Greenville Band Booster Association


Band Booster General Meeting

Thursday, April 12, 2012 7:00 PM

Alecia Eppley called the meeting to order in the band room with the following persons in attendance: Alecia Eppley, Carol Jeffries, Fiona Dennis, Rebecca Hecking, Sharon Shannon, Bridgitte Potkonicky, Rhonda Lumley, Dennis Lumley, Debbie Faber, Jane Roth, Charlie Demarest and Eric Schrader. Alecia read the minutes from March’s meeting which were accepted as read with a motion by Fiona and a second by Debbie.

Treasurer’s Report

$22815.04 was the opening balance. $5755 is the balance in students’ personal accounts.

Director’s Report

The Steel Band Concert in March went very well. “Grease”, which was performed by the GHS Music Department at the end of Feb, beginning of March, was a success as well, but “it is great to have one’s life back” after all the practices/work days and time spent to get ready. The spaghetti dinner in April was most likely the most successful one so far. The Steel Band members enjoyed playing for the dinner and are ready to roll for the GSO/Liam Teague concert on May 11. During the concert, the band will be performing in both halves of the concert, including “Lage Nom Ai” (Jimmy Buffet song) with Felix Martin as vocal soloist, “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” with Nathan Demarest soloing, and “Mambo” from West Side Story, among other selections. The ‘Martin Brothers’ – Felix and Mercer - will go to the PMEA Conference in Lancaster, PA on April 18- 21, Felix will perform with the All-State Choir, Mercer with the All-State Band. The Percussion Ensemble will be adjudicated at Norwin HS on April 28th. Everything is looking good for Disney in the spring of 2013 – the school board will render a decision at their meeting Monday, April16.

Old Business

·  Spring Spaghetti Dinner – Alecia profusely thanked everyone who helped before, during and after the dinner. A profit in excess of $1600 was realized, a great accomplishment for the shortened dinner time of three hours. The Steel Band was a big draw… going forward, we should consider having a row of chairs around the dining room to accommodate people who have finished their dinner but who wish to stay and listen to the band. Even though the dinner information did not get printed in the Record/Argus, the turn-out was great, probably in part due to the Steel Band performing.

·  Steel/Percussion Concert - $87 was received from 50/50 sales. $60 of the winner’s earnings was returned to the boosters, raising the profit for the evening to $147.

·  Liam Teague Concert Ticket Sales and Publicity – 24 advance tickets have already been sold. Carol will work-up an email to be sent to parents explaining the boosters’ fundraising opportunity via the ticket sales, inform all that no one is admitted without a ticket, and elicit help in spreading the word about the concert via Facebook and poster distribution, etc. Alecia expressed her gratitude that the GSO has placed an ad in the Record/Argus regarding the concert and has included Band Boosters’ email address for advance ticket sales.

·  Senior Gifts – 23 navy blankets with gold Trojan head and names have been ordered.

·  Nominations - Rhonda Lumley was nominated for vice-president by Debbie Faber. Rhonda accepted the nomination.

·  Band Booster Scholarship - Four applications have been received. Alecia will check with Andy Erb (Band director at Thiel) to see if he will be an outside judge and look over the applications and give advice.

New Business

·  Spring Concert – May 16 at 7PM in the GHS Auditorium. Alecia will have Kim order the cakes (2) from Kathy Ammons for the post-concert reception honoring the seniors. We will also serve punch and water. Elections for vice-president and treasurer will be held at the concert.

·  Band Front Budget – Alecia will talk to Jamie Scott to determine an average cost a senior band front captain might spend on their group’s special outfits and costumes for marching band. Discussion will be held at next meeting about the possibility of band boosters covering some of the extra expenses for such items.

·  Heritage Day – Saturday, July 7, 2012 - a discussion was held as to whether Band Boosters should have a booth and if so, what to sell. Suggestions made were lemon shakes and pre-made subs from M & M Discount Grocery. Further discussion will be held at next month’s meeting.

·  Lucky C Notes – Charlie will be in charge again for 2012-2013. He will check into having the tickets printed at Thiel’s DocuCenter and also look for a sponsor for the cost of printing.

·  Football Games for September/October/November, 2012 – The schedule is out for the fall. As it costs almost $1000 for the band to travel to games in Erie, the band will not be going to the football games at North East, Titusville or Northwestern. Mr. Schrader will try to find a bus sponsor for the Saegertown game since it is not as far away as Erie, and the band will also be going to Hickory and Wilmington. First home game will not be until September 21, versus Sharon. General consensus is that a band party should be thrown on one of the weeks when the band is not attending the football game. Possible Spaghetti Dinner date is Friday, September 28 before the Grove City game.

Upcoming Events

May 2, 2012 - (Wednesday) Band Booster meeting at 7 PM in GHS band room

May 11, 2012 – Steel Band/GSO/Liam Teague Concert – 8PM at Passavant Center

May 12, 2012 – JH and East Bands to Cedar Point

May 16, 2012 – GHS Band Spring Concert – 7 PM in GHS Auditorium

May 24, 2012 – Steel Drum Band Concert – 7 PM in GHS Auditorium

May 26, 2012 – Senior High Band and Percussion Ensemble to Cedar Point

May 28, 2012 – Memorial Day Parade – breakfast at the Moose before parade

Alecia adjourned the meeting at 7:50PM. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 2 at 7 PM in the high school band room.