Joint Syntax Working Group (JSWG)

They are also available from the ISO website:

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

/ ISO 9735-1:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 1: Syntax rules common to all parts (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-2:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 2: Syntax rules specific to batch EDI (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-3:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 3: Syntax rules specific to interactive EDI (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-4:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 4: Syntax and service report message for batch EDI (message type -- CONTRL) (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-5:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 5: Security rules for batch EDI (authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of origin) (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-6:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 6: Secure authentication and acknowledgement message (message type - AUTACK) (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-7:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 7: Security rules for batch EDI (confidentiality) (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-8:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 8: Associated data in EDI (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-9:2002 / Ed.2 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 9: Security key and certificate management message (message type- KEYMAN) (available in English only)
/ ISO 9735-10:2002 / Ed.1 / Current stage60.60 / TC 154
Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport (EDIFACT) -- Application level syntax rules (Syntax version number: 4, Syntax release number: 1) -- Part 10: Syntax service directories (available in English only)