In marketing, a company should know who their consumer, product, how to sales, and how to advertise. Therefore, they can sell their product successfully / Competition
Students are expected to know the strategic of marketing in selling product.
Fakultas / Program Studi / TatapMuka / Kode MK / DisusunOleh
EkonomidanBisnis / ManajemendanAkuntansi / 07 / 84040 / YAYAH MAKIYAH SS, M.Pd


Advertising is one part of marketing. The marketing department of a business deals with the way a product is sold generally.

  1. ‘The four Ps’ form the basis of the marketing mix. If you want to market a product successfully, you need to get this mix right.
  1. product a) the cost to the buyer of goods or services
  2. priceb) informing customers about products and persuading them to buy


  1. promotion c) where goods or services are available
  2. placed) goods or services that are sold
  1. Think of some products you have bought recently. Why did you buy them? Which of the four Ps influenced your decision to buy?
  1. For each group of words 1 to 5:

a)fill in the missing vowels

b)match the words to definition a) to c)

No / Vocabulary / Missing vowel / Meaning
1 / Market / Research
S _ gm _ nt
Sh _ re / a)the percentage of sales a company has
b)information about what customers want and need
c)a group of customers of similar age, income level and social group
2 / Consumer / B _ h _ v _ _ _ r
Pr _ f _ l _
G _ _ ds / a)description of a typical customer
b)where end how people buy things
c)things people buy for their own use
3 / Product / L _ _ nch
L _ f _ cycl _
R _ ng _ / a)introduction of a product to the market
b)length of time people continue to buy a product
c)set of products made by a company
4 / Sales / F _ r _ c _ st
F _ g _ r _ s
T _ rg _ t / a)how much a company wants to sell in a period
b)how much a company thinks it will sell in a period
c)how much a company has sold in a period
5 / Advertising / C _ mp _ _ gn
B _ dg _ t
_ g _ ncy / a)a business which advises companies on advertising and makes ads
b)an amount of money available for advertising during a particular period
c)a programmed of advertising activities over a period, with particular aims

Text 1

You are going to read an article about a famous brand in the air travel industry. Imagine you work in marketing for another airline company and you are particularly interested in the items listed below (1 – 4 ). Skim the first two paragraphs and tick the boxes if the following aspects of the brand mentioned.

  1. logo
  2. staff uniform
  3. color scheme
  4. slogan


Singapore Airlines is one of the most successful airlines in the world. The main reason for this is its strong brand management. Because the airline has no domestic flight, it had to compete for international routes straight away. This difficult start led to a strong emphasis on branding. In order to stand out from other major airlines, Singapore Airlines invested greatly in research and development. They aimed to offer the best technology and excellent customer service.

One of the most important aspects of the brand was the cabin crew. When the airlines was launched in 1972, it employed the French designer, Pierre Balmain, to design the uniform. He created a special version of the Malaysian sarong. The image of the Singapore Airline flight stewardess in her sarong became one of the best known in their travel industry. It illustrated the brand values of hospitality and customer care. Singapore Airlines ran a very detailed training programme for the cabin crew to make sure that the brand was always fully delivered. Their slogan ‘a great way to fly’ also emphasized the high quality of the brand.

Text 2

  1. Before you read the article, answer these questions.
  1. What companies do you associate with Italy?
  2. What qualities do you associate with Italian product?
  3. Why do people buy Ferraris?
  1. Scan the article and answer these questions.
  1. Which are the biggest markets/ countries for these products?


b)Rolex watches

c)Leather goods

d)Hennessy cognac

  1. What do these numbers in the article refer to?




d)2 – 7

  1. Read the article more carefully and answer these questions.
  1. What was unusual about Ferrari’s marketing until 1993?
  2. What two things does the author recommend that companies should do?
  1. Discuss these questions.
  1. Which qualities do you associate with cars from these manufactures? Add other manufactures and products.



c)Rolls Royce



  1. Which companies and products in your country are you must proud of?
  2. ‘Customers are now spending more money on products they desire rather than on products they simply need.’

What do you think is the difference between a need and a desire? Give some example.


From of yes/no question and information questions

A yes/ no question = a question that may be answered by yes or no
Yes / no question : does he live in Chicago?
Answer : yes, he does. or no, he doesn’t
An information question = a question that asks for information by using a question word
Information question :where does he live?
Answer : in Chicago
  1. she lives here
  2. they live there
  3. he lived there
/ Where does she live?
Where do they live?
Where did he live? / If the verb is in the simple present, use does or do in the question. If the verb is simple past, use did.
Notice : the main verb in the question is in its simple form; there is no final –s or –ed.
  1. he is living there
  2. they have lived there
  3. Mary can live there
  4. he will be living there
/ Where is he living?
Where have they lived?
Where can Mary live?
Where will he be living? / If the verb has an auxiliary, the same auxiliary is used in the question. There is no change in the form of the main verb.
If the verb has more than one auxiliary, only the first auxiliary precedes the subject.
  1. John lives there
  2. Mary can come
/ Who lives there?
Who can come? / If the question word is the subject, do not change the verb. Do not use does, do, or did.
  1. they are there
  2. Jim was there
/ Where are they?
Where was Jim? / BE in the simple present (is, am, are) and simple past (was, were) precedes the subject when be is the main verb.

In questions that can be answered with either YES or NO, we put an auxiliary verb before the subject.

Are you coming?yes, I am / no, I’m not

Can you drive a truck?yes, I can / no, I can’t

Do you know his name?yes, I do / no, I don’t

Did you arrive on time? yes, I did / no, I didn’t

Have you heard the news?yes, I have / no, I haven’t

Will you have time?yes, I will / no, I won’t


  1. We use question words such as what, who, where, when, why and how to ask for more information. The question word comes before the auxiliary verb.

No / To ask about / We use
1 / A thing / What is the brand name?
Which door is it?
2 / Person / Who is the Chief Executive?
3 / Place / Where do you come from?
4 / A reason / Why are you putting up your prices?
5 / A moment in time / What time did the meeting start?
When did the goods arrive?
6 / A period of time / How long did you stay in Beijing?
7 / The number of times / How many times have you been to China?
8 / Quantity (with plural nouns) / How many cases did you order?
9 / Quantity (with uncountable nouns) / How much money do you have on you?
10 / The way you do something / How do you manage to read so quickly?
  1. We us what if there are many possible answers and which if there are fewer possible answers.
  • What is their policy?
  • Which of these cases is yours?
  1. If who or what is the subject of the sentences, the word order is the same as in a statement.
  • Who looks after the travel arrangements?
  • What happens when things go wrong?
  1. If who, what, which asks about the object, the verb comes before the subject.
  • Who shall I get in touch with?
  • What number did you ring?
  • Which restaurant have you chosen?
  1. The question word how can be followed by an adjective or adverb.
  • How big is the warehouse?
  • How good is your Spanish?
  • How far is the hotel from here?
  • How often do you travel abroad?

Checking information

Sorry, did you say….?

Sorry, I did not catch that.

Could you repeat that, please?

Let me read that back to you.

Asking for information

Could you give me a few details?

What about the new range?

Did she say hen she would like to meet?

Finishing a conversation

Ok, that’s it

Thanks very much. That was very helpful

I must go now

I think that’s everything


Catton David, FalveyDavid , and Kent Simon, MARKET LEADER, Course Book, Pre-Intermediate Business English, 2002, Edinburg Gate, Harlow, Essex, CM 2JE, England.

Trappe Tonva. 2005. Intelligent Business. England: Pearson Education Limited

Azar. S. Betty. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar 2nd Edition. New Jersey: Prentice – Hall, Inc

Philips Deborah.2001.Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: New York: Addison Wesley Longman

Wishon, E.G & Burks. M. Julia. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Edition. New York: Litton Educational Publishing

Oshima, A & Hogue A. 1997. Writing Academic English Second Edition: New York: Addison Wesley Longman

Karnedi. 2001. Grammar Translation Exercises: PusatPenerbitanUniversitas Terbuka

Whitby Norman.Business Benchmark: Cambridge

2017 / 1 / BahasaInggrisBisnis1 / PusatBahan Ajar dan eLearning