St.Helens Council

Environmental Health

3rd Floor Wesley House

Corporation Street



WA10 1HE

Contact: Tony Williams

Tel: 01744 675821

Fax: 01744 456365


Our ref: 019286

27 May 2010

Dear Mr Yurdakurban,

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004

Food Labelling Regulations

Regulation (EC) 178/2002

Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006

Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006

I refer to my visit to the above premises on 25th May 2010. The attached schedules detail works which require your attention.

Schedule A details the work needed to comply with the law. This work or work considered equally effective must be completed.

Schedule B lists those matters that, though not legally required, are considered to be good working practice. You should view these recommendations as important guidance for developing safe, hygienic practices.

Schedule A

To be completed immediately

  1. Holland’s meat pies were found on your premises, which were past their use-by date. If as discussed, these pies had previously been frozen, you must have a system to record on the pies, when they were defrosted and their secondary shelf life. The use-by date is the date until which the manufacturer of the food guarantees it is safe to eat. Food sold beyond its use-by date may be of poor quality or unfit. It is an offence to sell or expose for sale food with an expired use by date. You must check your stock daily and dispose of any out of date food.

Food Labelling Regulations. Reg.44

  1. Mayonnaise was found on your premises, stored at room temperature and the surface of the product dotted with mould. It is an offence to sell food which is unfit for human consumption. All food on your premises is deemed to be for sale unless it is clearly marked as being unfit and separated from other foods.

Article 14(1) of (EC) 178/2002 creating an offence under reg.4 of the General Food Regulations 2004

  1. During the inspection it was noted that mayonnaise and other sauces were being stored at room temperature by the display fridge. These foods are high risk and will support the growth of food poisoning bacteria and must be kept below 8°C
Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Schedule 4 para 2
  1. Chilli sauce was being hot held at 53°C. Food, which is being cooked or reheated and is intended to be sold hot, such as chilli sauce and kebab meat must be held at or above 63°C.

Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 Schedule 4 para 6

  1. The base of the bain marie in the service area was not clean. This must be thoroughly cleaned and maintained in a clean condition.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter V Para 1(a)

  1. The tiled wall covering next to the oven was dirty. Thoroughly clean the wall covering and maintain in a clean condition.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter I Para 1

  1. Remove the cardboard from the top of the pizza oven. It cannot be kept clean and harbours dirt and bacteria.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter II Para 1 (a)

  1. There was evidence of smoking in the kitchen, a cigarette butt was found under the sink area and recent smoke burns on the potato whitener bottle in the potato preparation area. Premises that are places of work for more than one person are required to be smoke free at all times. It is also your responsibility as manager of the premise to prevent anyone from smoking in it and by failing to comply with the law you are committing a criminal offence that carries a maximum fine of £2500. Further spot checks will be made in the future to ensure compliance.
Smoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006

To be completed by 13th July 2010

  1. I note from our records that you have been previously advised of the need to implement a Food Safety Management System. However, during the inspection, little evidence was available that critical points had been identified, or control and monitoring procedures introduced. I suggest that you follow the guidance issued by the Food Standards Agency Safer Food Better Business, which will guide you through how to comply and provide the necessary documentation. I left an updated Safer Food Better Business pack for you to complete with a DVD explaining how to use the pack. Should you have any problems completing the pack please contact me to arrange a coaching session.

Regulation (EC) 852/2004 Article 5 paras 1 & 4

  1. The wall covering in the potato preparation area was partly clad in stainless steel and the rest was rough wall covering and brickwork. Renew or repair the wall covering and leave in a sound easy to clean condition.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter II Para. 1(b)

  1. The rear door from the potato preparation area was ill fitting allowing pests access to the premises. The door or frame must be adapted to prevent access.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter II Para. 2(c)

  1. The toilet extract did not have adequate ventilation as the air discharges into the potato preparation area. To provide the necessary natural/mechanical ventilation you must ensure this extract discharges to an external area

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter I Para.6

  1. There is an open pipe from the drop shaft behind the potato rumbler. Seal or cap off this pipe to prevent any discharge.

Regulation (EC) 852/2004 Annex II Chapter I para.8

  1. The material used as a drainer on top of the chest freezer is unsuitable and was not easy to keep clean or disinfect. The surface should be covered or renewed with smooth, washable and non-toxic materials. Unsealed wood is not suitable.

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter II Para. 1(f)

Schedule B

  1. Four Yazoo banana milk shakes (BBE 17/05/10) and 5 Khubz naan breads (BBE 14/4/10) were found which were past their best before date. The best before date is the date until which the manufacturer of the food guarantees the quality of that product. I recommend you do not sell food that is beyond the best before date and you check your goods regularly to ensure efficient stock rotation.
  1. There was no stock control system in operation at the premises. I recommend you introduce a system of date coding to ensure stock is rotated and used on a first in/first out basis.
  1. The chest freezers in the kitchen were grubby and badly iced up. I recommend you defrost and clean them and remove the ice completely before reuse.

If you consider any of the work required in this letter unreasonable or would like to discuss any issues, please contact me on the above number, or my Manager, Helen Williams on 01744 676376

Should you wish to discuss this letter or need any further information or advice, please contact me on the above telephone number.

Tony Williams

Environmental Health Officer

St.Helens: working to be clean, green, healthy and safe