Bethesda University of California, 730 N. Euclid St. Anaheim, CA 92801, Tel: 714-517-1945, Fax: 714-517-1948, Home page:, Academic Affairs Office:

Online Course Syllabus

Bethesda University of California


Bethesda University of California is a Christ-centered community of higher education preparing Korean/English speaking men and women with professional competence, academic excellence, and spiritual integrity to be servant leaders in the Church, community, and global society.

Course Number and Title: GBIB 523 The Book of James

Semester: Winter Intensive 2014 ( From Jan 6 To Jan 10)(9 am to 5 pm)

Professor: Dr David Sang Han

Office: # N/A

E-mail address/Phone: 949-244-2549

Office Hours (Students may meet with their professor by appointment or during the following regularly scheduled office hours):

Day and Time: appointed date and time /Place: 3rd floor faculty room


“Bethesda Christian University is a Christ-centered community of higher education preparing Korean/English speaking men and women with professional competence, academic excellence, and spiritual integrity to be servant leaders in the Church, community, and global society.” (Cited from the mission statement from school website)

This class helps fulfill the school’s mission statement through focusing on

the following parts of the mission statement:
1) Create in students the recognition of the authority of Scripture and provide them foundational knowledge of the Bible; sola scriptura!
2)Encourage development of an integrative spiritual life;
3) Equip students with the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes for success in their professions;
4) Cultivate within students a spirit of inquiry and reflective discernment in the quest for knowledge and truth;
5) Enhance spiritual development by encouraging students in personal prayer and the spiritual disciplines;
6) Increase students’ biblical knowledge of moral and ethical standards and encourage a lifestyle based on God’s Word;
7) Prepare students for service and vocation in the Church and society;
8)Operate in an efficient and effective manner in order to steward its God-given resources.


This course examines and discusses the understanding of the book of James from the perspective of the social history and literary structure. Mainly we will exegese and interprete verse by verse from the Greek text into Korean or English if needed and then we will try to apply the messages to recent Korean American society and the immigrant church in America. In addition, the relationship of faith and work needs to be discussed and we will try to define what the real piety means in the book of James.

3.  COURSE OBJECTIVES (STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES) After completing this course, students will have achieved the following:

Student Learning Outcomes / Assignments for Assessment
1) the student will be able to demonstrate a commitment to the Lordship of Jesus Christ / Reading assignment included :
“Perseverance” as subject of the born again Christian” 2 pages essay needed to discuss
2) the students will be able to prove the recognition of the authority of Scripture in their lives / Reading assignment included :
“Bible as a primary source of studying the book of James”
2 pages essay needed to discuss at class
3) the students will be able to develop the basic skills and knowledge for their vocational success / Reading assignment included:
“Christian life with Faith and Action in work, property and community”, 2 pages essay need to discuss at the class
4) the students will be demonstrate a foundational knowledge of the Word and the ability to apply its principles to life / Reading assignment included:
“Faith and real life, how to apply in their personal life, 2 pages essay to discuss at the class
Please see the course schedules


1)  Required texts

Nestle-Aland, Novum Testamentum Graece, New Testament Greek,

신약성서,한글 개역, 개역개정, 새번역, 공동번역외 기타

The Harper Collins Study Bible, San Francisco, 2006.

5 days* 8 hours= 40 hours김경희 외 12명 공저, 신약성서개론 . 서울: 대한기독교서회, 2003.

기타 참고문헌은 강의 첫 시간에 소개됩니다

2)  Recommended reading:

권오현, 공동서신, 대한기독교서회 1998

Howard C.Kee, Understanding the New Testament, 신약성서이해 , 한국신학연구소, 1990.

Werner G.Kuemmel, Einleitung in das Neue Testament. 신약정경개론,

대한기독교출판사, 1988

Bauer, et al, A Greek English Lexicon. Chicago Univ. Press, 2001

D.B. Wallace, NT Greek Syntax, Zondervan.

3)  Other Resources Helpful for the Course:

야고보서 주석, 100 주년 기념 주석시리즈, 대한기독교서회

두란노 HOW주석 시리즈, 두란노아카데미, 2007

기타 주석서는 강의 첫 시간에 소개됩니다

5.  COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND TIME ESTIMATES (at least 15 hours/credit):

Requirements / Time Estimate
Attendance (Submitting summaries of each lecture session) / 5 days* 8 hours= 40 hours
Participation in Peer Interaction/ Discussion / 5 hours
Book Reviews (Reading Reports) / 36 hours
Quizzes or Test(essay test) / 5 hours
Written Assignments/ Term Paper or Projects / 21hours
Total Hours / 88 hours


1)  Grading Scale

Letter Grade / Numerical Grade / Grade Points / Quality of Performance
A / 95-100 / 4.0 / Outstanding
A- / 90-94 / 3.7 / Excellent
B+ / 87-89 / 3.3 / Good +
B / 84-86 / 3.0 / Good
B- / 80-83 / 2.7 / Good -
C+ / 77-79 / 2.3 / Satisfactory +
C / 74-76 / 2.0 / Satisfactory
C- / 70-73 / 1.7 / Satisfactory -
D+ / 67-69 / 1.3 / Poor
D / 64-66 / 1.0 / Very Poor
D- / 60-63 / 0.7 / Extremely Poor
F / 59 or lower / 0 / Failure

2)  Grading Rubric

Assignments & Test / Due Date
assignment / Methods of Submission / Points
Attendance (Summaries of each lecture session) / 동영상 강의 신청후 강의 노트와 reading
assignment를 이메일로 제출하되 1월 15일까지 보낸다(강의노트는 의무임) / 한 교수의 이메일로 보냄
/ 20 %
Participation in Peer Interaction/ Discussion / 1)1월 6일에 강사가
토론방에질문을올리면 1월10일까지 토론에
(1)자신의응답을 올리고
(2)다른두사람의응답에 대한자신의반응을올린다
2)1월 10일에 강사가
두번째 토론방에 질문을 올린다 / 토론방에 올린다 / 5 %
Book Reviews (Reading Reports) / 독서보고서1: 성경
개역 개정과 새번역판으로
각각 5번씩 읽고 5 page로 소감문-1월8 일 까지
독서보고서 2
위에 소개한 신약개론 책중 야고보서 편을 읽고 약 10 page로 요약
-1월 15일까지 이메일로 제출 / 한 교수의 이메일로 보냄
/ 25 %
(report in stead of test) / 시험대신 paper
제출 5-7 page로
제목 “믿음과 행위의 관계성에 대해”(1월20일 까지) / 한 교수의 이메일로 보냄
25 %
Written Assignments/ Term Paper / 학기말 페이퍼
클래스에서 소개되는 야고보서 주석서 한권 읽고 20페이지로 요약 제출
-1월 30일 까지 제출 / 한 교수의 이메일로 보냄
/ 25 %
Total / 100 %

Test policy: Tests must be taken on the assigned dates. Except in cases of medical emergency, make-up exams are not permitted without prior approval from the instructor.


All course work is due on the dates assigned. Students who fail to submit assignments on time will be subject to the course’s late grading policy. In all other cases and unless otherwise stated by the instructor, all course work is due by 4:00 p.m. on the last day of the semester.

A grade of incomplete will only be awarded to students who cannot physically complete their course work by the last day of the semester due to an avoidable situation such as a serious illness. In such cases, students must provide valid evidence of their condition. After a semester has ended it is no longer possible to request an incomplete. Incompletes will not be granted simply because of poor time management. Students who assume that an incomplete will be issued because they failed to finish their course work by the end of the semester will automatically receive a grade of F.

Incompletes must first be approved by the Academic Affairs office. To apply for an imcomplete, students must fill out an incomplete-grade-request form and submit it to the office by December 2, 2011. After receiving approval from the office, the student must then obtain approval from his or her instructor.


5 points for each class session/75 points total

1 회 강의요약과 독서 요약, 미제출시 5 점 감점, 3회 이상 미제출시 fail

(출석대신 강의요약과 독서요약으로 대치한다)

특별한 사정이 있으면 보고하고 허락 받아야 예외로 인정한다

9.  ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Plagiarism and cheating are unacceptable. Plagiarism is defined as the use of someone else’s ideas, arguments or other original material without acknowledging the source.


1)  By the 13rd class the professor ask all students to write down

their own prayer subjects on the prayer list form.

2)  At the last class all students should share their personal prayer subjects

to the public and request for themselves including professor

3)  After that we will pray together for every students one by one and take class

picture to memorize their prayer subjects and continue to pray after the end

the semester


Week / Date / Class Topic / Reading / Assignments
1 / 1-6-14 / Introduction
-Understanding of the book of James
(Author,background of the book)
-Characteristics of James
-Literary Structure
-Main theological thoughts / Each students
should read
the same “assignment
pages” as the presented parts each day / 야고보서 전장을
개역 개정과
집에서 10번씩 읽고 나서 느낀점을
1-2 페이지로
작성하여 제출한다
2 / 1-7-14 / -Book of James
Chapter 1 interpretation
-Theological thoughts in chapter 1(Suffering, Wisdom, Piety) / Same as above / 야고보서 1장을
헬라어 원문을 보면서 한글 성경과 대조하며 원어의 내용을 찿도록 하며 공부한 내용을 1-2 페이지로 작성 제출한다
3 / 1-8-14 / -Chapter 2
Thoughts in chapter 2( Work and Faith) / Same as above / 야고보서 전장을
공동번역으로 읽고
느끼고 깨달은 점을 1-2 페이지로 작성 제출한다
4 / 1-9-14 / -Chapter 3 and 4
-Theological topics( Sin) / Each students
should read
the same “assignment
pages” each day / 야고보서 5장을 NIV 영어 번역과
한글 성서 비교하며 배운점을 작성하여 1-2 페이지로 제출한다
5 / 1-10-14 / -Chapter 5 interpretation
-Theological topics
(Patience and Prayer) / Same as above