Ultimo aggiornamento: July 2018

European Format for CV

Personal Information
Name / Picone Maurizio
Nazionality / Italian
Born Date
Born in
Located in / 27 Luglio 1971

Castellammare di Stabia (NA) – 80053
Fiumicino (Roma) – Parco Leonardo –cap 00054
Analyst/Developer Microsoft .Net @ Lottomatica SpA - Roma
July 2018- now
• WebSite “DocManager” Development (C # 4.0) (responsive bootstrap) with internal calls to 2 WCF WServices.
• Development of complex TSQL scripts to install backend objects for various activities:
eg: scheduled overnight historicization, installation of new tables for refactoring, renaming for backups. All through SQL script.
  • .NET Framework 4.5 - ASP.Net WebForms [C#]
  • Windows Services (SAP interaction)
  • WCF & XML WebServices
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2015/2017
  • SQLServer 2012 (T-SQL Distributed Transactions, Linked Server, System Tables andCursors)
Analyst/Developer Microsoft .Net @ Ospedale Gemelli Roma
May 2018 – July 2018
Development and maintenance of applications for the management of Doctors / Patients / Agendas (private visits with related cost details, hours and type of doctor) and many other processes concerning the hospital.
The applications make use of a Middleware called DHE (written in pure “C” language) that abstracts the interaction with the Backend layer and respects the logic dictated by hospital procedures. The aforementioned middleware is constantly updated.
Development of MVC-driven applications (in Microsoft .Net technologies) that use the DHE software layer, with client-side framework + Angular JS webmethods.
Additional Framework for CRUD listing and management components: Kendo (
  • .NET Framework 4 - ASP.Net MVC 4 [C# / VB.Net]
  • Client Side FW: Angular JS + Kendo
  • SQL Server 2014 / Oracle 8
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2015 / 2017
Analyst/Developer Microsoft .Net @ Protezione Civile - Roma
Febbraio 2018 – Maggio 2018
1. Analysis and Development of WebSitePIB (about Medals / Merits of Civil Protection) for the management of: Data Subjects / Merits / Emergencies on the territory / Registers / Branches on territory / Team Leaders of teams.
2. Development of two c.r.u.d. (create read update delete) in ASP.Net MVC 4 for editing static texts written in the markup. MVC-oriented component adopted:

3. New features on the application (download of reports in CSV and XML format through EPPlus library, management of modification permissions on personal data, readonly or editable views of the same views).
Public URL:
  • .NET Framework 4.5 - ASP.Net MVC 4[C#]
  • Entity Framework w/LINQ ToSQL
  • Windows Services (for Newsletter management)
  • Visual Studio 2013
  • SQL Server 2014
Analyst/Developer Microsoft .Net@ Lottomatica SpA - Roma
Giugno 2017 –Gennaio 2018
Analysis “as is” and Development of new architectures on CartaLIS - LOTTOMATICA B2B software. URL:
  1. Analysis of the B2B architecture of contracts / sales outlets and their authorization for services, aimed at refactoring the same. Analysis of the backend architecture with T-SQL scripts made for search in System Tables (eg sys.objects, syscomments) for the change of data supply policies, now in charge of SAP.
  1. Development of complex T-SQL scripts for the deployment of the new environment. The scripts execute Backup, Rename, Drop, Create for the installation of the new components (tables, stored, functions).
  • .NET Framework 4.5 - ASP.Net WebForms [C#]
  • Windows Services (SAP interactions)
  • WCF & XML WebServices
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2005-2008-2015 + SQLServer 2012 (TSQL Distributed Transactions, Linked Server, System Tables e Cursori)
Analyst/Developer Microsoft .Net @ArubaSpA (The biggest web company in italy)– Firenze
March 2017–June 2017
1. Analysis of the Aruba Cloud architecture (website: and the PrivateCloudPanel backoffice available to customers for the creation and management of servers in the cloud, aimed at evolutive to be performed on the WMWare APIs. Medium-high complexity level, 26 WCF WebServices, 18 ClassLibraries, 7 projects with various layers and main WebApplication.
2. Bugfixes and development of new features on the WCF WebServices described above.
3. Evolutive front-end on Aruba Cloud portals: restyling of Telerik components. Replacement of listing components with jTables ( Ajax-based plugin for jQuery.
  • .NET Framework 4.6 - ASP.Net WebForms[C#]
  • ASP.Net MVC 4 [C#]
  • WCF WebServices
  • SQL Server 2014 / Mongo DB (OOP database)
  • Front-End: HTML 5 / CSS 3 / jTables
  • Rabbit MQ for Queques (the company sells/manage Emails)
  • WebToolsused for developement:Atlassian Jira (issues), Atlassian Confluence (linee guida), Atlassian Zeplin (snippets)
Analyst/Developer Microsoft .Net @ Engineering / ITALFERR Spa - Roma
Replacementfor 3 weeks
MAC and MEV on application for Italferr - FS Group (Government Train Company)
  • .Net Framework 4.0 - ASP.Net WebForms [C#]
  • Javascript (no framework) / JQuery
  • WebServices XML/WCF
  • SQL Server 2012
  • Entity Framework w/LINQ ToSQL
  • Internal Softwares for troubleshooting/tickets
Analyst/Developer .Net @Poste Italiane – Postecom– Roma
June 2016 -February 2017
1. Bugfixes and new features on Postecom eFilatelia services: Subscribers, Easy Stamp, FROL (Online Stamp Selling) and VOL (Online Sales). PosteCom is the main Italian company about postal services.
2. Evolutive on two WCF WebServices for PosteCom's tobacconist (HDA) sales network.
  • .Net Framework 3.5 - ASP.Net WebForms[C#]
  • ASP classic 3.0(VBScript / VBS)
  • Javascript (no framework) / JQuery
  • WCFWebServices
  • Oracle 11g (clients: Toad / SqlDeveloper)
  • Visual Studio 2015 / Notepad++ per ASP 3.0
  • Versioning: SVN
  • Other tools: MAVEN
● Private Project
July 2016– new features in progress
Development of a Freeware Desktop Application for textual export of the contents of windows directories. The first is just for mp3, the second for all types of files.
Projects available on SourceForge.
Technologies:.NetFramework 4.5 [C#] / Visual Studio 2015
Analyst/Developer .Net @ Cogetech IziPlay S.p.A. - Roma
October 2015 -June 2016
1. Development of the Paymat Mobile Services (first/pilot project: Fastweb recharge, but solution designed to host other mobile operators).
Webservice for monetary recharging operations of mobile sim cards. The WS manages the retry for network exceptions in a custom way for each client of the network (infinite retry, N retry or timed). Authentication for reloading with MD5 signature given by the combination of userName + id_user + requestId.
For the interaction with SQL Server and other functionalities necessary for the project, I have developed several layers to facilitate the execution of Stored, (also parameterized, in transaction and with optional autocommit) and SQL commands for simpler operations. The layer also includes log on txt file (log4net) and classes for the facilitation of common operations (eg display of the contents of a Dataset on page .aspx), operations with WebControls and others.
The library is freeware and available on SourceForge
  • Help Retrieving data from SQL Server
  • Help Managing WebControls
  • Help Utils with Strings
  • Help Using Javascript from Server-Side
  • Help With Log4Net
  • Help With Security Operations
  1. Integration of the web service developed in the mobile top-ups section of the public Paymat portal (
  1. Maintenance / Developement of the Paymat Portal and restyling of the company intranet dashboard for the configuration of the customer network
  • .Net Framework 4.0 - ASP.Net WebForms[C#]
  • Entity Framework / LINQ ToSQL
  • Windows Services(daily scheduled for data import)
  • WebServices (XML and WCF).
  • Javascript (no frameworks)/ jQuery
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2015 + SQL Server 2012 (Stored Procedures)
Analyst/Developer Microsoft .Net @ Ministero del lavoro - Roma
May 2013 – September 2015
Maintenance / Development for portals involved in compulsory communications (CO) of employment. Common name of communications: UNILAV.
Portals: (divided by worker category)
UNILAV (general worker) -
UNIMARE (maritime) -
UNISOM (administration agencies)
LAVUS (arduous works – eg.mines)
  • .Net FrameWork 3.5 e 4.0 – ASP.Net WebForms [C#]
  • Developing XSD schemas after release of the new laws, for example to change obligatoriness of fields
  • Javascript (no framework) / HTML 4 / CSS
  • SQL Server 2008/2012 (manutenzione di JOBS di interrogazione giornaliera / scrittura di queries per statistiche sulle comunicazioni obbligatorie mensili)
  • Sharepoint 2013 (livello beginner) perportale ClicLavoro (

Analyst/Developer .Net @ Almaviva per INPS

April 2011 – 31 December 2012

1 - Development of the AUC (Single Register of Taxpayer) application. The application is an intranet software for the management of CONTRIBUTIONS, linked subjects, delegates, of the contributing companies and their mergers / demergers. Development of the authentication and authorization system with custom roles and membership providers. Check permissions on pages / menu items / themes.

2. Development of the extension of the Decentralized Companies for the management of Delegated Subjects, that is of the network of accountants / legal / various figures related to the contributing companies.

3. Development of two WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) Webservices, one for writing and one for reading, mirroring the features of the AUC application. Interaction with the Datapower device for profiling with SoapHeader.

4. Development of new features on the Inps PATRIMONIT software.

The application is an intranet and is responsible for the management of both movable assets (budgets) and real estate (buildings) INPS.

5. Refactoring in .Net 3.5 (from .Net 1.1) of the Credit Recovery Telematization application.

The Application is an intranet and is used by operators of the INPS office for the management of: Cancellations Debit notices, payment confirmations Debiting notices, Suspensions Debit invoices, Districts of Taxes, Suspension of Taxes.


  • .Net FrameWork 3.5 – ASP.Net WebForms [C#]
  • WCF WebServices [C#] – IDE to invoke webservices: SoapUI e Fiddler.
  • Client-Side: JavaScript (no frameworks) / Microsoft AJAX control toolkit / HTML / CSS
  • Versioning Tools: Visual Source Safe / Changeman / Serena Dimensions
  • Visual Studio 2008
  • DataBase: SQL Server 2008 con T-SQL (stored procedures – scheduled jobs - dtsx)

Moderation/Administrationin the ASP.Net Forum of the HTML.it portal

February 2009 – in progress

HTML.it is an electronic periodical of Information Technology. Since 2009 I have been a moderator of the ASP.Net section of the forum.


Tasks: Suggestions to usersquestions, Technical articles on ASP.Net technology and Code Pills in the section. Creation and maintenance of threads for the organization of scripts and links to facilitate the resolution of known problems, or for documentation on the topics of the Microsoft.Net world (help articles, free manuals, third party components, world Ajax).

Analyst/Developer Microsoft .Net @Poste Italiane

May 2006 - December 2010

1. Maintenance and development of the CRUGES application (VB.Net) - CRUscotto CRUscotto (intranet software for internal personnel Poste: modules for holiday, logistic, timesheets, travel and allocation percentages on the monthly tasks assigned to them. The application also manages general problems of Poste Italiane: budgets on projects, people allocated to projects, calculations of delays and percentage of success / launch of the project).

2. Maintenance and development of anti-fraud application ORACOLO (C #) (software installed on 14,000 branch offices, responsible for checking the identification documents presented by customers). Call to 3 WebServices for the outcome of the document status. Daily generation of a BlackList for falsified / lost / stolen documents.

WebServices questioned by the application: Sogei, MiniSogei and Civil Motorization.

3. Tester on the functionality of a new tool for reporting: DATATIME

Visual aggregation functionality / ReportGrid Designer / Report generation.

Official website:


  • .Net FrameWork 1.1 / 2.0 – ASP.Net WebForms [VB.Net / C#]
  • Client-Side: JavaScript / HTML / XML / CSS
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
  • DataBase: SQL Server 2005 (T-SQL Viste / Stored Procedure / DTSX / DTS)
  • Versioning Tool: Visual Source Safe

● Analyst/Developer in Telecom Italia per progetto Replatforming - Roma

November 2005 – April 2006

Project consisting in the modernization of two Telecom Italia procedures: SITEP - Public Telephony / GSRI - Intelligent Networks) from the legacy world-MVS to the world Microsoft. Net with intermediate technology Fujitzu COBOL.NET.


  • Server Side: Cobol, Cobol.Net
  • Client-Side: JavaScript / HTML / XML
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2003 (FrameWork 1.1), EZLegacy, EzSource, Fujitzu NeoKicks, Fujitzu NeoBatch.
  • DataBase: Oracle 8i / Sql Server 2000

● Analyst/Developer in Telecom Italia

September 2005

Bugfix and Evolution of the internal portal of the Telecom Italia Helpdesk.


  • ASP 3.0 (vbscript) - Client-Side: Javascript / HTML / XML
  • IDE: Macromedia Dreamweaver 8
  • Server-Side language: ASP 3.0 (vbscript)
  • Client-Side language: Javascript / HTML / XML
  • DataBase: Oracle
  • Application Server: IIS 5.1

● Analyst/Developer @ Innovasis per BENETTON (C/Mare di Stabia - Napoli)

Jenuary 2005 – August 2005

The project proposed to transform the DESKTOP software (installed in all points of sale on the south central area) made in Visual Basic 6 into ASP.Net (Framework 1.1).

Initial approaches to the Microsoft .Net Framework.

During the experience in Innovasis I have also developed the portal for customer support. URL:


  • .Net FrameWork 1.1 – ASP.Net WebForms [VB.Net]
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2003, Dreamweaver MX
  • Client-Side: Javascript /HTML / CSS/ XML
  • Application Server: IIS 6.0
  • DataBase: SQL Server 2000

● Analista/Programmatore per progetto WSGA @ Banca Intesa - Napoli

July 2003 – December 2004

The procedure deals with the management of the SGA department. Recovery of bank credits.

It runs inside the CORP San Paolo IMI, in an Intranet with WebServices for user profiling.


  • IDE:Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, Macromedia Fireworks MX per la parte grafica.
  • IDE per codice business: Borland JBuilder, JCreator.
  • Server-Side: JAVA no framework / JSP
  • Client-Side: Javascript / HTML / XML
  • Application Server: Bea WebLogic – WebServer: Iplanet

● Analyst / Developer@ GE.SAN - Caserta

June 2002 – October 2002

IT services company for hospitals.

Development of an information portal for the "Cardarelli" hospital in Naples.


  • Environment: Windows / Linux
  • Web Server: Apache
  • Server side language: PERL
  • client side language: HTML, JS
  • Database: Interbase

● Analyst / Developer@ EDS - Caserta

July 2000 – Jenuary 2002

EURO adjustment project for INA Assitalia.

Use of the GENEURO collection and reporting tool developed by Software AG for the collection of fields to be modified in decimal in order to accommodate amounts in euros.

During the project, the use of Office tools and the use of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) was further investigated.


  • Language: NATURAL Windows / Mainframe
  • Database: ADABAS (reticolare)

● Analyst / Developer@ Datitalia @ Banco di Napoli - Napoli

February 1996 – June 2000

Replatforming project for separation of the user-experience part from the business code (first experiments of three layers applications).


  • Languages: COBOL / PL1
  • Monitor TP: CICS / IMS
  • Database: DB2 / DL1



• Dates (from - to) Concluded year 1989/1990

• ITIS institute name R.Elia - Cmare

• Qualification obtained Industrial Capotecnico Expert Computer Specialization


• Dates (from - to) 1991/1994

• Name of the University of Salerno

• Academic courses Degree course in Computer Science at the University of Salerno (not completed)


Microsoft Certified Professional Certification (MCP)

Transcript Credentials:ID (788375) - Access Code (maurizio999)



OTHER LANGUAGES: English (reading: excellent - writing: excellent - expression: excellent)

RELATIONAL CAPACITIES: Sociable and empathic character. medium-high learning speed.

ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES: sense of duty and self-discipline. Good self-management skills.

OFFICE AUTOMATION: Word: medium - Excel: excellent, even with vba programming - Access: excellent

ARTISTIC CAPACITIES: Since 1986, DJ / Sound Designer in various venues between Campania and Lazio. Audio technician on the radio. Consultant for sound design and ten-year use of software for audio / video editing and for live DJ sets (Virtual DJ, Traktor, Serato)

OTHER INTERESTS: Videogames, travel (active member of the couchsurfing cultural exchange community)

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