Lesson Plan for Homeroom 1/6/2009 (copy of all materials placed in mailboxes).

Purpose: To teach students the 3 REs at Toki: Respect
Everyone, Respect Education, Respect the Environment

Materials needed: 5 group game boards, pens, game rules, and Dragon Dough

Introduction: Remind students of what it means to respect Toki by reading through the Toki Dragon’s 3 REs. Please make sure that you have the Toki Matrix and 3 RE’s document posted in your room

Game Rules for Gotcha (Scattergories): (Developed originally by Kris Bobb)

This game is played just like Scattergories. Divide the class into 5 groups. Assign a writer and speaker for each group. Give each group a Gotcha form. Teacher names a letter of the alphabet (teacher can decide ahead of time on 6 letters or pick out of a hat). Each group needs to come up with a sentence or word that begins with that letter for each category on the Gotcha form. The first team to fill in an answer for all 6 Respect categories beginning with the first letter yells out “Gotcha”. The other groups need to cross off all empty squares and stop writing.

The speaker for the team that finishes first begins by reading off the answer in the first category. The other teams compare their answers. If anyone has an answer that begins with the same word or is very similar (teacher has final decision) to the full answer, that team yells “gotcha” and everyone who had that answer crosses that square out. If no other team has the same answer, the first team gets a point.

The first team continues through the first 6 categories. After the first team is done, the other team speakers can raise their hand to give any different answers they have written. If no one else has those answers that team gets a point. Points are totaled after all answers have been stated once.

The teacher then names a second letter and the game is played as before.

The game can stop shortly before homeroom ends and the team with the most total points is named the winner. Teachers then hand out Dragon Dough to the winning team or to anyone who played respectfully.