Lassiter High School

Reaching Excellence and Climbing Higher

Language Arts Department

Fall Semester 2015

COURSE TITLE: Honors 9th Lit/Comp INSTRUCTOR: Hilary Minich

EMAIL: hilary PHONE #: 678-494-7863



** The Cobb County School District adheres to the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS). These standards provide a consistent framework to prepare students for success in college and the 21st century workplace. More information can be found at **

Course Description: 9th Literature and Composition is a skills-based course culminating in an End of Course Test (EOC) that focuses on the following:

●Argumentative, expository, narrative writing

●Synthesizing and evaluating sources

●Elements of research

●Literary analysis

●Informational text analysis

●Academic and domain-specific vocabulary development

●Class discussion to facilitate higher-level thinking skills

Fall and Spring Units of Study: These units are based on CCGPS and include (but are not limited to) PSAT prep, short fiction, intro to research writing, informational texts, epic poetry, and novels. Embedded in all units are writing, research, vocabulary, and the mechanics and usage of language.

Anchor Texts: Animal Farm, The Demon in the Freezer, and Study Smarter, not Harder (summer reading), The Odyssey, The Omnivore’s Dilemma (young reader’s edition), Anthem, Prentice Hall 9th Grade Textbook, Supplemental readings (TBD), Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop Level E (Common Core Enriched Edition)

The 9th grade literature textbook and the school media center contain some of the above mentioned works; however, you will need to purchase your own copy of the The Omnivore’s Dilemma (young reader’s edition). Changes or additions to the texts mentioned above will be communicated in class and on my blog.

**** Students must purchase a copy of Sadlier Vocabulary, Level E. For students who did not purchase a copy at GO Day, books will be available for purchase in class. The cost is $15.****

Supplementary Resources:

Khan Academy for PSAT prep:

Online Textbook: (Login TBD)

USA Test Prep:

Some assignments may be uploaded to

Common Core Standards for 9th Grade English:

Supply List:

3-ring binder with multiple dividers

Lots of loose leaf college-ruled notebook paper

A one-subject, 3-hole punched spiral bound notebook (such as 5-Star) for Writing Workshops

1-2 packs of sticky notes

Several highlighters in multiple colors (5-10)

Notecards (for test and quiz reviews)

Pens/ Pencils/ Erasers

Please bring in the following by Friday: (Generic brands are perfectly fine!)

❖ Last Name A-G: Kleenex

❖ Last Name H-R: Hand Sanitizer

❖ Last Name S-Z: Lysol Wipes

Fall Grading Percentages: Please look at assignment descriptions in Synergy to see what standard is assessed through each assignment

Major Grades (tests, projects, compositions): 45%

Minor Grades (quizzes, homework, classwork): 25%

Vocabulary Assessments: 10%

Final Exam: 20%

Film and Media Viewing: Occasionally for the enhancement of our readings we will watch clips from documentaries, films, newscasts, etc.Some of the films include portions from The Odyssey (film adaptation), Food, Inc. (documentary), Vaccines: Calling the Shots (documentary), 2081 (short film). Every clip or portion of film viewed in class will come from PG-13 or lower rated films and documentaries. By not contacting me directly with issues or protests, you are indicating permission for your student to view these movies and clips.

Policies, Procedures, and Behavior:

Daily Expectations: Make sure to have your supplies, including your vocabulary book and student agenda, with you daily. Please be seated when the bell rings and ready to go to work.

Classroom Etiquette and Respect: I expect that you will do your part to maintain a respectful, productive learning environment every day. This includes respecting everyone and everything in the classroom, using appropriate language, taking responsibility for your actions, following instructions in a respectful manner the first time they are given, minimizing distractions to yourself and others, working diligently every day, and participating in a positive way. I expect you to follow all school rules and regulations.

Electronic Devices: There are times when BYOD applies in our class. I will let you know when these times occur. Otherwise, devices are not permitted and must remain in a bookbag or purse throughout the entire class period. The consequence for the first offence is a detention and parent contact. The consequence for the second offence is a referral to administration.

Food and Drinks: Only water is allowed in class; all foods or other beverages will be thrown in the trashcan. Continued abuse of this policy will result in an administrative referral.

Computer Usage: We will use the writing lab multiple times during the semester. Students may be assigned seats in the lab. When in the lab, students are to work only on the class assignment at hand. Abuse of internet privileges will result in a referral to administration.

Tardy Policy: To avoid being counted tardy, students must be seated and ready for class when the bell rings. If you are late for class, you must check in with the Late Arrival System (LAS). See your student handbook for specifics about the disciplinary action for tardies.

Restroom Passes: You will need to use your passes in the back of your student agenda to use the restroom. Do not ask to leave unless it is an absolute emergency, and please do not interrupt classroom instruction. Make every attempt to use the restroom during passing periods.


A student who attends class and actively participates is most likely to be successful.

However, if you are absent, please check my blog for make-up work. There is no time during class to discuss make-up work given the standards and pace of the course. You’ll need to see me after school if you have questions beyond what my blog outlines. See your student handbook (agenda) for specifics on Lassiter’s make-up work policy. 15% will be deducted per day for late major assignments. No minor assignments will be accepted late.

Extra Help: I am available most days after school for 30 minutes by appointment for extra help, questions about your grade, or to discuss make-up work/ enrichment work. My designated day for extra help is Thursday afternoon from 3:30-4:10.


♦All work should be completed with care and reflect grade-level insight. Illegible work and papers without the proper identification will not be graded.

♦Student name, teacher name, class and date should appear in the upper left-hand corner of all assignments per MLA style. (Yellow Turkeys Can’t Dance: Your name, Teacher name, Class, Date)

♦All final draft essays should follow the standard MLA manuscript format for written composition.

♦Major writing assignments should be typed. For your convenience, the writing center and the media center computers are available before and after school for word processing.

♦Most assignments will be uploaded to

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: “Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.” -- Sophocles

Cheating is a serious matter and can have lasting consequences. The parents of a student who has been involved in cheating will be notified and the student will receive a grade of zero for the assessment/ assignment and a grade of U in conduct.

For this course, cheating is defined as, but is not limited to, the following acts:

♦Copying anyone’s answers to questions, exercises, study guides, class work or homework assignments

♦Taking any information verbatim from any source, including the Internet, without giving proper credit to the author, or rearranging the order of words and/or changing some words as written by the author and claiming the work as one’s own, i.e., plagiarism.

♦Looking onto another student’s paper during a test or quiz.

♦Having available any study notes or other test aids during a test or quiz without the teacher's permission.

♦Collaborating on assignments when independent work is expected.



TEACHER: Mrs. Hilary Minich

Please CONTACT ME via email IF YOU DO NOT agree with any of the following:

❑I have read and understand the academic integrity policy.

❑I have reviewed the class syllabus and understand the grading policy.

❑I give permission for my child to view G, PG or PG13 films and/or documentaries if they are related to the curriculum of the class.

❑I give permission for my child to read the listed texts.

❑I am willing to be contacted by email.

❑I have access to the internet and will access the Synergy parent feature (once it is available) to check on my child's progress. I understand that teachers will make every effort to post grades within 2 weeks of accepting minor assignments, but that posting of grades for larger papers and projects may take extend beyond the 2 week timeframe.

❑I am aware that make-up work can be found on the blog:

Student Name (please print): ______

Class Period: ______

Parent Name (please print): ______

Email Address for Communication (please print): ______

Please return this form by Friday, August 7th