Suzanne Middle School Mr. Jonathan St. Amant
Art- Room 24
Hello, and welcome to my class! I am really excited to share my love of art and help you become more creative!
About This Class
You will be introduced to the elements and principles of art andwill learn to analyze and critique works of art. We will be making drawings, paintings, sculpture, and possibly collages. My goal is to improve your creative thinking skills and help you develop your artistic abilities.
Most of the work in this class will have to be done during class time, which is why your ATTENDANCE IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!
Your work in this class will culminate in a portfolio evaluation. Near the end of each quarter, you will sit down with me and show me your portfolio (all of your work). Think of it like an interview. You will complete a self evaluation, detailing your progress and what grade you think you’ve earned. Your portfolio will serve as evidence, and we will determine your grade during our conference.
Progress Checks
In order to keep parents informed on a daily basis, various progress checks will be conducted during a project’s completion. These progress checks will not count toward your letter grade, but they will give an idea of where you are at a given time. Progress checks will be displayed on Aeries.
In-Class Studio Projects???
These are the FUN projects you will create during class time. I will assess your skills by these categories:
●Effort and Participation (how hard you try, and how well you use your class time)
●Craftsmanship (care for quality; showing pride in your work)
●Completing the Technique Requirements (different for each project)
●Creativity (Give your work a personal and unique touch)
●Self Critique/ Written Reflection
You are strongly encouragedto purchase and maintain a sketchbook for this class. You should bring your sketchbook to class EVERY DAY! Like a professional artist, you will use your sketchbook to plan out projects, complete studies, take notes, practice skills, and collect inspiration. The sketchbook will be checked as a part of your portfolio assessment.
As you know, our school has a very limited budget. I do my best to provide every student with the necessary materials for each project, but if you are not satisfied with my well-worn supplies, you are more than welcome to purchase your own. These materials include (but are not limited to): pencils, color pencils, watercolors, glue sticks, rulers, and paint brushes.
Expectations, Procedures, and Routines
In order to help you become a GREAT artist and have a lot of fun this year, I will need your cooperation to help create a fun and safe learning environment. The following page includes my class expectations:
●Be in your assigned seats when the bell rings, quietly working on the Art Start of the day (this should take the first 5 minutes of class).
●Table managers will be in charge of picking up the supply boxes and projects for their table when excused to do so, and put them away at the end of class.
●When I am talking to the class, please remain quiet and listen to my instructions.
●You are expected to work hard the entire class period. Disruptive behavior may result in a lower citizenship score.
●Be smart with your material usage (You know when you are being wasteful).
●Clean up takes place during the last 5 minutes of class, and you will return to your seats until the bell rings. The cleanest and quietest table will receive a point for the table contest.
●If you are absent, it is your responsibility to ask one of your table team members what you missed, or you could ask me after I have given the day’s instruction to the rest of the class.
○Respect the teacher
○Respect fellow students
○Respect the classroom and art supplies
○Food, sugary drinks, and gum are NOT allowed in class.
Students violating any of the above rules will receive the following consequences: For the first infraction, the student will have his/her name written on “The List,” and one tally will be given. For the second infraction, the student will receive an additional tally and the student’s table will lose a team point. If the disruptive behavior continues, the student will receive a third tally and be assigned a lunch detention. Students earning more than 5 tallies in a semester may lose a citizenship point. Excessive behavior violations will result in office referral and a parent/teacher conference.
I can’t wait to get to know all of you and help you achieve creative success! I think this will be a very fun semester! If you have any questions at all, PLEASE CONTACT ME! I am here for you.
Jonathan St. Amant
Email: Art Website:
School Phone: (909) 594-1730 ext. 55124 Instagram: @jonsaintamant
Class Website: YouTube Channel: Mistersaintamant
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By signing this page, you have acknowledged your understanding of the class policies and procedures. Please sign and return this bottom portion.
Class Period:______
Student’s Name (PLEASE PRINT):______
Signed by Student______Date______
Signed by Parent/ Guardian______Date______
Home Phone #______Work Phone #______
Parent/ Guardian Email Address______