September 29- October3, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Common Core State Standards:
CCSS RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Essential Question: What do good readers do to cite key evidence to write responsivley?
Target Question: What do good readers do to make sure the evidence they find answers the question?
I Can analyze the evidence and determine if the evidence answers the question.
Anticipatory Set:
Students will discuss the Essential Question and the Target Question.
Bellwork: (3 minutes)
Students will write the EQ and TQ in their Monday section of the graphic organizer.
Students will read from “Secrets of the Lost City of Z”
Closure: The students will revisit the essential question during the last few minutes of class recording answers in organizer. (5minutes)
Assessment: Part 5 Common Core Practice page 32
Resources: RCC workbook / Promethean Board
HOMEWORK: Complete any unfinished classwork/ 30 minutes on i-ready
Ms. Sibley’sLesson Plans
Thursday October 2, 2014 and Friday, October 3, 2014
Common Core State Standards:
CCSS RI.6.3 Analyze in detail how a key individual, event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes)
Essential Question/ Target Question/ Objective
Essential Question: What do good readers do tocite evidence to support inferences about a text?
Target Question: What do good readers do to recognize certain key ideas?
I Can recognize key ideas in a text.
Bell Work: The students willwrite the essential questions on weekly bell work organizer. 5 minutes
Anticipatory Set:
The students will discuss the essential question using accountable talk stems. 3-5 minutes
Bellwork discussion of EQ and TQ (5 mins)
Modeled Instruction: “Athena, Arachne, and the Weaving Contest”
Students will complete the chart on page 46
Whole Group Instruction: Guided Instruction (10 minutes)
Introducing the Topic:
The teacher will continue reading on page 47 answering the questions and Show Your Thinking on page 47.
Students will work with an elbow partner to complete Show Your Thinking section
Guided Practice:
Students will read “The Wisdom of the Willow Tree”
Using Study Buddy, Close Reading, and Hints, students will complete Part 4 on pages 30 – 31 of the RCC workbook.
Common Core Practice
Sutdents will read “A Sewing Sensation”
Students will complete questions and open ended response on pages 51-52.
Closure: The students will revisit the essential question during the last few minutes of class recording answers in organizer. (5minutes)
- Assessment: Pg 52 RCC workbook
- HOMEWORK: Complete any unfinished classwork/ 30 minutes on i-Ready
Ms. Sibley’s Lesson Plans
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Common Core State Standards:
CCSS 6 RI. 1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
CCSS 6.RI.2 Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgment
CCSS 6.RI.1 Cite textual evid / Student Centered Objective: The students will use take the interim assessment.
Essential Question: How do good students test taking strategies to perform better on assessments?
Target Question: How can I use my time wisely today as I take the interim assessment?
Anticipatory Set
Teacher will remind the students of good test taking strategies.
Students will take the interim assessment.
Interim Assessment
Tuesday, September 30,, 2014
CCSS - Various
Essential Question: What do good students do to use technology to enhance the learning experience?
Target Question: How do I use i-Ready to progress as a student.
Students will work on i-Ready laptop computers
Assessment: i-Ready reports