
‘Grow, learn, achieve’

Three Year School Improvement Plan

September 2012 – August 2015

Evaluation Report

for Governors



School Improvement Plan 9/14 – 8/17 Workshops:

Tuesday 6/5/14 - 3.30 – 4.45pm

Tuesday 13/5/14 - 3.30 – 4.45pm



To practically apply theory and strategies of sensory integration, building on existing expertise & training and sharing that expertise across the school. /
  • New outdoor learning areas for Key Stage 1 & 2 in place (4/13)
  • Sensory and Soft Play Room refurbishments completed (5/13)
  • Ongoing
/ Amber
To achieve the effective use of data in order to measure and track pupil progress and achievement across the school. /
  • Whole school INSET on generating reports from CASPA in 2013.
  • All Annual Reports to Parents were supported with a CASPA target setting graph (7/13)
  • Bsquared reports now in place at all Annual Review Meetings to demonstrate pupil progress over the review period.
  • Key Stage mid-year class progress reported on by Team Leaders to SMT/Governors.
  • A cycle of Subject Leader Pupil Progress meetings in place on a fortnightly basis reporting to SMT and Governors.
  • Pupil Progress Reports by Subject Area shared across the school on a termly basis – posted in Staff Room
/ Green
To review Planning Systems. /
  • Team meetings have been held to identify existing planning systems and gaps in planning, in order to facilitate a more consistent whole school approach.
  • All short and medium term planning uploaded to Dropbox.
  • Whole school short term planning system in place 09/13 – to be kept under review.
  • Ongoing.
/ Amber
Introduce more rigorous systems of internal moderation and levelling. /
  • Internal Moderation Groups meet on a regular basis in school.
  • Samples of work in Annual Pupil Portfolios are now levelled.
  • Deputy Headteacher holds Portfolio of exemplars of levelled work for moderation purposes.
/ Green
Develop a network for external moderation and levelling. /
  • Subject Leaders now attend Lancashire Special School Moderator Meetings in their subjects.
  • Ongoing.
/ Green
Embed an Annual Cycle of Classroom Observation that incorporates OFSTED9/12 Grade Descriptors for the quality of teaching in school. /
  • New Lesson Observation Proforma in place (9/13) that uses the 2012 OFSTED Framework Grade Descriptors.
  • Teaching staff receive x 3 Lesson Observations on an annual basis.
  • Performance Management Lesson Observations undertaken in Summer Term.
  • Focussed Lesson Observations take place on SIP priorities 2013/14 (Phonics, ICT, Maths)
  • All teaching staff and HLTAs have 1 x WOW Lesson Observation opportunity per year.
/ Green
Develop an evidence base for Self Evaluation purposes that supports the School moving the quality of teaching and learning judgement from ‘Good’ to ‘Outstanding’ (OFSTED 2009) and supports the School’s vision for TeachingSchool status. /
  • The vast majority of Lesson Observations have been good or better. (Percentage Data reported to Termly Combined Committee Meetings.)
  • SMT judgements have been externally moderated by SEN Consultant and confirmed as accurate.
/ Green
To plan, organise and run Parental Workshops that will support the Teaching and Learning process. /
  • Outstanding
/ Red
To review and revise behaviour management and recording systems. /
  • New Behaviour Policy in place.
  • Revised guidance on physical aggression and inappropriate language in place.
  • SIMS behaviour module provides a data analysis tool – data reported to Termly Combined Committee Meetings.
  • Logged use of Learning Support Room introduced 9/13.
  • Revised Behaviour Support Plans in place 2/14.
  • Behaviour Management training provided for Welfare Staff and teaching and support staff by independent SEN Consultant.
/ Green
Review and revise Safeguarding Procedures at the beginning and end of day to ensure the safety of all pupils including the increasing number of children travelling by other than Local Authority transport to and from school. /
  • Actioned – new systems put in place to minimise the numbers of children/adults congregating in Reception at the beginning and end of day.
  • Time restrictions in place for both parents/carers/escorts to arrive at school.
  • Staff Briefing for Passenger Assistants of the Local Authority to reinforce the system.
/ Green
To maximise learning opportunities across the school during ‘Free Breakfast Sessions’ and measure and record impact on attendance and learning. /
  • Team meetings held to identify age appropriate learning experiences at breakfast times.
  • All classroom now have a learning programme in place for breakfast times.
  • Impact on learning and attendance TBC.
/ Amber
Promote and monitor pupil health and wellbeing. /
  • Whole school breakfast now in place on a daily basis.
  • Drop in sessions provided by the School Nurse Practitioner.
  • MEND programme in place from September (09/13)
  • Poly tunnel for fresh produce.
  • School Nurse Practitioner has a formal programme of in class support.
  • Weekly PIMS meetings for Multi Agency staff in place.
  • Reviewed and revised referral and communication systems for HSLM, LM, and SNP.
/ Amber
Review of Reward System across the school. /
  • BlackpoolTowerPass purchased.
  • Enhanced Rewards cost centre.
  • Star of the Week used across the School and included on weekly newsletter.
  • Weekly Attendance Award in place across the school and reported weekly on Newsletter.
  • Attendance data posted in Reception on a weekly/monthly basis.
  • Welfare Assistant Reward System in place – weekly Golden Ticket draw.
/ Green
Provide a programme of support and training for Subject Leaders in the monitoring and tracking of pupil progress in individual subject areas. /
  • Whole school INSET on generating reports from CASPA in 2013.
  • Subject Leaders supported by GH/KK in preparing for Subject Leader Pupil Progress meetings.
  • Pupil Progress Reports by Subject Area delivered by Subject Leaders to SMT/Governors.
  • Pupil Progress Reports by Subject Area shared across the school on a termly basis – posted in Staff Room.
/ Green
Members of the School Management Team to gain NCSL accreditation that will enable the school to pursue TeachingSchool and NationalSupportSchool Status. /
  • Headteacher acquired National Leader of Education Status (7/13).
  • School accredited with National Support School status (7/13)
  • Chair of Governors completed ‘Stronger Governance’ training through Blackpool Governor Services.
/ Amber
To establish a rationale across the school that supports pay progression in line with STPCD 2012. /
  • All teaching staff fully familiar with Professional Standards for Teachers and the importance of working towards those.
  • All performance management targets for teachers drawn from SIP priorities.
  • All staff have two lesson observations as part of their performance management cycle.
  • Further training required for 09/13 in line with STPCD 2013.
/ Amber
  • To provide increased opportunities for Teaching and Support staff to gain further and advanced qualifications in SEND.
  • Teaching staff to use these qualifications to support pay progression in line with STPCD 2012, the School Performance Management Policy(Revised 9/12) and revised Pay Policy (9/13).
  • CD completed MA funded through National Scholarship funding (7/14)
  • GS completed Dyslexia Diploma funded by National Scholarship funding (7/14)
CJ completed Post Graduate Certificate in Special Primary Maths Practice. (7/14)
  • NR completed Foundation Degree (6/14)
  • Ongoing
/ Green
School Governing Body to gain Governor Mark Accreditation. /
  • Undertake Governors Skills Audit – COG.
  • Formulate Action Plan to achieve accreditation – COG.
/ Amber
  • School to achieve Learning Outside the Classroom Silver Award accreditation.
  • School to renew Investors In People accreditation.
  • School to achieve the Association for Physical Education & Sport Quality Mark
  • School to renew Green Flag Status.
  • School to achieve South West Grid for Learning ‘360° Safe’
  • School to renew Primary Science Award
  • Submission made 2/14. Decision 4/14.
  • Silver status awarded 3/14.
  • Submission made 3/14. Decision 4/14.
  • Submission Summer Term 2014.
  • E-Safety Audit undertaken Spring Term 2014 and Action Plan in place. (ongoing)
  • Summer Term 2014.
/ Amber
School to consider conversion to Academy Status as part of a Multi Academy Trust /
  • Achieved – conversion with effect 1st September 2013.
  • MAT assumed sponsorship of Revoe County Primary (4/14)
/ Green
Undertake Post Pay Review Audit of support staff roles, responsibilities and job descriptions to ensure best value and maximum use of human resources. /
  • Site Manager & Assistant Site Manager revised Job descriptions in place 09/13.
  • Revised Receptionist/Clerical Admin revised and in place 09/13.
Ongoing – review of IT Technician role to support new infrastructure management. Further training identified, weekly support visits from LA.
  • Headteacher and SBM to undertake review of admin roles and responsibilities, particularly in relation to Financial Administration back-up systems and Risk Management.
/ Amber
To ensure the infrastructure that supportsTeaching, Learning and Administration is fast, effective and robust. (In line with ParkSchoolBlackpool BSF 2012 ICT Improvement Plan) /
  • Infrastructure upgraded March 2013.
  • Storage capacity vastly increased.
  • Audit of IT competencies complete.
Ongoing – review of IT Technician role to support new infrastructure management. Further training identified, weekly support visits from LA. / Green
Implement a planned programme for new client devices that would be purchased from school capital on a phased basis. /
  • Team meetings to identify priorities across the school supported by LA officer.
Programme of school visits to identify best practice (including Mereside Primary). / Green
Provide a rolling programme of whole school training on new devices:
- Interactive Whiteboard
- iPads
- Apple Macs /
  • Whole school interactive whiteboard training provided.
  • Whole staff E-Safety training provided.
  • Regular programme of iPad app training for staff.
  • 2 x weekly drop in ICT sessions provided by Subject Leaders.
  • Pupil Digital Champions in place across the school.
  • Children’s App Club/App of the Week in place.
  • ICT Training board in place in Staff Room.
/ Green
Re-launch of school website, led by Schudio (IT Consultants) /
  • Identified priorities on content from Stakeholders.
  • Schudio bought in to design website.
  • Updated existing content to transfer over.
  • Whole staff training on uploading content onto website.
  • New Website went live July 2013.
  • IT Technician and admin staff undergoing 1:1 training on uploading content onto website (Autumn Term 2013)
  • Park School website Schudio app available (3/14).
  • Whole School training on blogging completed (11/13).
  • Individual Class blogs (9/13) and Governor blogs (1/14) available on website.
/ Green
School to migrate to Google Email as the preferred email provider in order to increase speed and storage. /
  • Whole staff training completed.
  • Successful migration June 2013.
/ Green
Carry out Skills Audit for IT Technician to identify required training to support network management. /
  • Review of IT Technician role to support new infrastructure management. Further training identified, weekly support visits from LA in place (Autumn Term 2013.)
  • Visits reduced to monthly as required (1/14)
/ Amber
Identify what additional external services will be required to support network management. /
  • Weekly training and support provided by LA to school IT Technician.
External training opportunities identified – HND qualification. / Green
To continue to review and extend external accreditation. /
  • Eleven members of staff completed Arts Award Assessors Training.
  • Arts Award Bronze in place in KS3.
  • Arts Award Silver in place for KS4 Band members.
  • 11 Year 9 pupils achieved Arts Award Bronze.
  • Arts Award Discover and Explore in place in KS2.
  • GH/JN attended Arts Award Interchange Event to support recording moderation in Special Schools.
  • All Performing Arts accreditation to commence in Year 9 from 9/14 to ensure an increase % of take up.
/ Green
To continue to develop opportunities for a wide range of Performing Arts experiences linked to the curriculum. /
  • Registered to become an RSC Cluster School (Royal Shakespeare Company).
- Ongoing collaboration with Quondam Film Company.
- Lancashire Dance Academy Street Dance Club (10/13)
- New Samba and Musical Theatre Clubs in place (1/14)
- Weekly Key Stage 2 Band Club in place. / Green
To increase community access to performing arts. /
  • The school has maintained a very high profile in this area of work.
  • Ongoing
/ Amber
To further develop links with other educational settings. /
  • Collaborative work continues with Park, Highfurlong and Woodlands School.
The school has participated in several inclusive events with mainstream and special schools including;
- Ribby Hall Music Festival
- Au Revoir Review
- Blackpool Dance Festival
- Comedy Carpet
- Schools Alive
- Penwortham Music Festival / Green
PREMISES / Comments / Rag Rating
Improve ventilation and lighting to upstairs classrooms in Stable building. /
  • Actioned 6/13.
/ Green
Complete redecoration:
- JubileeBuilding
- StablesBuilding /
  • Actioned 8/13
/ Green
Replace rubber crumb service at rear of JubileeBuilding with ‘state of the art’ product that improves drainage and all weather use. /
  • Actioned 5/13
/ Green
Undertake Suitability Survey on the main School Hall to provide a measure of the extent to which the School Hall is appropriate in providing an environment to support 21st Century Learning and Teaching. /
  • Actioned – survey completed.
Creative Spark Architects site visit to identify possible improvements to the hall and identify funding strands and estimated costings for modification/extension/rebuild.
  • ‘Creative Spark’ to identify funding sources on behalf of school.
/ Amber
Evaluate the level of practicality, accessibility and convenience the Hall currently provides:
- Is the Hall fit for purpose?
- Does the Hall allow the School to deliver a modern and relevant curriculum?
- Does the Hall allow access to the curriculum for all pupils and it’s diverse and changingpopulation. / See Above / Amber
Free up the existing Hall for multi-purpose use as Dining Room, Public Performances, Assemblies etc. / See Above / Amber
Secure funding through DfE Capital Grants and Academy Suitability Funding to build a new purpose built Sports Hall and changing rooms for use solely for Physical Education. /
  • Suitability Funding not currently available for Sports Halls or new builds through DfE.
  • Other sources of funding being explored by Creative Spark/Governing Body.
  • Submission made to Academy’s Capital Mainstream Fund (1/14) for refurbishment of toilets and drains. (Awaiting outcome 4/14)
/ Amber