John LandrøNovember 14 2005

Eng-113English Communication

Lesson 26



The Development of CGI Effects


Sigbjørn Tvedt

Computer created images have become the preferred choice when movies and TV- series are using special effects, or when cartoons and short films are created.

In my presentation I will give a short introduction, with some pros and cons for using computer animated objects instead of real objects. I will then present the use of computer generated images and major improvements made in this field from the late 70s to today’s movies.


Le Tour de France


Nils Arne Vårdal

At a simple business lunch in 1902 Geo Lefevre and Henri Desgrange concocted the idea of a “Tour de France Cycliste”. In 1903 the first tour with 6 stages and 2,428 km marked the beginning of what was going to be the world’s biggest professional sporting event, measured

in the number of viewers.

Today the Tour is imbedded in France’s heritage and known around the world – drawing more than 15,000,000 spectators for three weeks in July each year.

I will try to pass on some of my knowledge and enthusiasm for the event and its many aspects.




Knut Steinar Watne

Floorball, or unihockey as it is called in some countries, is a sport played indoors. There are six players in each team, five outfield players and one goalkeeper. Each outfield player has a stick, and the purpose of the game is to use the stick to hit the ball into the opposing goal. This can of course be done in many ways, but not all are legal.

In my presentation I will first show you the equipment we use, and then I’ll explain some of the basic rules. Finally, I will tell why and when I got interested in this sport and a bit about my “achievements” so far.


J. R. R. Tolkien


Alf Kåre Øvstetun

First I am going to talk a little about the life of J. R. R. Tolkien. Then I will give a short summary of his bookThe Lord of the Rings.