Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card Reading and Response Journal

Due on the first day of English class

Use the following format to write 15 reader response entries, one per chapter.

For each chapter:

A. Choose a passage (1-2 paragraphs) that you appreciate as meaningful to the work as a whole and relevant to the literary feature assigned for that chapter (setting, character, etc.).

B. On a google doc titled lastname.firstname.summer.reading(you might have to sign up for an account—its free) paste a legible photo, scan or copy and paste a passage and note its page number/s or copy from the etext available at http://bit.ly/1qeOHyk. You are encouraged to color-mark, highlight, annotate, or otherwise make notes on the passage by highlighting and making comments. (If you cannot figure out google doc, which will be used throughout the class, save it as a word document and have it saved on a jump drive for the first day)

D. Write your response to each passage, as directed below, under the pasted picture or copied text.

Complete the following entries. Remember to discuss literary features + text evidence + effect in each response.

1.  Chapter 1 – select a passage that describes the setting. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including stylistic devices* that affect the creation of the setting in your mind.

2.  Chapter 2 - select a passage that develops a character. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that affect your reaction to this character.

3.  Chapter 3 - select a passage that describes a conflict. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including stylistic devices* that affect your reaction to this conflict.

4.  Chapter 4 - select a passage that foreshadows what will come. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that affect your feelings about what will happen.

5.  Chapter 5 - select a passage that develops the relationship between Ender and another character. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that contribute to this relationship and shape your own reaction to both Ender and this other character.

6.  Chapter 6 - select a passage that reveals the importance of the openings, where the adults talk about Ender. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole. Identify the tone created by these openings and literary strategies that shape it*; comment on the Giant Drink’s purpose in this chapter, as well as the effect the game is having on your reactions to the events and characters.

7.  Chapter 7 - select a passage that utilizes symbolism. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, and comment on the effect of the symbol/s on the overall meaning of the novel.

8.  Chapter 8 - select a passage that reveals Ender’s attitudes. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including strategies* employed by the author to reveal these attitudes. Comment on the role they play in your own reaction to the ending and to the novel as a whole.

9.  Chapter 9 – select a passage that reveals Peter and Valentine’s purpose to the development of this story. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that affect your feelings about their relationship to the rest of the story.

10.  Chapter 10—select a passage that shows an internal conflict Ender deals with. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that affect your feelings about what Ender is going through.

11.  Chapter 11- select a passage that demonstrates rising action. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that help show that we are nearing some sort of crisis.

12.  Chapter 12-select a passage that shows repetition. Discuss how a repeated event or textual repetition contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that help emphasize a theme.

13.  Chapter 13-select a passage that reveals Valentine and Ender’s relationship. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that affect your reaction to these characters.

14.  Chapter 14-Select a passage that reveals the climax of this story. Discuss how this passage contributes to your interpretation of the work as a whole, including literary strategies* that affect your reaction this resolution of conflicts.

15.  Chapter 15-How does the ending shape your overall interpretation of the novel? What theme/s stand out to you?

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey reader response journal.

Due on the first day of English class

Use the following format to write 7reader response entries, one per habit.

For each chapter:

A. Choose a passage (1-2 paragraphs) that you appreciate as meaningful to the work as a whole and questions and assignments being asked below.

B. On the same google doc titled lastname.firstname.summer.reading(you might have to sign up for an account—its free) paste a legible photo, scan or copy and paste a passage and note its page number/s or copy from the etext available at http://bit.ly/1qeOHyk. You are encouraged to color-mark, highlight, annotate, or otherwise make notes on the passage by highlighting and making comments. (If you cannot figure out google doc, which will be used throughout the class, save it as a word document and have it saved on a jump drive for the first day)

D. Write your response to each passage, as directed below, under the pasted picture or copied text.

Complete the following entries.

1.  Be Proactive- Select a passage that resonated with you. Discuss the differences between being reactive and proactive. Be sure to explain the benefits to being proactive. Also, reflect on your personal feelings and attitudes toward this habit and being principle centered.

2.  Begin with the End in Mind—Write a mission statement for this up-coming school year and select a passage that you relate to or hope to relate to.

3.  Put First Things First- Select a passage that shows the benefits of putting first things first. Then explain a metaphor or simile used in the book to explain how we put first things first.

4.  Think Win-Win- Where do you see yourself in this chapter? Select a passage that struck you as honest and creates a sense of importance for thinking win-win.

5.  Seek First to Understand, and then to be Understood- Relate your listening skills to something mentioned in one of the passages. Explain what you can do using kindness and courage to develop this habit using any examples from a passage.

6.  Synergy- Select a passage that is memorable—that shows why synergy is so powerful. Reflect personally about how you have or can use synergy in your life.

7.  Sharpen the Saw-Select a passage that shows a way you can sharpen your saw that you haven’t previously used or that you use often. Explain how you plan to sharpen your saw during this upcoming, hectic school year.

Selected Literary Features – Fiction

(This is a guide to help you answer questions about Ender’s Game.-When it says, “literary stratagies” these are the words that you should use to answer the questions.)









Register (formal, informal, colloquial, dialect, nonstandard)



















Verbal Irony

Situational Irony

Dramatic Irony


Monologue, dialogue, interior monologue

Point of view

First Person

Third-Person Objective

Third-Person Limited



Sentence length

Word order


Phrases and clauses




Types of character:

Major vs. Minor

Static vs. Dynamic

Flat vs. Round




Character development

Statements by narrator (explicit or implicit)

What character says and does

How character looks and lives

What other characters say about or to the character

How other characters interact with the character

SETTING: Time and Place

Time: Century, decade, year, season, day of week, time of day

Historical context

Place: Planet, continent, nation, state/province, urban/rural, indoors/outdoors, geography, terrain, lighting, atmosphere


Types of conflict

Character vs. Character

Character vs. Nature

Character vs. Society

Character vs. Self

Character vs. Fate

Plot Arc (Freytag's Pyramid)



Inciting Force, Incident, or Event

Rising Action



Falling Action

Resolution (Denouement)

THEME: "Universal" human issues dealing with topics such as:

Ambition Jealousy

Beauty Loneliness

Betrayal Love

Courage Loyalty

Duty Fear

Prejudice Freedom

Suffering Happiness

Truth Illusion