Strathcona, Christie, Aspen Community Association (SCA)
Board Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2016
Board Attendance:
Maureen Smith, President
Roy Kuhnlein, Vice President
Karla Pollock, Secretary
Simon Fletcher, Treasurer
Shelley Bartole, Development/New Schools/Traffic
Azad Chandler, Christie Park Liaison
Carrie Ferguson, Development
Sanjeev Kad, Development
Kewal Khakh
Kathy Underhill
Also in Attendance:
James Runge, City of Calgary, Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator (NPC)
Emma Richardson, Brenda Strafford Foundation Ltd., Dementia Friendly Communities
Item 1: Meeting Called to Order
Maureen Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Item 2: Additions to Agenda
Maureen Smith briefly reviewed agenda for concurrence.
Item 3: Approval of Past Minutes
Motion made by Maureen Smith to accept the Meeting Minutes from October 12, 2016. Motion seconded by Roy Kuhnlein. Motion carried.
Item 4: Guest Presentation - Emma Richardson, Brenda Strafford Foundation, Dementia Friendly Communities
Emma Richardsonspoke on behalf of The Brenda Strafford Foundation. She presented the results of a recent Town Hall Meeting, hosted by Wentworth Manor, on a Dementia Friendly Community Proof of Concept. Families, caregivers, Driving Miss Daisy and representatives of Alberta Health Services, The Kerby Centre, The City of Calgary, Stantec and the Signal Hill Community Association were in attendance. The goal is to provide resources and support to families, caregivers and people living with Dementia. She invited Board members to join their committee.
The Board proposed to support Brenda Strafford Foundation and Dementia Friendly Communities by hosting an upcoming Town Hall for the public in the new year.
Item 5: President’s Report – Maureen Smith
SCA CA Staff Salary Review -
Motion made by Maureen Smith to accept discussed salary increases and implement on January 1, 2017. Motion seconded by Roy Kuhnlein. Motion carried.
SCA CA Staff Seasonal Bonus Review -
Motion made by Maureen Smith to accept discussed bonus increases to be distributed in December 2016. Motion seconded by Sanjeev Kad. Motion carried.
Grant Application Summary -
Energizing Spaces Fund (ENMAX)– To replace indoor and outdoor lighting with energy efficient options, specifically LED. We did not re-apply for this Grant as they carry forward the applications.
Capital Conservation Grant/CCG (City of Calgary)– Renovation of basement bathrooms and Main Hall flooring to proceed over Christmas. Parking lot repairs complete.
Community Facility Enhancement Program/CFEP (Provincial) – We currently have $50,000 on deposit from this grant that was originally for tennis court renovations. The tennis court project has been deferred by the City because of additional engineering information requirements. In the absence of support from either the Canada 150 Capital Fund (Federal) or the Community Initiatives Program (Alberta Lotteries) we will request a change of projects for the CFEP Grant and use it as the matching funds for the CCG projects.
Motion made by Maureen Smith to approve change of projects for remaining CFEP Funds. Motion seconded by Roy Kuhnlein. Motion carried.
Aspen Adopt-A-Rink Support Request -
Aspen resident, Mike D’Ippolito, has approached the SCA for support for a seasonal ice rink, supported by the Adopt-A-Rink program, adjacent to the playground that was built by John Merrett (former Board Member) and his team. The space is land that the developer set aside for an Aspen Community Association or Sports Facility but is not currently part of our LOC.
We currently support the Christie rink with a $1,000/yr budget and this seasonal rink (dismantled every spring) is on our LOC so it participates in our insurance coverage, etc. The Christie rink is entirely supported (other than the $1,000/yr budget from the SCA) by Christie volunteers – the SCA has no involvement in the maintenance or recruitment of volunteers for the Christie rink. Should they fail to obtain proper volunteer support the rink would no longer be assembled and it would simply revert to being City Parks land.
The Adopt-A-Rink program insures all of their rinks so the SCA would not have to provide insurance coverage for the proposed Aspen ice rink. The SCA could support this rink with the same budget of $1000/yr as the Christie rink. The SCA is still holding $1000 from the playground build that we could direct to this rink which makes sense because it shares the same location but we would not be able to support additional rinks with the same amount – it would be a one-time donation. The SCA would facilitate any fundraising initiatives by the Aspen Adopt-A-Rink group. Potentially the SCA could further support this rink with future grant applications (specifically the amateur Sport Grant) for equipment, etc.
Motion made by Maureen Smith to support the Aspen Adopt-A-Rink proposal by providing them with the $1000 left over from the playground build. This is a one-time donation. Starting this 2016/2017 winter season, the SCA will support the Aspen rink with a $1000/yr budget for as long as the rink is supported and assembled by Aspen volunteers. Motion seconded by Sanjeev Kan. Motion carried.
Recycling Update -
Beginning in November 2016, the SCA is required to implement a comprehensive recycling program. ‘Blue Box’ recycling will begin effective immediately and compostable and yard waste recycling to begin Fall of 2017. Total cost to implement the program (including indoor and outdoor bins) is approximately $5000 with an additional cost of $250/mo for hauling (subject to use) and there will also be an additional janitorial cost.
The SCA is beginning to include a recycling surcharge in every rental contract and will also include a recycling surcharge when long term rental contracts are negotiated. The amount of the surcharge is based on our perceived usage. The SCA intends to levy the heaviest surcharge on weekend rentals (weddings etc) as they generate the most recycling/garbage. This will be an ongoing process and subject to the results of a recycling/garbage audit that Trevor Lakatos will initiate in 2017. The hope is that we will recover most of the cost of this new program through the surcharge.
The SCA is also moving towards using recyclable plates and cutlery at events – adding an additional cost of $300 to each event.
Motion made by Maureen Smith to approve an initial budget of $5000 to purchase the bins and storage required for the recycling program. Motion seconded by Roy Kuhnlein. Motion carried.
Signage Projects -
Trevor Lakatos is in the process of producing signs for the following:
Community Garden, Tennis Courts, Ice Rinks, Fire Lane-No Parking-No Stopping.
He will also post signs that discourage stopping in the Fire Lane.
Wording for the signs will be approved by the Board via email as it becomes available.
Lighting -
We have had some complaints about the back stairs lighting and Trevor Lakatos advised that it would cost approximately $2500 to install a light post outside by the stairs leading down to the back of the building. This would also include an outdoor electrical outlet inside the fencing at the side of the building.
Motion made by Maureen Smith to approve a budget of $2500 to install a light post and exterior outlet at the side of the building. Motion seconded by Kathy Underhill. Motion carried.
Board Development Package -
Maureen Smith distributed a Board Development Package to all Board members with her request to review and comment to her via email. Comments will be summarized for distribution and discussion at the January 2017 Board meeting. The package includes information for Sustaining Healthy Boards, Self Assessment for Board Members and a Board Self Assessment Survey.
December Board Meeting ~ Seasonal Celebration -
The December Board Meeting is traditionally a social event – regular Board Meetings will commence on the second Wednesday of January 2017.
Item 6: Vice President's Report – Roy Kuhnlein
A new IT Technician is joining the SCA CA staff this week.
Item 7: Development / Traffic / New Schools – Shelley Bartole
Shelley attended a Traffic Planning Meeting with representatives from Calgary Academy and Ward 6 Councillor Richard Pootmans in attendance. Discussion surrounded concern about traffic issues and access roads if a planned 1600 student high school is approved to be constructed on a section of land between Webber Academy and Calgary Academy. Explored traffic congestion options - staggered school hours, access alternatives and traffic circle options. Options trying to be mindful of residential disturbance. Community Engagement meetings will be ongoing. Calgary Academy requests a letter of support from SCA CA to explore access alternatives. Shelley will prepare this letter of support. Shelley would like to share a written report of the Aspen schools access roads planning process with the public in an upcoming issue of the Gazette.
Shelley asked for Sanjeev’s assistance with an ongoing permit issue with a proposed Daycare. Sanjeev accepted her request for assistance in this matter.
Item 8: Treasurer’s Report – Simon Fletcher
Simon reviewed the SCA Comparative Statement, Cash Budget and Business Plan.
Item 9: Christie Park Garage Sale Fundraising Plans - Azad Chandler
Christie Park held a successful fundraiser and they plan to use their $2866 towards a shed for storing their skating rink wood boards in the off-season.
Item 10: James Runge,City of Calgary Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator (NPC)
James Runge tabled his NPC Report for the Board’s consideration. The NPC Report included the following topics:
NPC Requests:
Tennis Courts - The consultant site visit was October 11, 2016. NPC is awaiting the report and will provide SCA a copy of the report once received.
Capital Conservation Grant (CCG) Application - The next round of CCG applications is now ongoing. CCG applications will be reviewed based on two main qualifying factors: Lifecycle Safety and Lifecycle Past Due projects
Dates to Remember:
SCA Board Members are invited to attend an upcoming ‘Fireside Chat: How the City of Calgary Can Best Support Community Associations’. On Wednesday, November 23, 2016 from 10:00-1:00pm OR on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 from 6:00-8:00pm at Southview Community Association, 2020 33 Street S.E.
Training Opportunities:
Ongoing Federation of Calgary Communities Workshops - SCA Board members can register for these at
Item 11: Meeting Called to Close
Motion made by Maureen Smith to adjourn the meeting at 9:45pm. Motion seconded by Roy Kuhnlein. Motion carried.
~ Next Gazette Submissions due December 10, 2016.
~ Board Seasonal Social Event, December 14, 2016 at 7:00pm.
~ Next Regular Board Meeting - January 11, 2017 at 7:00pm, SCA Community Association Board Room.