SAMTAC - Comité Técnico Asesor Sud América
Asociación Mundial del Agua
Work Plan GWP - South America 2003
Technical Advisory Committee (SAMTAC)
A. Main achievements by objective and output
B. Reasons for not achieving goals
C. How can constraints experienced be removed or overcome?
D. What are the opportunities that can be built on?
A. Introduction
B. Work program outline and C. Activities
D. Performance Indicators
E. Organization, Roles and Responsibilities
F. Program implementation plan - Timeline for 2003
During 2002, the focus has been on the mobilization of political will and public awareness around the region’s relevant aspects of effective water governance. Above all SAMTAC has worked strongly during 2002 to: implement the WWF3 Governance dialogues in most of the regions countries, finalize and support the design of the AP’s project and program proposals, identifying specific case studies, creating linkages with existing initiatives and institutions for program implementation, and strengthening of communication services to establish an effective network through out the region.
A. Main achievements by objective and output
GWP Objective 1 Establishing partnerships and mobilising political will
SAM-Output 1.1 On the ground partnership established
Specific support has been provided to Peru, through the Advisory Committee, to implement and formalize the Peru-WP, today developing a specific work plan within the country to promote IWRM. In Uruguay a group of organizations have agreed to support the process of consultation for the establishment of CWP. Similar process is taken place in Paraguay. An assessment of further steps needs to be endorsed in coming regional SAMTAC meetings. Chile, Colombia and Ecuador have also been identified as potential candidates for water partnerships at country level.
In other countries of the region, like Argentina and Brazil, there are structures that sustain the current debates around water issues. The strategy of SAMTAC in these countries has been to cooperate with the existing structures and not create or compete with them.
In Peru there have been serious efforts to start up a Country Water Partnership since 2001. The work in Peru has been implemented through a Consultative Committee consisting of two universities, CEPIS (World Health Organization), the Water Sanitation Program of the World Bank as well as two national NGO´s working with users. This Committee has developed several workshops in 2000 and 2001. In 2002, the Committee organized roundtables on Effective Water Governance around the country. The dialogue was used to test the idea of a CWP with the Peruvian water society and all were invited to join this effort. Crucial organizations such as the Institute of Natural Resources - INRENA- and of Environmental Protection - CONAM- manifested their interest to strengthen collaboration. The Committee has also worked out an action plan, counts with a web page ( and is in the process of developing a proposal for the establishment of the CWP. Other activities performed by the Committee were: supporting the development of an IWRM Virtual Library together with WHO-CEPIS and the publication of these documents on CD.
SAM-Output 1.2 Awareness raised and attitudes to water management changed
SAMTAC has in coordination with CATAC been able to translate, publish and distribute in Spanish all of the material produced by GWP, namely, the general brochure, the governance brochure, the toolbox brochure, governance Hall/Píriz document. As well has produced 1 regional newsletter “Confluencias” which has been distributed to a wide range of 800 stakeholders. SAMTAC has incorporated in the ECLAC database system 800 addresses for distribution of material. To highlight GWP issues in the ECLAC newsletter also widely distributed in the region, an agreement has been reached with ECLAC in order to have a permanent space in such newsletter.
Together with CATAC has coordinated information for the IPS press release agreement signed between CATAC and the Inter Press Service (IPS) - Tierramérica. IPS has succeeded in producing a monthly report, with two printed supplements, one in August and another that will be printed in February. The web site of Tierramérica has reported 160.000 visits for year. Through the IPS, 18 newspapers were covered, as well as more than 300 communities and commercial radio stations in Latin America.
A video set is under preparation for awareness raising. The set introduces 4 basics of why IWRM is an opportunity for the region, therefore these videos should be seen at any seminar, event or meeting.
The secretariat increased staff (an additional 50% man) has been able to dedicate considerable bigger efforts in interchanging communications, as well is working together with ECLAC support to update constantly the website, including contents to national sites and links to other specific country sites or regional ones.
GWP Objective 2 Building Strategic Alliances for Action
SAM-Output 2.1 Established Alliances Supported
SAMTAC has cooperated with different organizations at different levels of action and many of these have contributed to the implementation of the program. In this way SAMTAC has played a role of facilitator of coordination and integration of initiatives being implemented in the countries and the region towards IWRM. Besides the alliances supported via de Associate Programs (AP) alliances with ECLAC and IDB are to be highlighted.
AP-CAPNET Contributions to capacity building: Training program is being designed for two levels of decision makers, further to which SAMTAC should fundraise to achieve implementation during 2003. SAMTAC members developed a small research for LA Wet net, involving the identification of institutions providing training and promoting IWRM. The results from the LA WET net survey are available at the website. This activity has already had spin-off effect, specifically in Argentina, where a training network involving 10 universities, 4 NGO’s and the INA (National Water Institute) as been established. Together they are promoting a masters degree course for Argentina.
AP-River Basing Organisations (RBO) Launched meeting of the AP basin organization: Axel Douroujeanni from ECLAC coordinated with SAMTAC and INBO RELOC the working workshop with regional basin organizations developed in Santiago with 10 organizations[1]. This workshop had the aim to prepare a bottom up proposal for integration of regional basin organizations in the INBO RELOC work program for the next years. As a result some of the demands established by the gathered organizations were brought to the general assembly of INBO RELOC in Paris, and some of them were integrated in their project proposal.
SAMTAC together with the gathered organizations established an outline for a regional proposal, which was only integrated very partially in the final INBO RELOC proposal approved globally. Some of the demands and requests of the regional organizations were: the need to set and establish a logistic center for basin organizations within existing centers or universities in the region. The Ecuadorian basin organization Rio Paute program is in many ways a result of the workshop.
Axel Douroujeanni represented SAMTAC's in the annual international INBO RELOC conference in Quebec.
AP- Flood Management (APFM): Implementation phase: The Steering Committee of this AP and the WMO Word Meteorological Organization have been supportive. The project proposal prepared by SAMTAC was partially funded by FRICS (Japan) with US $ 100,000. This project which is efficiently coordinated by Mr. Carlos Tucci, resource person of SAMTAC, from the University of Porto Alegre, is in an advanced implementation phase and working independent from SAMTAC. The reporting from the implementation phase has been transferred to Output 4.2.
AP- Ground Water (GWMATE): Groundwater management in the arid zones of South America: Following upon the Groundwater Workshop held in Mendoza in August 2001 a second more specific regional workshop took place in Argentina and gathering Argentina, Chile and Peru. From this later meeting a ground water proposal involving Andean arid zones of, Peru and Bolivia on the one hand, and Chile and Argentina on the other, has evolved. A project proposal has been written and has already been presented to IDRC for fundraising. The Groundwater proposal has been coordinated by SAMTAC resource person, Armando Bertranou in closed cooperation with GW-Mate. The project’s ultimate goal is to enhance the performance of groundwater management agencies in the arid zones of South America.
AP: Local Governments Support to ICLEI water campaign: ICLEI has not been active in the region during the year and no further important activities were achieved in the region. SAMTAC supported the participation of ICLEI in a regimes workshop held in Santiago and the use and dissemination of ICLEI's water governance questionnaire in the region, particularly in Paraguay.
SAM-Output 2.2 Alliances with key international and regional organizations formed:
Many organizations of regional and national type have collaborated with and participated in the implementation of the regional working plan defined by SAMTAC for 2002. At the regional level alliances with ECLAC and IDB are particularly highlighted.
· The cooperation with ECLAC’s Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division has been strengthened considerably. This Division has interacted with the GWP SAMTAC national dialogues in Peru, Uruguay and in Ecuador establishing links between NGO’s and public national counterparts. Interchange of information and experiences towards promotion of IWRM has reached a good momentum between SAMTAC and ECLAC. Through Miguel Solanes, GWP TEC member and ECLAC regional advisor, support has been provided to countries as in Venezuela and Costa Rica to review water legislation proposals aside from support to the national level dialogues in Paraguay, Peru and Chile.
· The cooperation with the Interamerican Development Bank has also been consolidated. SAMTAC had a key role in the planning of the water day organized within the frame of the IDB. Annual Meeting of Governors held in Fortaleza, Brazil, in March 2002, and the definition of the Agenda for discussing strategic financing issues for water resources management in Latin America and the Caribbean. Through this meeting SAMTAC’s had a relevant influence in raising awareness on key water issues in the region.
SAMTAC has also taken active part in coordination group for the Day of the Americas – WWF3 where many other organizations participate (e.g. CATAC, IADB, IUCN, RELOC, SICA).
Through the various dialogues alliances have also been established with regional and international organizations at the national level. Examples are alliances with UNDP, IADB, FIDA (International Fund for Agricultural Development) and CARE.
GWP Objective 3 Promoting good practices in IWRM
SAM-Output 3.1 Knowledge of IWRM, good practices generated and disseminated
SAMTAC 2002 goals regarding the contribution to the GWP-ToolBox for IWRM have been partially achieved. 4 cases are completed, 4 are under development. Furthermore 8 additional cases have been identified for the Day of the Americas WWF3. For further information the reader is referred to the GWP-second semi annual report 2002.
SAM-Output 3.2 Key practitioners to operationally IWRM concepts identified and supported
A Chile - Morocco experience exchange in water markets & agriculture was organized with additional funds from the central level. The first phase of the experience was successful and consisted on Moroccan specialists visiting Chile and learning from the Chilean experience with focus on how the processes of production and marketing (mainly oriented to external markets) in a very competitive environment lead to a high valuation of water management as a basic resource. This first phase has been reported in the GWP-Newsflow Vol 2 2002. The second phase aiming at learning from the Maroccan reality is pending on funding.
SAM-Output 3.3 Support to Dialogue on Key IWRM issues advanced
3.3.1 Dialogue on Effective Water Governance
Dialogues on effective water governance have taken place in association with national key stakeholders in Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Uruguay and Paraguay. The Dialogues were developed in cooperation many organizations and with the support of UNDP offices. The dialogues have involved a large number of people and will have an outstanding role defining the future work of GWP in the region. In most cases a natural potential platform for the establishment of future partnerships have evolved from these dialogues.
For further information the reader is referred to the national reports that can be found in SAMTAC’s webpage at or and the regional report on Effective Water Governance that will be presented inWWF3-Japan.
As a step towards 3rd WWF, a regional meeting “Foro del Agua para las Américas en el Siglo XXI”, Mexico, October 2002 was organized by Mexico with the collaboration of GWP and other actors.
SAMTAC & CATAC had the responsibility to organize and define the content and form of the governance component in this regional forum. SAMTAC presented a position paper prepared by H. Peña and M. Solanes. The paper included inputs from governance dialogues already implemented in the region (Peru-Uruguay-Chile)[2]. The main contents of the “governance day” in Mexico were structured under the following 4 topics: a) Economic and Social context of water governance, b) IWRM, c) legal and institutional framework of governance, d) Institutional models to strengthen governance: conflict resolution / community participation.
Comparative analysis of governance regimes
As a part of the Dialogue on Effective Water Governance a first phase of a regimes study is being implemented in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. A workshop took place in Santiago in august to introduce and adjust the methodology provided by the specialists Judith Rees and Henry Rothstein from the London School University. Besides professionals from Brazil, Argentina and Chile the workshop also included the presence of professionals from Costa Rica and Mexico. The goal is to deliver a preliminary report in March 2003. Based on this work a comparative analysis will be made and fundraising for a second phase started.
3.3.2 Dialogue on Water Food and Environment
To collaborate with this dialogue in the region SAMTAC approached various regional key players (FAO, IUCN, UNDP) with little success regional wise. Nevertheless, SAMTAC was able to implement the Water Food dialogue in 3 countries, namely Chile, Uruguay, and Peru. Crucial partners in these national dialogues were FAO in Chile, FIDA in Uruguay, and UNALM and IPROGA in Peru.
GWP Objective 4 Developing and facilitating regional actions
SAM-Output 4.1 Regional FFAs completed and tangible actions prioritized