Dr. David Bishop is currently a professor of Philosophy and Religion at Pima Community College-Downtown Campus and the University of Phoenix, both in Tucson, Arizona. He has lived and worked in the United States, Europe, Africa, and Central America, teaching mystical philosophy, directing retreats and seminars, and doing spiritual guidance. David’s education includes degrees in Philosophy, American Studies, Theology, Transpersonal Philosophy and Psychology, and Philosophy of Religion, and certificates in Mediation and Retreat Direction, Sexual Counseling, and Reiki Healing. Dr. Bishop will be available for individual sessions by appointment.

  • This workshop is designed to:
  • Assist you in expanding your self-awareness and deepeningyour connection with Higher Consciousness.
  • Understand and experience the psychodynamics of breathing, sound, movement, mindfulness, silence, and meditation.
  • Understand the health applications of meditation and its components: Relaxation, concentration, suspension of logical thought process, and maintenance of self-observing attitude.
  • Understand Multiple Intelligences (rational, emotional, creative, and spiritual).
  • Understand and practice the importance of imagination and creativity in relaxation and stress management.
  • Understand the value of acceptance, forgiveness, and gratitude in managing life’s stressful situations.

Register for a complimentary 10 minute chair massage during seminar’s breaks and lunch time.

Join The Meditation Workshop! Register Now! Early Registration until January 31, 2008!

$70.00 workshop registration fee, save $10.00 if you join early! Please bring a journal, comfortable clothing, a blanket, warm socks, and a pillow. The workshop is restricted to 50 people.

To register, please send your check or money order to: C.I.C.A., Rosalía Solórzano, and LMFT. Director, 1718 Elm St., El Paso, Texas, 79930. For more information call: (915)-276-3607. E-MAIL: or Website: www.interculta.com.

“Our daily spiritual work is to liberate our mind from the ego’s constrictions on our beliefs and behaviors, so the God of the heart can manifest in us more compassionately and creatively.”

David R. Bishop

How to find the Radisson Suite Inn, El Paso Airport:

From interstate 10, exit Airway Blvd. Head north on Airway Blvd., approximately ½ mile, crossing four intersections. Last intersection is Airway Blvd. Hotel is located on the right-hand side, immediately after Applebee’s restaurant. For a map on how to find the hotel go to: www.radisson.com.